NI acces download failed
I recently bought the NI ultimate collection. when I try to install I constantly get the message download failed. According to the instructions, I gave full disk access for NKT daemon and Native instrument, but that didn't help either. I work on Mac 2 max and Cubase 13. Does anyone know how to help?
Native Access Instrument Update Installation failure - on PC (all up-to-date versions)
Hello, I tried to update some instruments in Access, updated Access to the latest (3.14.0), restarted PC and tried to update some NI components (raum, kontrol, kontakt 7)…always failing. Have run the unreg tools and uninstalled all of the three from registry, rebooted, run installation again…error "installation failed"…
how to route studio drummer in logic pro x
Hi all, where can I find a good tutorial on how to route e.g. Studio Drummer to different tracks in logic pro x? I have followed the tutorials on YT but to no avail… Can anyone help me with this?
Why is Maschine software missing from my Native Access account?
I have a Maschine Mikro MK1 that I haven't used for a few years and now I'm trying to get back into it but I don't have access to the Maschine software. I have the serial number registered in my account but the software is bundled with the Hardware serial number, is that why its not showing in my native access?
New sample libraries "Paused" even after reloading and restarting
Hey, maybe the volume of new users downloading Kontakt 8 has swamped NI servers, but I can't get any of the new libraries to download without getting the "Paused" flag. If so, can't NI post a quality of service notice on their website to let us know? BTW It's not my internet or my MBP. Really disappointing user experience.
Problems wiwth NA and Kontrol S88 MK III
Hi - I just purchased a S88. This is not an upgrade - paid full price for the Keyboard, although I do have the Komplete 15 Collector's Edition. I wanted the keyboard to take full advantage. I have had nothing but frustration with this keyboard, and it is still not working. I am very close to returning the thing and never…
problem with instaling libraries
I have problem with instaling new libraries. I have granted full access to disk but still i cant install them. Its started to happen afted update to new macos sequoa. Does anyone have same problem?
Files spread over several drives
Dear Helpers: I've had Komplete versions since 2015, several HD and PCs. When trying to activate Komplete 15 Ultimate I realize I have several duplicates of programs in different places. I understand how to move, and how to repair programs. But I really need help deciding where to put each of the types of files. I also…
All your customers should sue you. Do reset latest KONTAKT updates.
NI, I should sue you. All your customers should sue you. Updating KONTAKT 7, accepting K8, totally screwed up my libraries, up to the point that even K6 can't run them anymore. License and serials are discarded. 'Activating' Librares are requested but no option to do so… I've executed tons of advice, tips and tricks, but…
Support Assistant - Chat Bot
This seems frozen on a previous chat (September 24th) - Thus preventing contact with NI Support. Any suggestion? Ive tried different browsers and the same with all of them. HELP
I want to stop Native Access From Asking Me To Install Kontakt 7
Now that I'm using Kontakt 8 I want to stop Native Access From Asking Me To Install Kontakt 7. I have uninstalled Kontakt 7, and removed the json thing. But it still asks me to install Kontakt 7.
Installed but not getting sound on Spitfire Chamber
Installed, appears in Kontakt, but am not getting sound when I play. When I load a sound, I hear the example sound, but nothing happens when I play. When I load my other Kontakt libraries, this is not an issue. What am I doing wrong, or what did I do wrong on installation?
Error al instalar NI Traktor pro 3
Buenas comunidad. Alguien me puede decir por que me da este error el pro 3. Es la primera vez que lo instalo tras un import de un id de una traktor que acabo de compra de 2 mano. Mil gracias
Native Access 3.14.0 Won't download or install plug ins
Hey my name is Kyle and I am having issues downloading or reinstalling my plug-ins with Native Access. when I first got it it worked just fine. Then all the sudden decided to stop working, I was using an external hard drive to store it which was fine, then I got a new external hard drive that had APFS on it and it is still…
Can't connect to Native Access
Hello, This is the message I get when trying to connect. What shall I do? Regards
Downloadable Instruments as DMGs
I have recently had to switch machines and have had to reinstall dozens of instruments throughout the Native Access app. Is there any way to get these as standalone DMG files? The downloading process takes forever for me even though I have 350mbps.
Out of the blue, many products now showing up as "Demo", including Kontakt
Truly blindsided by this, it happened out of nowhere. About half of my products are in "Demo" mode now. I tried consulting the article herehttps://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402377887121-My-Products-Are-Showing-As-DEMO-in-Native-Access about what to do in this case but none of the fixes have helped.…
native acces windows 8.1
Bonjour j'essaye d,inscrire ma licence utilisateur (service center) sur windows 8.1 avec native acces , impossible d'installer et j'aimerais faire un transfert de licence , si quelq'un peut me donner une aide , cordiallement Translate: Hi, I'm trying to register my user licence (service centre) on Windows 8.1 with native…
Hardware connection service running as DEMO ???
Is this normal to show it runs in Demo?
Native Access not loading on windows 11
I just wasted 2 hours trying to working out why Native Access / Trackor Pro was not loading. Turns out there is a bug for multiple monitors where it loads but you can't access the window. SOLVED: Disconnect your external monitors, load the app then plug them back in again. Hope this saves hours and NI if you could fix that…