Traktor Kontrol Z1 - cannot change volume levels with pre-recorded sets on Zoom with Mic

Oyster Member Posts: 18 Member

Hello. I've been playing pre-recorded mixes live on Zoom with microphone. It works great but for some reason as soon as I am sharing Traktor with Zoom I have no control over volume. It doesn't respond to faders on controller. Is there a way?? Thanks.

Best Answer

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,227 mod
    edited January 28 Answer ✓


    I'm not a mac user myself but I guess you use some kind of virtual audio cable, maybe you can set the volume under audio preferences. Where that cable is just shown as an audio device.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,227 mod
    edited January 28 Answer ✓


    I'm not a mac user myself but I guess you use some kind of virtual audio cable, maybe you can set the volume under audio preferences. Where that cable is just shown as an audio device.

  • Oyster
    Oyster Member Posts: 18 Member

    Thanks Uwe! Will give it a whirl. Is that a hint that I can share Soundcloud mixes online?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert

    That is part of his forum signature. It is under all his messaged. Just like my forum signature has my equipment listed.

  • Oyster
    Oyster Member Posts: 18 Member

    Ok - got it! Problem solved now after some creative exploring 😀

  • Oyster
    Oyster Member Posts: 18 Member

    Ok something else!!! Output sound levels really low when using Traktor Control Z1. I'm using MacAir. How do I do I get it louder without distortion? Or is this up to the speakers to do the volumising?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert

    Do you have speakers connected to the z1? Or just the Macbook air build in ones? Those will probably be quiet.

    Could also be that you need to turn them up with the button on the macbook. I don't own one, so I can't say. Mixing with just build in speakers sounds .. meh though.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,227 mod
    edited January 29

    No - but of course you can - it's just my signature. Maybe I understand your setup wrong. You have Traktor connected via zoom and is the volume too low over zoom or on your speakers, maybe you can describe the whole chain a bit more in detail that would help us to help you.

  • Oyster
    Oyster Member Posts: 18 Member

    Thanks very much for your offer of help. 😀

    Using Mac Air with Traktor Kontrol Z1.

    I just tested mini rig external mic from controller and the sound level here is much higher - good news for live events.

    So the issue is when using Traktor with Zoom is that the output level are low when playing back on recordings. Volume settings up high on both computer and controller - as far as they can go without distortion!

    Here's what I did for Zoom

    Traktor Settings: Audio setting - Zoom, Output Routing - Internal

    Zoom Settings: Microphone, Revelator, External Mic, Revelatory (plug in headset)

    Sharing - Advanced, computer audio ie Tratkor

    The levels when played back on Zoom recording are low. This is particularly true when using a pre-recorded mix. This may of course be a limitation of working with Zoom but if you have any ideas or ways of increasing sound output here that would be great. No problem with microphone levels easily adjusted.

    Thank you. 😀

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