Sequencer/Pattern Editor improvements



  • Crackpot Castle
    Crackpot Castle Member Posts: 6 Member

    MUTE notes individually with a mouse click without removing them from the pattern would let us create variations on the spot!!

    Also, having more than 16 MIDI channels inputs when used in Slave mode!

    I use Maschine in motion pictures scoring and it really is great because of all the NKS orchestral instruments available, and having the chance to use a color-coded group for each orchestral section is soooo convenient and intuitive, and i can cycle from brass to strings, to percussions and so on… like Vienna ensemble Pro but sooo much more flexible and fun and in combination with the JAM and the KK2, it’s a powerful scoring setup, except that, I only have 16 instruments available per Maschine plugin instances (inPotools) Instead of having 16 inputs per group, (16 strings articulations, 16 brass, 16 woodwinds, ect…)

    This seems a bit far fetched but Kontakt has been the scoring industry’s standard for more than two decades but you needed Vienna ensemble Pro to harness the full potential of kontakt racks. Maschine is VEP on steroids, you can tweek any VSTs directly on the keyboard. MORE MIDI INPUTS PLEASE.

  • etomcat
    etomcat Member Posts: 3 Member
    Not sure if those are already proposed, but I will list them anyway in a hope they would be considered.

    — Please (10x) make the Stop button function as it does in a normal DAW. I am currently using the solution somebody provided in the forum already (editing the exe) and it is great, but that should be officially part of Maschine. I have mine configured to STOP the play head on single click and STOP AND MOVE the play head to the beginning on SHIFT + STOP.

    — Plugin delay compensation

    —Piano roll. Others have already posted some great ideas for improvement


  • Dopamine P
    Dopamine P Member Posts: 1 Member

    I want a built-in battery like macbook pros and i want the software to be built into a full on DAW system and still be easily used like it is now. I want to be able to record full on vocals in the software with a mic connected to the maschine’s soundcard. I bascially want to be able to start, edit, and complete a song just using maschine and its software.. They might as well work to this, while constantly making small improvements through upgrades… That should be there overall goal and every specific goal should fall under this general goal. I want to be able to be on the beach, on the top of the mountain, or in a studio and have the option to use the machine and its software with a computer or without with a good built-in battery, a microphone plugged into the sound card, making dope music wherever I feel the inspiration…

  • Andrey Totev
    Andrey Totev Member Posts: 8 Member

    Is it possible to have Shift+restart function when M+ is in External Clock mode. Everything is great now, but when we are with an external clock during live performance, the bars are counted from the beginning of the first external START (this is great) but depending on the complexity of the project, the loading time is different and after the project is loaded it starts 'playing' from somewhere - where it's interpolated it should be.

    This is convenient if we have a few 2-4 scenes in repeat, but if the project has more scenes we have to stop the master clock and then start from the beginning... this is not always convenient. All of this can be easily verified if our project is not in a loop and after the timeline events finish the beats continue to accumulate throughout our performance... if we are playing a composition that is not a multiple of 4 (and this happens often) gets complicated.

  • Pete from Bristol
    Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member

    One thing I’d really like to see is the option to spread different Maschine elements, such as piano roll editor, across different monitors. The piano roll is virtually unusable on my 14 inch MacBook, so being able to drag that to an external monitor would be a huge step forward. Logic implements this well with screensets, but TBH, I’d be deliriously happy if there were just a dual screen option with the ability to drag different elements around. BTW, I’m pretty new to Maschine, having recently bought a Mikro 3, and I’m loving it.

  • Andrey Totev
    Andrey Totev Member Posts: 8 Member

    And one more thing from me, but I don't know if this is the right section to describe it. Anyway, I'll describe it here.

    I have a particular problem with the echo when it's tempo based + more serious feedback and when the M+ is on an external clock. As we know MIDI clocks have some inaccuracy due to minute differences and variations in tempo the echo starts to modulate the main signal as frequency modulation starts to build up 'in the tail' (due to the micro changes in tempo that are inevitable). I understand everything why this happens, but using the same external clock through my S8 Traktor Control (also a tempo based echo with serious feedback) we have no such case. Everything is smooth in Traktor.

    Probably somewhere in the software the sensitivity should be 'touched' or given the opportunity to determine it ourselves according to the project we are working on.

    A while back I even bought your Traktor based effects as VSTs so I could use them in production too, but I can't get them to work in M+. I may not know exactly how to do it, but either way the problem remains.

  • woody
    woody Member Posts: 1 Member
    In the step sequencer to be able to create polyrhythms for each instrument
  • alexrm1x
    alexrm1x Member Posts: 9 Member

    That is a nightmare man. For every patter I record, I go back to check or change the notes and they never are visible on the screen. It is needed and AUTO function to zoom the pattern to the width size of window.

  • alexrm1x
    alexrm1x Member Posts: 9 Member

    Hello all. This is my list:

    First of all, the strength of Maschine MK3 is the immediacy and also the sensitibity of the HW buttons is perfect. So please don't change that. :-)

    Here we go. Here is my wish list, voted TOP to BOTTOM:

    • STEP Recording + PEDAL for silences (with the ability to select SCALES and MODES) + STEP Chord Sequencing
    • HOLD the NOTE REPEAT and ARPEGGIO even if I go back to the VST (+Plugin button) to change parameters (for live performances)
    • Conditional triggers / Event probability
    • Ratches / Scatters / Euclidian 
    • RANDOM notes / Generative creation of new patterns 
    • Sequencer Plugin (like ML 185 or ROZZER)
    • More ARP modes
    • Rename the Duplicates like 2, 3, 4. not (1) (2) and so on...
    • Being able to SET MIDI devices for control that use different channels (only the CC is recognized, not the MIDI Channel / Device)

    • Solve MIDI problems under Windows

    • Resizing the piano roll, Scale, and Fold, etc...
    • Upside Down mismatch between editor and hw device

    • Zoom and SCROLL do not fit the screen to see the notes automatically. This forces to set ZOOM level manually for every recorded pattern (SHIFT - VARIATION + 1, 2, 6, and 3)
    • LEGATO option to set the same lenght of all notes inside a pattern (recording live an ARP does not fill the last note).
    • VST Mode:

    Being able to RESIZE/Zoom the screen manually or with more zoom options that fit 16:9 screen proportions

    • Implement more keyboard shortcuts (SHIFT CTRL, ALT....+ / - for pitch, octaves and so on....)


  • Mr36
    Mr36 Member Posts: 5 Member

    In the area of sequencing and note editing, what are the features that you miss the most? 

    • Pattern edit options e.g., Append Patterns to create new Pattern, a sample edit style Pattern editor, Print current parameter values to Pattern
    • Individual lengths per Sound in each Pattern (Sound-level loop length per Pattern)
    • "Scene/Section" as default Pattern length option (allows easy recording across Scenes/Sections while automatically filling gaps i.e., "linear recording")
    • Loop on/off and n repeats for Patterns
    • Auto-growing Patterns in Sections/Arranger
    • Tempo per Pattern (with options for stretching or controlling overall tempo etc.)
    • Defined time signature per Pattern
    • Event-level probability and chance options
    • Pattern-level probability and chance options  
    • MIDI record arm functionality per Sound/Group (for control of recording external MIDI into Patterns)

    What existing features or functions do you find clunky or hard to use?

    • Selecting the notes/events to edit can be clunky but could (easily) be improved
    • Recording and editing modulation can be painful
    • Only one Pattern per Scene/Section

    What do you like about the current Sequencer / Pattern Editor?

    • General ease of input and editing via controller
    • General ease of recording modulation via controller
    • General ease of building up variations of Patterns/Scenes/Sections
  • Shed Maa
    Shed Maa Member Posts: 81 Member

    yes a better play head positioning we need a faster locate

  • etomcat
    etomcat Member Posts: 3 Member

    Fully agree with this. In meantime check this post for like a workarround.

    I have it STOP button stops the play head and SHIFT + STOP stops and moves it to the beginning. If it is not playing, SHIFT + STOP just moves the play head to the beginning.

    I use that and works great for me. But agree NI should just code it and make it part of the software.

  • Martin Schabracq
    Martin Schabracq Member Posts: 5 Member

    Full integration with Traktor and KK and or other daws routings open it up NI will take over the world.

    Yes, all the above and in other groups are welcome.

  • jeffped
    jeffped Member Posts: 11 Member

    New Touch Strip Notes "strum" function:

    Maybe there is a way to do this...

    While in Chord mode I would like to "strum" the notes in the chord for the pad I am holding down. Forwards and backwards possibly like a guitar. And span more than one octave.

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