Cannot Install, nor download anything in Natives Access
Hi all, I keep receiving the notification " Installation Failed, I need to grant full access to Native Access and the Daemon…" Which I have done through Privacy and security, granting them full access. I cannot download nor install, any Kontakt 7 or 8… nor can i use any purchased Libraries… I have followed the instructions…
Kontakt 8 not in N Access
Updated from Kontakt 1x to 15. Reinstalled Native Access. Kontakt 8 is not listed there. Followed the steps in FAQ (including removing the xml file). What do i need to provide so that u can help me? Thx
Why can I not update things like Analog Dreams or Cloud Supply.
Every time I try to update it like it says I should, it just says "download failed". Also when I try to use the Library in Fl Studio, it only lets me use the default preset and I can't click other presets.
reusing downloaded files to install stuff on second computer
Hi I am in the process of downloading my Komplete 15 Standard stuff via Native Access on my computer. Since I have second computer as a backup, is there any way to reuse already downloaded stuff from first computer to put somewhere and install them from NativeAccess on second computer. I mean how to avoid secondary…
I'd like to download Komplete's content...
to an SSD. Content location in preferences with Native Access has been changed to the SSD, but when looking at my computer's storage, it seems like the content is being downloaded to the computer. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I'm trying to update all the native access software on my mac 2019. I've sent email after email after email to tech support and the problem has not been resolved. Is there human that could help me get my software updated?
Logic Pro not activating software
hi everyone hope someone can help me I'm running two computers with Komplete 14 one on my MacBook Pro i9 is working perfect with Logic Pro and Ni but I bought a new Mac mini M2 pro installed Ni and in logic keeps saying activate I've tried activating it nothings working I've deleted the nativeaccess.xml but its still not…
Missing Traktor Pro 4 in Native Access
I already had a demo version of Traktor Pro 4 installed on my PC when I bought a Traktor Kontrol S3 and registered its HW serial number in Native Access. Since then, I can use the installed Traktor Pro 4 as full version without any problems. However, when I wanted to update to the leatest release, I realized that Native…
Native Access 2 Dont Install in my macOS Catalina 10.15.7
Hey guys, any one can help me, I update my operative sistem from Sierra to Catalina 10.15.7, and when i try dowload the Native Access 2 y get this message: "This version of N A can used with this version of mac Os - you have Catalina 10.15.7 and you need macOS 11.0 o newest version" i dont know how instal my traktor pro 2…
KOMPLETE 15 SELECT Band is not showing up in Native Access. Please help.
Instruments disappeared from Native Access
Hi, I had a whole bunch of instruments downloaded via Native Access, but I can no longer see them. It's been a long time since I've logged in. I updated my laptop. I'm using iOS sequoia. Could this be part of the problem? Any help would be appreciated :)
Hello, I just purchased RX11 ELEMENTS. On Native's website, i can see this : But after dowload from the Native access platforme : I see on my protools that i only have 5 plugins and the repair assistant is missing : Is it normal ? how can i get it ? Thanks you
Download failed...
Win 10. Almost all of instruments can be downloaded while some cannot. I have enough space.
Install failed
Hi all, does one already had the "review your location preferences" on NA Trying to install 2 items (no name listed as per below pic) but i get error on top right
Switching computers
My computer went out so I bought another one. do I just reinstall native access to get my sound. help me please thank you,
Kontakt 8 libraries won't install... Stuck at downloading
I bought Kontakt 8 upgrade and installed on new PC. Old stuff like Kontakt 5 and factory selection from that version installed fine, but now after updating to Access 2, nothing else will install. No factory 2, or any other libraries. I get the path invalid notice when hitting the locate button, and nothing NI says to fix…
Where's my Libriary?
I bought the GGD library, entered the serial number, but the library is not in Native Access. What is the reason for this?
Playing Maschine Mk1
This may seem like a stupid question but I'm new to my Maschine MK1. I've spent hours downloading various software, instruments etc. But how do I actually get to play the drum pads - what am I missing, I can't seem to find an answer to this question anywhere. Thanks
Can I Delete serial number from my account?
2 days ago I buy new S2 MK3 and registered new product in my account. I want to return this product in store. How I can delete serial number from my account?
How can i download my komplete libraries? Every time it says download failed
I tried to download my komplete libraries on my external hard drive and every time i download a vst it says download failed or it blocks while it's downloading for hours, but in the hard drive there's a folder of the instrument i tried to download even if the download failed; Sometimes it seems to work but it takes more…