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  • awhittier
    awhittier Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    AI music will dominate, but will soon become cliché like Auto-Tune.

    Serious music listeners and creators will take interest in more genuine ways of artistry.

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro

    This thread (compared to the rest) springs to life!

  • Panic
    Panic Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I honestly think live instrumentation is going to start to be incorporated into dj/producer performances much more in the next while as a bit of a FU to AI. I’ve personally been slowly building my arsenal and using tools like the Polyend Tracker and Play to live sequence modular gear and synths during my DJ sets. My favorite DJ sets lately almost always have some sort of live element to them whether it’s a saxophone 🎷 or guitar 🎸 or something else to set them apart from the “press play” sort of DJs we’ve become used to.

  • Royal Tee
    Royal Tee Member Posts: 46 Helper

    ...tell us where the music world is going for the next decade...

    I'm feeling a resurgence of lifting talented artists up because the world has gotten tired of popular vs talents (Not all ftr).

    Music must be brought back to inner city schools and that includes the gear.

  • Ripw4
    Ripw4 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Like others the future of music will depend a lot on where the technology is. I hear a lot of people say AI is the future of music but I disagree. AI may mix and master recordings, but creating is something else. Someone has to be there to start the process. Will i be famous for pushing “play” on my AI music machine monster or will i be famous for taking technology and blending it with the skills i already possess. (Me personally probably won’t ever be famous… although I should be)

    I think we are going to see a drastic turn around in the rap and drill music market. Take this to the bank if you want but there will be a decline in the popularity of rap in favor of more pop centric urban artists. Love you Native instruments


  • Mick Zed
    Mick Zed Member Posts: 1 Member

    I think there will be more fusion of tradional instruments with synth and digital tools yet to come, as we are seeing with smart guitars having fx built in. I

    feel with Ai, there will be massive usage and everyone will be able to make music. Although in not much time the old skills of mastering guitar, keys, acoustic percussion, brasses etc will be even more rare and valued and mesmerizing as even less people will do so.

  • TiefTraum
    TiefTraum Member Posts: 2 Member

    I think in the next decade, the music world is likely to see continued dominance of streaming platforms, even more personalized recommendations to fit your taste, and more upcoming independent artists, as well as the exploration of augmented reality and virtual reality experiences. Genres will continue to blur, sustainability and social impact will gain importance, and AI technology will play a larger role in music creation, generation and production.

  • LordByron
    LordByron Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited June 2023

    The music scene will get even worse, it started going downhill in the early 2000s.

    We went from RATM to Blink182

    All isn't bad though some great music is still around. Great production in some pop music; mostly female vocalists. I'm not into heartthrobs 😂

  • Wojciech Ozimek
    Wojciech Ozimek Member Posts: 22 Member
    edited June 2023

    On one hand, we will experience an overflow of music as technology allows more and more people to express themselves. Perhaps, a lot of this music will be even simpler than today, and artists who still can play some real instruments will become a luxury niche

    On the other hand, technology can lead to some new art forms, that will be a merger of traditional music, visual arts, literature, and psychology we cannot even imagine e.g. taking LSD and painting with instruments:)

    Finally, the music tech will become more accessible (UX) so more creative people will be able to share their stuff: today to learn a DAW etc. you must be very persistent - it takes a lot of time you could otherwise spend on making music

  • 227
    227 Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2023

    Everyone's saying AI, but AI will only realistically kill off beatmakers and stock music (and even then, probably not fully). I fully expect music listeners to begin to prioritize individuality and personality as generated music increases homogeneity and fails to connect with them on an emotional level, though.

    Streaming sites will begin to go the way of the dodo as revenue fails to keep up with their need for growth and musicians' reasonable demands for better royalties.

    More and more private equity entering the music production space will mean more big companies either trying anti-consumer ****** or simply failing to innovate for long periods of time out of an overabundance of caution, pushing large numbers of producers towards smaller companies (half because they're nimble enough to adapt to users' needs, and half because they have their own personalities that will come to be an extra bonus against the backdrop of boring corporate stuff—contrast Aberrant DSP or Freakshow Industries against any big music company and you'll see what I mean). And since there are already so many plugins that do basically the same thing that one company can't realistically have a monopoly—someone could buy up a dozen companies that make choruses and still leave a hundred good options for users to opt for instead, with more coming all the time—customers will vote for their wallets and punish companies that make stupid decisions.

    Thanks for Metapop, by the way. Hope you have an exciting 2023 and beyond.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited June 2023

    People will continue to do whatever stuff engages them in a way they prefer at the moment.

    At any given moment, some people will want to actively or passively engage with "things": objects, concepts, ideas.. and how these engagments make them feel or give them benefit.

    At any given moment, some people will want to actively or passively engage with "intelligent others": people, animals... and how these engagements make them feel or give them benefit.

    A.I. can enhance the active/passive nature of these engagements and enables better virtual versions of "things" and "intelligent others".

    Some people just want to have "fun". And that's OK.

  • Fredz
    Fredz Member Posts: 3 Member

    AI will definitely be apart of more music production and playing. But man still wants to create and the new technology will make new ways of being creative possible, as will music making include even more people and lower boundries! Also co creation will benefit from this, and huge data will be accessible for everyone to share and to use :) Gotta be positive in mankind in the future too!!

  • Rumor
    Rumor Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    With the AI i think things is goin to get worst.

  • Clusterwound
    Clusterwound Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I like to think that the lockdown during the pandemic showed how important social interactions are and I believe more bands will play live/go on tours. This will create new venues to accommodate the demand for more live shows. This will also have an impact on how bands are formed, session and live members. With higher internet speeds and streaming quality as well as easy to use apps and lower gear prices members could rehearse together with zero latency though they're countries apart. And then you all meet when booked for gigs prepared and rehearsed.

  • Blissmusic
    Blissmusic Member Posts: 17 Member

    This a partial excerpt from my vision of where Music/DAW is going and ought to be going. These are no wish list but actively being worked on, by many, including myself.

    Instruments that transcend the limitations of Physical instruments in innovative and creative ways.

    Multi-Touch Interactive Surfaces that can configured in creative ways than can be never be done in Physical Instruments. For example key pitches increasing or decreasing without being Left->Right.

    Infinite slides/glide ranges without any physical seams.

    Physical modeled instruments that are exceptionally responsive and controllable that exceed the quality of Sampled instruments, yet computationally extremely efficient.

    Knowledge based DAWs that embed the knowledge of Music Genre, Musicians Preferences etc.

    Active DAW elements that collaborate with Musicians in a Synergistic manner.

    Automation of every possible ideas so Musicians become expressive innovators and creators rather than be reduced to laboring performers.

    Music as foundations of Tranquil Bliss and not sound bytes.

    br Sri.

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