Sequencer/Pattern Editor improvements



  • CH7
    CH7 Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited January 2024

    I would like to make better use of the expansion packs.

    I would like to have a main project open, with a second project loaded and viewable at the same time. One above the other.

    I would like to align the playhead independently in the two projects and press play so both projects start at the same time. I would like to mute parts, loop parts to hear how they sound. warp midi parts to change their timing, etc.

    As an example, imagine having a trap beat, playing with elements from a regea expansion project, or some totally left-field EDM project.

    The ultimate aim would be to have one project loaded, and then be able to select a sound together with section of its midi for inculusion in another project. align, copy, paste, tweek to fit. unpaste, collect, store as a favorite, in a compilation 'go to' project for later use.

    This ability to load a second project, would represent a fundamental change, which could be used for building sets, where one projects is playing as another projects is prepared.

    Ultimately, this would promote the use of explansions, not just as a source of sounds, but as a source of interesting midi patterns.

  • Chris Shelving
    Chris Shelving Member Posts: 34 Helper

    - RENDER MIDI and AUDIO with 1CLICK or combination in Maschine MK3.

    (NO AUDIO CUTOUTS IN THE RENDER!) TO RUN LIVE (render in the background).




       (another APP or concept for MIXING AND MASTERING).

        obviously with MASCHINE HARDWARE MK3 :)

        and above all WITH LATENCY COMPENSATION.


    - MIDI FX!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!

    - CHANGE!! BPM in SCENE or PATTERNs ( with ramps ) Vinyl OFF :)

    - Improve all automation (TOOLs) to create rhythms and variation

  • cocique
    cocique Member Posts: 4 Member

    Hello, thanks for making this thread! I would like the addition of being able to make the notes in a pattern doubled in size and position, kind of like how ableton can do. What I mean by this is to be able to make a pattern in double-time, or half-time, or even a scalable version. It would be great if the chords function was overhauled a bit, for more customization of your own chords. Also, the ability to make notes on the events inside of a pattern, like a text box that you can customize with chord names, or future ideas. the note taking function would be awesome in all aspects of maschine, though.

  • Sonarman
    Sonarman Member Posts: 6 Member

    Scale lock in note, midi, editor..YES!! Please!! Fold piano roll to scale is in nearly every DAW? Very disappointed to see not in Maschine.

  • cocique
    cocique Member Posts: 4 Member

    Also, I do not know where to put this, but being able to switch between presets of third party plugins on the hardware would be a godsend. Thanks!

  • bosone
    bosone Member Posts: 39 Member

    reafrgin th epiano roll, it would be nice to be able to move notes with the knob, after selecting them. and i agree on hearing the notes as you move them,

  • Morris B.
    Morris B. Member Posts: 14 Member

    +1 for per step probability and the ability to set per step velocity ranges.

  • ribs1106
    ribs1106 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Piano-Roll update key/scale highlighting

  • Member Posts: 20 Member

    for me will be to be able to use more that one pattern in one group instead of only one right now

    be be able to have a group pattern layering in one group

    more colors customisation

    have instrument icon for group/pattern

    so to be able in one SCENE to use more that one pattern in same group

    in editing view of the pattern to have possibility to have a pattern of same sound/instrument NOT STACKING IN TOP OF EACH OTHER, but underneath, like in a ''group pattern'' inside the editing pattern view, so the able to have a better view of everything and control

  • bosone
    bosone Member Posts: 39 Member

    be able to select a note in the pattern editor/piano roll and modify its pitch with a knob (i have maschine mirko and m32).

    also, hearing the note as you move it in the piano roll it will be a great feature. or at least write the note name on the box indicating the note! :)

    step sequencer: when using a melodic patch it should be figured out a way to change the pitch of a particular step so that i can actually make an step sequenced melodic pattern by changing the pitch of the notes.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,928 Expert
    edited January 2024 wrote:

    […] use more that one pattern in one group

    […] have a group pattern layering in one group 

    […] SCENE to use more that one pattern in same group

    This seems to be all the same request, and at first looks like you haven’t understood Maschine’s concept.

    I guess you would like to have Group A with a drum kit and use Pattern 1 for the kick on Sound 1, Pattern 2 for the snare on Sound 2, Pattern 3 for hi-hat on Sound 3 and then maybe use Pattern 4 for a different kick pattern or Pattern 5 to layer snare ghost notes. While this seems logical at first, it would have a major impact for performances as you lose the ability to switch between Patterns on the fly.

    Maybe you could elaborate on your idea.

  • Trancer_Spacey
    Trancer_Spacey Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2024

    I would absolutely love to see a quite simple thing: the abillity to record pattern changes, also mutes and solos.

    I like to jam with pattern changes, but unfortunately you can't record/automate these swappings. Of course you could put every pattern in a seperate scene, which you can trigger via midi. But it is circumstancial and so it is not the same.

    I often don't use Machine for building complete blocks of a song, I use it as a drum machine with just one group that contains a drumkit. So when you could record pattern changes and instrument mutes of this drumkit, this would be so helpful to build lively drum-tracks on the fly. I do wisg this since years and I wonder why this is not implemented till now.

    The workaround for me is to record my jaming, but this is circumstancial too, and you could not change FX settings later. Also it brings a lot of data to the harddisk.

    So please let me record the selection of the playing pattern, mutes and solos on the fly in anown automation track! :-)

  • Impermanence
    Impermanence Member Posts: 170 Pro

    Chord sequencing is next to horror show. Or then I don’t understand something.


  • Member Posts: 20 Member

    it's possible to do that by duplicate a pattern and then record a new layering or top of it,

    but you CAN'T use more that two pattern in same group, with each have different layering record.

    example: use 2 patterns in same group with each pattern have is own layering very useful for melodic instruments like guitar, piano, vocals,

    we will gonna have more flexibility

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