Maschine looses midi stream

Robert13 Member Posts: 40 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine


I have Maschine2.15.2 installed on a Windows 10 PC.

Since some updates ago, Maschine looses a midi stream. This issue is also mentioned on the old forum.

I have tried the DisableMIDITimestamping fix. But then all midi streams are way out of sync.

It is on the first scene I create. And if I want to delete that scene, all scenes are deleted.



  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,920 admin

    Hi @Robert13 do you have the exact same setup as the one mentioned in the post (with Traktor)? More info about your setup would be great.

    Maybe @Jeremy_NI has some insights on what to check?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,504 mod

    So you did the following ? I'll put it there as it could be helpful for others:

    Use the .reg files attached for disabling/enabling the MIDI Time Stamp

    or set the key manually as per the following:

    Please open your registry editor by clicking the Windows icon in the bottom left of your screen and typing "regedit".

    Navigate to:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Native Instruments\Maschine 2

    DisableTS / DWORD / 1 (MIDI Timestamping OFF) | 0 (MIDI Timestamping ON)

    This will set timestamping on all physical ports. It shouldn't affect MIDI sync.

    If that doesn't do the trick @Robert13 we need some more info on the setup:

    What devices are connected ? How are they connected ? MIDI cables, USB MIDI ? Who's the master, who's the slave ?

  • Robert13
    Robert13 Member Posts: 40 Member

    Yes, i know. But if I disable timestamping the midi clock gets wobbely/ instable.

    With midi timestamping after some time, seconds of some minutes, the midi stream is lost. I have to reset all devices (PC and midi device)

    My Behringer RD9 and Access Virus Indigo loses their midi streams often. Sometimes my Behringer TD-3 also.

    All devices have got their last firmware updates.

    Maschine is the midi clock master and starts/ stops the other devices.

    Behringer RD9 uses its USB midi

    Behringer RD3 uses its USb midi

    Access Virus indigo uses the 5 pin midi port off the Komplete Kontrol S61 MK2 of Maschine MK2.

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  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,504 mod

    @Robert13 I'm a little late to the party. Have you tried to connect the RD9 and Td-3 to physical MIDI din? Do they also loose the MIDI stream when plugged this way ? USB is usually less stable than pure MIDI. Have you ever considered a device like this one?

  • Robert13
    Robert13 Member Posts: 40 Member

    I have this synthom with all my midi equipment. Now I have installed windows 11 and had the same problems over midi (not usb midi).

    I this this is a Windows issue, because I don't have these problems on my MacBook Air.

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