Salve ho un mixer TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 , la console funziona normalmente ma sul desktop del mio pc non rispetta l' alzamento e l' abbassamento dei due fader dei volumi del mixer, sono rallentati e a volte "galleggiano". Mi potete aiutare a risolvere il problema?
Traktor Kontrol X1
I acquired one of those controllers at a thrift store near me under the impression it would be a plug and play item. I do not have the cd with the software needed to get it to function properly and I find the price to buy it directly from NI is rather high for my budget. I think that having a piece of the equipment would…
Traktor Pro 4 Flexible Beatgrid Bug?
So I own Traktor Kontrol S3 & recently purchased X1 and upgraded to traktor 4. When i try to set beatgrid on a variable tempo track it just messed up my beatgrid. So i started by deleting the whole track beatgrid. the track starts at 130 bpm so i set first zone with 130 & after that track went down to 94 and then again…
T4 & M3 compatibility
When will Traktor Pro 4 be fully compatible with the M3 processor?
best FASTEST way to create STEMS, other than using the steam creation setting in TP4
i've got TP4 installed in an old backup laptop, but i'm still on TP3 on my main DJ laptop. My question is, whats the fastest way, app or online service, to create a traktor ready STEM file, from a normal MP3 file? I see some multi-step processes of separating the songs stems into different files, and then converting it to…
Traktor Pro 4 with Xone K2 issue.
Hi everyone, Below is the content of the email I sent to A&H support. Maybe someone is experiencing similar issues? I have been a user of Xone K2 controllers since 2015 and, since 2017, also of the Px5 mixer. The equipment is constantly with me on the road, and I practically use it every weekend for my performances. Over…
How do you prelisten (pre-cue) in Traktor 3 with Traktor Audio 6 when "Live Input" is selected
Hello Guys i have a problem,and i dont know how to handle it.. Basically… i have Traktor Audio 6 i connected my CDJ2000 to it (Live Input selcted on screen deck udner dropw down menu) im running the sound threw Traktor native Mixer (because i haven't bought one phisical yet ) and i cant get the pre-listen (CUE Headphones)…
Traktor Kntrol S5 + Kontrol F1
Hey there, i own an S5 and want to use the Remix Deck on Deck D as a Step Sequencer. For that reason, i got an Kontrol F1. Does anyone know, how to Set that up properly? What i did: Connected to Laptop, Added Keontrol F! for Deck D in Controller Manager, set it on User Map. When i now klick SHIFT and BROWSE, the device…
New to traktor. How would I connect 2 Xone K2 controllers alongside my X1MK3
I just got traktor 4 and seems after I import the K2 mapping for my 2 Xone K2 controllers, it still doesn't read the K2, but it reads the X1 MK3 just fine. My question is, how the heck do i use all 3 controllers? I downloaded a k2 midi mapping for traktor, and when i import it, i lose my x1 control. I would like to have…
record voice
hello I'm on Traktor pro 4 and I get a S3 and a F1. I'd Like to loop my voice, I put the mic on the S3 and put on Mic D. then I opened the loop recorder but I can't have only the D, the voice, on the loop recorder. it always take the others deck or cells from the remix set. Can I Record only voice on the fly and how ? thx…
Traktor pro 4 software
Hi how can i change the bpm in the software of traktor pro 4 i would appreciate it thanks
Mic won't work when plugged into S3
I'm guessing I'm missing something in the configurations. Can't seem to get my S58 to give me any output use. It's been a while since I've used Traktor so I'm rusty. All help will be appreciated and thank you in advance.
X1 MK3
hello community, impossible to find a user manual in French for the x1 mk3. Who can help me? Thanks a lot
Driver console S4 mk2 Macbook M2
Ciao a tutti, ho appena acquistato un Mac m2 da utilizzare con la mia console s4 mk2, ho provato a scaricare i driver per poterla utilizzare ma non riesco. Qualcuno sa darmi qualche consiglio??
4.0.2 version crash (closed) traktor instantly
I’m here again to beg you for a solution if someone knows it,played last night again (maybe 70 events totally with my new s4mk3 that i bought it this april) and my software crashed (closed) instantly with no error reports or something. Wasn’t during transitions or anything pressed on console,i wasn’t even touching the…
Kontrol S4 Mk3, joogweel problem!!!
Hi everyone, I have a problem with my S4 Mk3 (Bought on August 24) very often and randomly, when I mix two or more tracks and adjust the tempo with the jogwheel, it happens that the tempo of the track starts to flicker, as if there was a false contact. Then I have to put my hand back on the jog wheel to make it stop,…
Old version of TP3 ....
Hi all, could anyone tell me how to find the latest version of Traktor Pro 3 WITHOUT Beatsource and Beatport support? Unfortunately I have audio distortion problems with Ableton Link and these started when support for these two services was implemented.
Flexible beatgrids in the Parallel layout
Hey guys I use the parallel deck layout. In a song with flexible beatgrids the parallel waveforms won't line up after the tempo change. The songs remain in sync, but it doesn't show as such in the parallel waveforms. I find this very confusing. Both songs are playing at the same tempo so shouldn't they line up? Regards
Pro 4 Crash
hello I was using pro 4 for a gig friday. After 3 hours of djing, the right deck would not play the track loaded in. About 30 seconds after this, The track that was playing on the left deck stopped and i couldnt use the software. Had to close and reopen. Anybody experienced this and know a fix? Thanks
Join TRAKTOR Accessibility Community
Update: The private TRAKTOR Accessibility Community is now live! Whether you have an impairment or simply want to share your thoughts, we'd love to hear from TRAKTOR users who want to join us in making our hardware more accessible. To join our accessibility feedback group, just leave a comment down below or send me a…