Battery 4.2.0 - suddenly, knobs/faders don't work



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @robertcomposer3 Done! Check your inbox!

  • Michael Terry
    Michael Terry Member Posts: 119 Member

    And how does one go backwards in Battery? Where would I find the previous version?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
  • Fredrik TiC
    Fredrik TiC Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2022

    Just removed all my remaining Waves plugins (had two that i don´t really use any more). The issue is still there :( Do i need to remove the waves control center as well ? I dont really want to install the iso that was linked since i cant verify that is officially from NI.

    I am on

    Logic Pro X 10.7.3

    macOS BigSur 11.6.5

    iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017)

    4,2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7

    Radeon Pro 580 8 GB

    24 gb ram

    Edit: In desperation i tried installing the Battery 4.1.6 version from the iso. No dice now all my projects say that a newer version of battery was used and fails to load any samples. So i guess i am uppgrading to so i at least can bounce the tracks. This is the weirdest bug i have come across so far. NI you need to fix this fast !

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Normally deleting the Waveshell found in the default component folder found here does the trick:

    Macintosh HD - Library - Audio - Plug-ins - Components

    To make sure you get rid of all Waves traces you should use the Waves uninstaller. If the issue persists, I'll contact you by email so we can look deeper in your system.

  • Fredrik TiC
    Fredrik TiC Member Posts: 4 Member

    Will try this tonight and report back here if it works.

  • Fredrik TiC
    Fredrik TiC Member Posts: 4 Member

    It did not work. I uninstalled using the waves central uninstaller and it seems to have removed that file (or i could not find it in my /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components folder.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Hey @Fredrik TiC I contacted you by email, let's try to sort it out.

  • Tyrrell
    Tyrrell Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Thanks Jeremy, updating to V13 Waves solved the problem. It was only happening with Battery in one of my Logic projects but not in others, which was odd.

  • Goochi
    Goochi Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I am having the exact issue with both Massive X and Battery in Ableton 11 on Mac OS Big Sur.

    Not sure if I updated or not, but it's I can no longer use my mouse to change parameters. The macro controls still work with my Push, but this doesn't offer me much. HELP!!

  • Goochi
    Goochi Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
  • ralphonz
    ralphonz Member Posts: 2 Member

    Well I just bought Komplete 13 and tried to use battery. This totally sucks. Now I have to go and spend loads of money at waves to make it work?

    Honestly, no more NI purchases on the cards. A shameful performance! The sound is great but what use it it if I can't control the parameters!

    I care not if this is Waves fault or NI's. Been using my waves v12 for ages without a hitch, so I'm not about to go and update them. From my perspective I just bought Battery and it doesn't work properly. One of the two companies should offer a free fix.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    I understand the frustration, unfortunately the only fix on our side is to propose a downgrade to Battery 4.1.6., that we posted already, here it is: BATTERY 4.1.6

    As mentioned before, Waves acknowledged the issue was on their side, feel free to contact their support regarding this issue.

  • ralphonz
    ralphonz Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2022

    If Battery used to work with Waves v12, and now does not, surely the problem is with Battery?

    Unfortunately, I've only just purchased it and obviously installed the latest version. I have deadlines to meet and from what I read here downgrading will mean that existing sessions won't open, so that is not an option.

    Waves v12 is pretty popular and very common audio software, so I'd expect compatibly checks on this sort of thing to be run fully before a release.

    Spending almost the same amount I spent on Komplete again to update Waves is also not really an option. If the old version of battery works and is more compatible then that should be the latest stable release in my opinion. Updates that break backwards compatibility need to at least come with a warning - it'd be easy to add one in the description of plugin in Native access for example. This is just sloppy. If you know it doesn't work with a given software you could at least provide a warning before installation.

    A similar thing just occurred with a UAD/softube plugin, where we all had to wait over six months for a fix (for a plugin that was just purchased and only worked for a month) because both companies just blamed each other or fobbed us (the customers) off, while continuing to sell the plugin that wasn't working. Eventually we received a fix, but it was a long wait.

    All you companies need to focus more on working together if you ask me. Less competition, more co-operation! I had hoped we were past these sort of things.

    Anyway, that's my view, as a paying customer, I really only care about the working end result of what I've paid for (as long as it wasn't made with slave labour or anything!), but it seems more and more we're being asked to show compassion towards companies who are essentially in it primarily to make a profit.

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