Maschine 3 Feature Suggestion
+When you name a group, instead of seeing "Pattern 1" for the first pattern, you see "GroupName (1)" That way when you rename all your groups, you don't need to also go back and rename all of your patterns. Also, you dont end up with Pattern 1 (1) as the pattern naming convention. Why is it that I would want Pattern 1,…
Upgrading to maschine3
Hello everyone NI was nice/amazing enough to give my account access to maschine 2.8 and the maschine 2 library for my mk1, even though I was willing to pay for maschine 3 for it they did it for free anyways. So now I am wondering. Considering I have Maschine 2.8 and mk1. What is the difference between these? I notice that…
Maschine software not showing up in NA
I purchased the Maschine Mikro Mk3 and redeemed the serial number in Native Access, but the Maschine software isnt showing up in my library. Anyone dealt with this before? if so please let me know how you fixed it. Thanks!
Maschine wont restart after a pause
I create a pattern in maschine and it plays back as expected,,, but if I take a break for dinner or something, when I come back it is frozen,,, it wont play,,, in the software I can see the green play button lighting , but it wont play. I have to close maschine and restart app from desktop to get it to play again,,, kinda…
maschine on MacOS 10.14
how can i get my maschine micro working in mojave 10,14,6?
MK3, No order confirmation after a week?
Kinda in a weird spot, cause the initial order email says I should've received an order confirm within 2 days but… I haven't? I reached out to support a few days ago but a ticket never got created? Tried again today and finally got a ticket made but.. I don't want to fall outside the refund window due to something that…
Kontakt 8 AU is not found in Maschine 3, but is found in Maschine 2
I'm wondering if I'm the only one with this problem. Kontakt 8 AU is not nowhere to be found in Maschine 3, but it is found in Maschine 2 and in Logic Pro11.1. Kontakt VST is there in Maschine 3. It does matter, because if I use VST version it might be a chore to replace it later with AU in all my projects. I have…
Feature Request: Tempo Automation in Maschine
as simple as the title suggests. a tempo automation lane, either on or scenes
Will NI accessibility helper function in mashine 3.0?
Has accessibility been added to 3.0? Theres alot missing from 2.0 accessibility wise. Like ni helper for other apps battery 4, kontact, kontrol editor, creator tools and scripting, massive x and reactor etc. No access to expanded plugin menues and browsers like articulation, patterns or grooves. Cant rename patterns,…
Maschine 2SW missing samples
Maschine SW cannot detect certains samples in a folder but can detect other samples. They are still dtected when I browse through files. See screenshots.
Maschine 3 as VST is it freely resizable?
When using Maschine 2 the VST version isn't freely resizable, but I messed with resource hack to make it larger and usable. What is the situation with Maschine 3, can we now size the window to whatever when we use the VST version?
Problem parameters knobs maschine2
Good morning, today I'm observing that in Maschine2 if I set a parameter in the table knobs of the software maschine2 of a synth or VST or plugin knob for example to 83 and then change the page of knobs and then go back to check I find the previous knob that I had set to 83 at 78... can anyone tell me the Why is it me or…
Maschine 3.0 Feature Requests - more External MIDI control for live performance
New Maschine (Mikro MK3) user here, loving the Maschine Ecosystem so far and hopefully upgrading to 3.0 soon. A core feature that would open up the Mikro MK3 to an entirely different kind of live jamming and performance would be the ability to set the active Group via external midi control. I get that the bigger Maschine…
Connect Mc707 to Maschine+ via MIDI cable
Hello, I'm having problems connecting my Maschine+ to the Roland MC707 using a midi cable. I don't want to use a USB cable because of midi clock sync problems. I'm still fairly new to this and I just can't get the two devices to communicate with each other using a normal midi cable. Can you help me? What exactly do I have…
I have not button edit in a slice mode on my Maschine MK1
I recently purchased an NI maschine mk1 and ran into a problem. All the YouTube guides say that you can export sliced sample fragments as sounds. But I don't have an Apply to button. When I opened the manual I saw that the second screen is different, and I can't understand why....
Maschine 3 won't export stems MacOSX (error message "Output files cannot be written")
Can anyone help me? I'm on a strict deadline, I need to export stems in Maschine 3 but it won't work. I've given it all the security permissions. Maschine 2 obviously works fine but, like an idiot I updated to Maschine 3 even though I know these big updates are more like beta releases and rarely work these days. Of course…
Strange Maschine 3.0 Crashing Bug to report
This seems like maybe an edge case, but it happens very consistently on my system. I am running Maschine 3.0 on a Window 10 machine. I have two computers connected to a docking station, and i toggle between my 'music computer' and my 'work computer' using a simple usb switch. Maschine crashes every time i switch to my work…
Licencia de Maschine Mk3
Hello, I bought a Maschine Mk3 but the license was not canceled, I want to ask you, How can I buy the license? or what is it that proceeds? I want to use all its functions, I hope you can help me, greetings from Mexico
Maschine 3 projects, groups, sounds and prehear plays erratically
When I prehear any of the projects, groups or sounds in Maschine 3, i hear a pulse of static and the sound stops momentarily. it interrupts the tempo of projects and mixes the timing up in a weird way. It happens also when I preview groups and sounds. I first thought it was interference from my phone or some other device.…
Maschine 3.0 "Octave-" Bug?
Hey guys, Today i saw this for the very first time on my Maschine MK3 display. It occurs in pad mode on hardware display, maybe its an older bug, dont know but it displays 2 times "Octave -" instead of "Octave-" and "Octave+". The funktion itself is not affected. Switching to the keyboard mode, everything is fine with…