Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,090 Expert

    When using as a plugin in Cubase, there's a four second gap after selecting a brand, before the available instruments can be scrolled.

    Yep, yet another thing I raised in the beta at how slow the browser worked when selecting tags or vendors. I have 5 second delay most of the time. I did not even dare test in a DAW, all my tests were just standalone and I could only imagine the performance hit within a DAW.

    Guess performance was another of those things not deemed important for the initial release...

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,712 mod

    Sub banks should be selectable - they are for me here at least. I'll see if we can repro that.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,712 mod

    I and my team are the powers that be.

    Hopefully, I've addressed the reasons why in my initial post here, as well as the paths forward.

    Certainly there's no long term desire to make things more closed. Such a mindset would do us no favors (unhappy users en masse, bad for business).

    I'm thinking it might be worth me authoring and publishing a more detailed Dev Talks blog on this topic. I'd be able to go a little deeper than responding ad hoc here and there.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,090 Expert

    I bought it up in the beta a while back and it may have been addressed but also, it shows the names heavily truncated because of the tiny size of that area.

    I have not dared to reinstall the V3 again to test but I had a user tell me in mail today it was one of many issues they are now finding.

    The KK team is gonna be busy for a while I would think...

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    I double checked this - it works for Factory, and even some user - but for some presets that work in Maschine with Sub Banks that are user created - because we all had to find a way to do it - it doesn't work.

    Totally get why that's not supported - but I'm surprised there's a difference in them being displayed in Maschine / Kontakt / KK. It works in the first two apps.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,712 mod

    We're always busy. I've some confidence we're busy working on the right set of things at least, as the feedback thus far is expected and has a place in our forthcoming roadmap.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,712 mod

    We fixed a significant memory leak during the beta period that was responsible for the bulk of the slowness as reported.

    I'd like to dig into what you're seeing now offline, because we're definitely not a 5 second delay selecting tags. I'm seeing it instant, in standalone, and in all supported DAWs.

    Could you send over a video (you have my email)? Thanks!

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,712 mod

    There shouldn't be a difference. If there is, that's something I can look at with the team.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,712 mod

    So I'm now seeing two reports of this - for which we're seeing the complete opposite on our end.

    What's your system configuration?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,712 mod

    Look - we can agree to disagree, but we have to be reasonable and fair.

    Nothing was rushed. We've been working on this for over a year, and in beta for months (the latter of which you know). Rather, not everything everybody wants was yet brought forth during the tech transition (which, as someone with access to beta, you also know). That is quite different to rushing anything. Change is hard, even if it isn't for everyone, all at once, it is for many. I'd also suggest it's a little disingenuous to suggest to anyone they hold off on purchasing a MK3 when you yourself have yet to use or experience one.

    I can assure you that the most productive way to influence change is to continue participating in the conversations here, and within the beta program, where both I and my team are present, and where we've continued to iterate. As a member of beta, those conversations are expected to remain confidential, as we share a lot more sooner than we can and do publicly, so please try and refrain from recounting. If what you're suggesting is a campaign against us, that's not particularly productive. Those who speak loudest are not always heard, and do not always represent the views of the majority to the extent that they might think they do.

    I've already laid out in other threads, including this comment some of the why behind our approach, and subsequent paths forward. This is how, and where the productive conversations will be had.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,712 mod

    Who is we?

    As I've said elsewhere - one tries to strike a balance between a number of user types and use cases. You may want more presets and more information. Power users often do. And I've laid out the response to that particular issue.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,712 mod
    edited October 2023

    You're touching on perhaps the most important point: "why so many changes no one asked for?"

    Those present in this forum, myself included, tend to represent a particular type of power user, who explore any given product in far greater depth than most, and understandably be the most vocal about it. We're tens to hundreds of people who use it daily, but not every desire of ours is shared by the many hundreds of thousands (or more) of others, and vice versa.

    A more honest question might be "why so many changes I or those-like-me didn't ask for?". I will continue to patiently explain why, and lay out the path forward, as I have in response to several of the questions raised in my earlier posts.

    I'd also like to respond more bluntly and transparently to your question on "why was that undiscovered in multiple applications until I raised it as an issue in the Beta". It's simply unacceptable to criticize the presence of bugs in beta, given one of the main reasons of a beta program is to provide test coverage for in-progress developments across an exponentially larger number of system configurations. If an issue has slipped through certain test variables, and is found in beta, that's a success in a private forum, not a failure to be flamed in a public forum.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,712 mod

    The transition to the new browser is already better for most, but I concede and agree, not all, at least not yet.

    I won't bore you with details of more planned browser progress, but this is a very good point you've raised in the present. This came up in beta, as well.

    Very, very, very few people use Komplete Kontrol for librarian-esque control over their non-plug-in content (e.g. audio samples, to drag and drop from the browser into a granular synth plug-in). Frankly, it's disappointing, as we invested quite a bit of effort in this area over the years. Most users actually select and tweak the presets already present within the product and move on.

    So when bringing the new browser in, the ability to drag and drop from the new browser to hosted plug-in wasn't a high enough priority on the long list o' initial things. It's on the list (there are many ways it could work), but I understand entirely why you'd be frustrated until you see a resolution.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,712 mod

    Does not land as difficult, at all. It's much appreciated feedback. Hopefully you'll see this addressed in one of our upcoming updates.

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