[Survey] Tell us what you think about MASCHINE



  • identify_yourself
    identify_yourself Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2023

    Hey! Here's my wishlist:

    1 - pattern change can be synced (same as scene change)

    2 - pattern change can be achieved via midi ( any midi controller)

    3 - performance can be captured into arrangement view via mutes/solos included ( use ableton as a reference )

    4 - automation can be recorded into arrangement (also when capturing a jam) //doesnt overwrite automation inside of a pattern (modulation)

    5 - add a toggle to automatically route sounds and groups to host


    first added instrument: midiIn-host-ch1 / midiOut-host-ch1

    second added instrument: midiIn-host-ch2/midiOut-host-ch2 etc

    This may require setting this up in preferences first, but some sort of routing preset is for sure needed. This will make maschine vst <> daw integration much smoother, as setting this up each time was a complete nightmare and a dealbreaker to me ( I was recording maschine midi notes/CCs into a daw in order to record a performance, it worked, but was too much of a pain to set up/configure)

    6 - add internal midi routing

    7 - add retrospective recording

    8 - Conditional triggers / per step probability for sequencer ( use electron step sequncer as a reference)

  • bortraws
    bortraws Member Posts: 6 Member

    They did charge for larger software updates. Version 2 was a paid update if you had version 1. So if NI would release many of our requested features in a 3.0 release they will undoubtedly charge for it. And I wouldn't mind either. I expect to pay for new software features. As long as NI implement the ones we ask for.

  • Nenenyc212
    Nenenyc212 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Maschine Wishlist (and related)

    (Some of my thoughts overall)

    Allow user the option to setup the default polyphony to 1 and pad choke to 1 as a default for samples which would greatly appease and facilitate the workflow for the sample chopping community 

    After a sample is stretched, when a user attempts to slice (the stretched sample which now fits the tempo of the BPM you’re working in) the sample changes back to the original untouched sample, essentially throwing off the sample chopping workflow.  Please, please, please do something which will allow us to continue to work with and slice the stretched sample!

    Allow ARP to be triggered by a midi file which I might want to drag in.

    Allow ARP gate and velocity settings to affect the ARP during normal playback and not just while holding the pads/recording. 

    While Audio is great, I sometimes feel it’s restrictive.  Allow users to do basic manipulation to an Audio  sample instead of forcing us to change the sample back to sampler to edit.   For example perhaps I might find that I only want to use a portion of the audio sample which is at the end of sample.  We should be allowed to change the start point of the audio sample.  As it is now, every time I hit a pad the sample has to start from the very beginning or I have to put it in gate and wait for the part in the sample which goes against the intention of what I would like to do.  I know the perfect loop would be off, but that’s ok.  In beat making you might discover you only want to bring in a portion of the whole sample (to be used like a stab) anyway rather than the loop. 

    Make it easier to loop a sample (in terms of phrase looping) to ensure it’s in perfect sync while telling us the bpm of the loop.  This can be achieved by adding a function which allows us to trigger a pad to continuously play the loop (based on the start and end points set) to ensure it’s in perfect sync while giving us real-time information on the bpm for the loop.   Also allow us to tune up and down the sample and allow the bpm to reflect the new bpm accordingly. Allow us to change the start and and end points until we carve a loop that is in perfect sync to our ears. This should be easier then using tap tempo.  

    Revise tagging system to also incorporate key or chord information for sample 

    Record automation on maschine controller without having to hold down the automation button (one touch to arm maschine to record automation and one touch to end automation recoding)

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro

    shift-auto will lock the automation so you don’t have to hold the button down. Then, clicking auto again when you are done will turn it off

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Maschine already does most of the stuff you're asking...

    Allow user the option to setup the default polyphony to 1

    Set it, right-click the sampler and select 'save as default', from then on everytime you load the sample it will have polyphony set to 1

    After a sample is stretched, when a user attempts to slice (the stretched sample which now fits the tempo of the BPM you’re working in) the sample changes back to the original untouched sample, essentially throwing off the sample chopping workflow.  Please, please, please do something which will allow us to continue to work with and slice the stretched sample!

    Assuming you're talking about the Sampler, time stretch is destructive, it's permanently applied to the .wav so slicing it after should work fine. If it's an Audio-Plug then resample it to another Pad and then slice it.

    While Audio is great, I sometimes feel it’s restrictive.  Allow users to do basic manipulation to an Audio  sample instead of forcing us to change the sample back to sampler to edit.   For example perhaps I might find that I only want to use a portion of the audio sample which is at the end of sample.

    You can totally do that already:

    Record automation on maschine controller without having to hold down the automation button (one touch to arm maschine to record automation and one touch to end automation recoding)

    Also possible the way @Schmapps1 said.

  • hogon
    hogon Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Add note names on the piano roll view. Make better arpeggiator presets with more options.

  • Nenenyc212
    Nenenyc212 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thanks, perhaps I didn’t know Maschine as well as I thought. I appreciate the feedback.

    After I stretch a sample in Maschine and then move over to slice mode, the sample (at least for me) reverts back to the unstrecthed sample, throwing everything off. Thus, my comment. I also saw a YouTube video where someone lamented about the same thing. Thus, if you folks say essentially that shouldn’t be, I will have to recheck my steps. Thanks again, cuz i definitely learned something today.

  • Nenenyc212
    Nenenyc212 Member Posts: 4 Member

    It felt so good not having to set the polyphony at 1 every single time. I wish I’d known this earlier buts probably my fault.

    Also, I just recorded a sample off a record, looped, truncated and stretched it… I hit slice and off course now it worked (like you said it should). I don’t know what I was doing wrong before but this is the way to go. Despite making an azz of myself, I’m happy I commented.

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro

    Hey man don’t worry about it. I’ve made an azz of myself many times with Maschine haha. There’s a lot of stuff to remember!

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Happens to the best of us! 😀

    Feel free to make threads and ask questions if ever in doubt. Cheers

  • Triggi
    Triggi Member Posts: 49 Helper
    edited April 2023

    Hi there,

    feedback left.

    Like often mentioned, my favorite is

    the "recording jam into arrangement" feature!

    Also great, to have two focus for two controllers!

    Useless for me because of an existing audio interface: audio/ aux inputs/ outputs

    The "new" software should be backwards compatible!!!!!!

    Last but not least: maschine is already great!

    Peace to all!

  • theonlymj
    theonlymj Member Posts: 7 Member

    Am I the only person who wants simple intuitive audio recording? I'm a singer and instrumentalist and it's incredibly difficult to just lay down scratch vocals or record a guitar. I know how to do it with the sampler but it's really convoluted. On that same note, delay compensation would be nice.

    I don't think they need to emphasize mouse support or using the software without the hardware. The hardware is the whole point of Maschine. If you don't want to use the hardware, you should probably just use a different DAW.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    Maschine changed my life because it's my favorite instrument i play , i am recording my performance and later i use those samples , i resample , mix it i release my Music and My main genre is " ambient music" but i like to make/play Techno and House and lately Psy Trance relaing on Resampling using Sampler Start option and i really love making music on Maschine MK3. I record Massive or Massive X modulations snapshot from A to B then i import that sound in to the Sampler. Collaborations are also easy, enjoyable for me on Maschine MK3. Here it is my Project Particle Stream https://open.spotify.com/album/4pFIhgaL41EboFu90I9hwd .and specific Collaboration that is making me happy. I really enjoy how it becomes easy for me to express my feelings and how I'm transferring everything in Music.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    https://youtu.be/rFVINfOK0iI this is YouTube channel and track i made using Prism , this track entered in Editorial Playlist 😃 her it is another link of the same Track On Art and Time https://open.spotify.com/album/79mHKfqBtubVqOG9yG5NZw. Everything is possible just don't give up and make new contacts because everything is about People.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,093 Expert
    edited April 2023

    If you want to record vocals or anything long that doesn’t fit at best the “bars/looping” workflow, I would suggest you not using the sampler but the audio module. Maybe in combination with clips instead of patterns for when you are arranging

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