Komplete Kontrol VST2 missing after 3.0.0 update



  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member

    Thank you, you're right but the steps for 10 leave me with the dropped connection issue (as soon as I click away from the track in Ableton the keyboard disconnects and just shows the MIDI display, clicking back on the track or using the Instances button doesn't fix it). So I guess I just tried the steps from 9 out of desperation and that's how it's been working since I got my MK2.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,340 mod
    edited November 2023

    Ok so this is with the VST3 of KK 3

    First I am playing and recording a few clips in track one using transport, then track two using transport, then I go to the master and yes I go into MIDI mode but that would be expected because I'm no longer using the KK plugins. However, for me, as soon as I click on the 2 tracks with the KK plugin loaded they play and record again and transport is working, so the connection is not being dropped for me. I forgot to show this in the video but even when I have master selected and am in MIDI mode, I still have transport working. So I think something must have been fixed in relation to this.

  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited November 2023

    The transport still works when I click away actually, but nothing changes the keyboard from the MIDI screen back to the corresponding track. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and rollback if it makes things worse. I was fine using the .adg but all this talk about VST2 going away is the only reason I'm kind of panicking about a fix.

    I just checked and even though the transport still is connected, the "Browser" and "Plugin" buttons immediately dim when I click away.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,340 mod
    edited November 2023

    Yeah they dim while it goes into MIDI mode, which I would expect to happen, but for me I get the plugin/browser back when I click back onto one of the tracks with KK loaded, so it isn't dropping the connection.

  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member

    Yeah, that's exactly how it works with the .adg as well. It works exactly correctly with the .adg that's why I'm surprised those are actually the steps for Ableton 9. Thank you for all your help btw.

  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member

    Ok, I downloaded Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3 and the VST3 behaves the exact same way as it did in 2.9.6 -reverts to the MIDI screen once clicking away (like normal) but then never reconnects once clicking back on the track, or trying the Instances button (none of the actual instances appear when you select it).

    So the question remains - will NI be making a new .adg OR will the VST 3.0 ever work properly? I have the latest version of Ableton 10 for the record (10.1.43) and Windows 10. The .adg works flawlessly so if they can please make a new one that seems like the easiest solution.

  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member

    I have Ableton 10.1.43 and the VST3 does not work for me (2.9.6 or 3.0.3). Maybe it's a Windows issue if it does work for some?

    I've seen a handful of posts now with the same issue so there's some pool of 10 users it does not work for for some reason.

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor

    Just a shot in the dark here. Can you try plug the KK keyboard into a different port. Preferably a USB 2 port and not USB 3.0 port.

    See if that helps, it could just be a communication issue, where its not registering you clicking back on the instance of KK.

    USB 3 ports can be finicky, when it comes to Audio and Midi.

  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member

    Thanks for the tip, just tried swapping ports (only have 3.1 but figured it was worth a shot).

    No luck, and the keyboard does work perfectly with the .adg so I think the USB is probably not the culprit.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,340 mod

    OK that's odd, yes I am on Mac, maybe that is it. KK seems to have other problems in Windows too in Live

  • Alfonx
    Alfonx Member Posts: 12 Member

    So then we use VST3 and in 10 Years you say: You should have been use VST4 ?!!???

    Its not easy to "just change" the vst from vst2 to vst3 in a music project (talking about Ableton live Suite 11).

    In KK2 you load external plugins. So if you "replace" KK2 by the KK VST3 you have to REMOVE the VST2 plugin from your project and load VST3 KK but you have automations in the DAW - they are all gone if you remove the vst2 plugin and use the vst3 plugin.

    It can't be that nobody at NI is aware of these problems?! Is this a all bad joke?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod
    edited December 2023

    Very few developers are still using VST2. Most of them offer only VST3 since some time. Others, they keep VST2 just for compatibility reasons.

    Steinberg had plans to completely remove support from VST2 this January, but it gave it 1 year more. Either way, it is a dying format (plus it is much less advanced than VST3).

    VST 3.0 came out in 2008, so it is not something "new" that suddenly landed out of nowhere.

    In September 2013, Steinberg discontinued maintenance of the VST 2 SDK and in December, they completely stopped distributing the SDK.

    VST 3.6.7 came out in March, 2017. At that time, Steinberg announced the end of life for VST2. Personally i am really surprised that still exists.

    So, it is not about Native Instruments, but about the entire audio production industry.

    I think you are a bit outdated. This is reality and evolution, not some "bad joke".

    Plus that, most developers are migrating their products to automatically replace VST2 versions with VST3. So, this practically means that in most cases when you open an older project with a VST2 version, you will see a message which will informs you that "your vst2 plugin has been replaced by its vst3 version". NO changes or losses will happen to your projects. However, unfortunately we are still in the migration period, not everything is fully compatible yet, mistakes can happen. It is a changing period and it only need a bit of patience. Ableton will follow sooner or later, can not do otherwise if wants to survive as a DAW.

  • Alfonx
    Alfonx Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2023

    Thank you for your detailed feedback, @Sunborn !

    I think I was more shocked that KK VST2 was removed just like that. This could have been included as a clear warning message when installing KK 3, as it is intentionally deleted in this step.  I would be happy if the automatic migration to VST3 would work as described by you (but I'm afraid that will take much longer time with Ableton - if at all). But until then I have to take care of the most important projects/tracks/settings and export/save them....

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod


    You can do this little "trick":

    Uninstall the new version and go back to version 2.9.6 which still has the VST2.

    • Open your project, and duplicate the tracks made with a VST2 version.
    • In the duplicated track, delete the VST2 plugin, and load the VST3 version.
    • Load the correct instrument (the same you used in the VST2 version).
    • Copy all other settings (Mixer setting, FX etc.), from the original track, the one made with the VST2 version (in Cubase, is just a simple click) and paste them to the new one, the one with the VST3 version.
    • Delete the original (VST2) track.
    • Save project.
    • Do the same for all your projects who have VST2 versions.

    Finally, install the new KK version (3.0.3) and you are good for ever (eh, for some years at least). No non-working projects, no more VST2, no more troubles! 😊

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