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  • TonyMcKopfnick
    TonyMcKopfnick Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Music and the industry will be going through cycles of fresh input and recycled sounds of the past as it always been. AI will probably have it's niche, but what would the world be without Cotton Eye Joe and the glorious line dance 🥹

  • Treibklang
    Treibklang Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Ich vermute das es genauso spannend weitergeht wie bisher mehr futuristischer und einige Kooperationen stattfinden werden . Was auch bestimmt die ein oder andere am Marke am Markt verschwinden lässt oder neue hinzugefügt werden. Ich bin auf alle Fälle gespannt wie sich der Markt entwickelt. Durch die Pandemie hat man gemerkt wie verletzlich die Menschheit doch ist… in eigener Sache kann ich nur sagen das mir das Logo besser gefällt !!!! MfG

  • atomsapart
    atomsapart Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Lots of ai comments here, but probably not far off.

  • SvenL
    SvenL Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I think during the next decade we will see more and more realistic virtual instruments that cannot be distinguished from their real life pendants anymore.

    AI will be widely introduced in music production. Not in terms of generating complete music but in terms of creating/modifying rythms and melodies, artificial assistance in music creation tools and DAWs that offer tools improve and fasten up the workflow.

  • CSurieux
    CSurieux Member Posts: 35 Member

    AI is not the futur of music because feelings are not totally related to intelligence and furthermore the Intelligence in AI is not our intelligence, that's just a different algorithm runned in silicium components and rare earths, no feelings here.

    So, the futur of music ? Music will be more feelings, based on new instruments, some of them exploiting this so-called AI but not the majority, some others may be new physical instruments based on earth resources and their potential of emotivity.

  • RIP-B
    RIP-B Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    The damn AI will control everything! 🦾

  • mr.waddles
    mr.waddles Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Definitely going to see a lot more generative content, where an artist arranges elements of a track and either leaves the performance up to chance or uses contextual information (location, time of day, weather, etc.) to add flavor to every listen.

  • Drummer_Hi
    Drummer_Hi Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    First it will go crazy with AI, after a few years traditional band playing will lift its head again for a while before the next big innovation. Whatever that might be.

    Talented singer/songwriters continue to bubble under with some occasional stars emerging every now and then.

    Amount of mediocre AI assisted electronic music will explode.

  • yak
    yak Member Posts: 2 Member

    AI might introduce new (better or worse) perspectives on copyright, as sampling did. Best future would be if people went on streaming strike, one day a week not use Spotify or thelike and use a badge, "Pay the artists who get streamed." Also, musical education (education per se) could change the way "Charts" look now. Build a true indie culture, smash majors. (Smash genres, too.) 🧸💕🎶

  • UweK
    UweK Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    AI will scramble the creative music creation process. It will be used to generate new startingpoints, new Instruments and new ways to interconnect man maschine (MMI). Theremin like, but with intelligent movement Interpretation and soundcolor variation.

  • SunsetLiving
    SunsetLiving Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I hope that music will continue to be an expression of feelings of life and not of greed for money.

  • Jorg17
    Jorg17 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I bet it will have some AI intelligence in the coming "Komplete 15". I don't think it's that bad, it's a huge time saver and there will be a lot of new music coming out. The question I ask myself, will there be something new, a new genre, or have we reached our zenith? In any case, it remains exciting and new doors will open in the future.

  • Paulieboot
    Paulieboot Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Music was once about perfomance, less venues for the amateur , hobbyists is leading to more bedroom prodicers. I believe production reduces creativity so the easier it is to present ,whether live Via internet or recorded the creativity increases.Too often I have become bogged down with a tech problem that ive missed my moment. Mastering vsts add polish and really can polish a dull effort. An Ai producer for live performance could help with many aspects. I wish there was one for the TV, to level annoyingly loud adverts between programmes.

  • Gagoye
    Gagoye Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I think music is always taking is root to past decades, right now we can feel the 80' vibes in modern music. So I think in the futur we will see a revival of a past decade. But with modern sound, and modern technologie such as AI, but also more and more VST plugin which reproduce real instruments. I think music producing will be more and more easy to learn. So there will such a good diversity in all style of music !!

  • TOAO
    TOAO Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Bluetooth servers will access your mind via a small at birth to everybody implanted neurolink chip and you can party anywhere anytime. Choose by thinking. No more stadiums filled by disciples of techno gods. Then parties on the moon are possible, as the sound is in your head, one week-end trip to "Lunatics Dusty Dawn" for 10 exo coins(100.000 Euro) or the cheaper version on the techno space stations orbiting the burning planet at zero gee with special magnet effects instead of lasers bouncing you to the rhythm. In selected protected areas in caves deep down in the belly of the overheated planet archaic music like rock, disco, classic and hip-hop can still be observed as by AI immortilized holographic legends like Roland Kaiser and Susan Boyle. I'd probably just stay ay home wearing my Aluminium hat and listen to the sound of a dripping water tab. Original and free.

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