Record MACRO knob movements in Maschine and Logic Pro ?

Jérôme Delamare
Jérôme Delamare Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

I have Maschine MK3.
Is it possible to record the movements of the Macro knobs in Maschine2 and Logic Pro?
If it is possible how to do it?

Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 6 Answer ✓

    No, you dont need any of that. Maschine does not record any kind of Automation into itself, certainly not when used as a Plug-In. Maschine only has Modulation internally.

    Modulation = Internal; Automation = External (a DAW or MIDI device/port)

    That being said, yes, you can record Automation into Logic, from the controller which then will control the Macro parameter of the Plugin:

    1. Click the down arrow, Select Automation and Host.
    2. Enable record on Logic, play and twist the knob..
    3. Play it back and the automation should be there and control Maschine.

    Not sure why I can't see the automation curves above but it's there, im a logic noob, never use it.


  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor


    For clarity, are you wanting to use the MK3 as a MIDI controller mapped for functionality w/ Logic Pro, or are you wanting to run Maschine 2 Software inside Logic Pro, using the MK3 to control both?

    They both (Maschine 2 SW and Logic Pro) have their own automation lanes that can be controlled with the MK3 within the same Logic Pro project.

    Depending on your specific use case, the overall answer is yes, you can record Macro automations using the MK3 to control Maschine 2 SW inside of a DAW (in your case, Logic Pro). You can open an instance of Maschine 2 SW inside of your Logic Pro project, assign your Macros and record any automations there, inside the Maschine 2 SW instance.

    You can also toggle over to MIDI controller mode on the MK3 and make or assign an existing Logic Pro mapping for it and control/record Macros in the automation lanes of the Logic Pro program itself. I might be mistaken, but I believe the MK3 and Mikro MK3 have default MIDI mappings for Logic Pro…? They might not be developed enough to utilize full functionality of the MK3 so, it may take some finagling to get the MK3 to play nice with Logic Pro.

    I have an M+ so, Logic does NOT currently have a default mapping so, I had to follow some guides on how to get that aligned to my liking.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 6 Answer ✓

    No, you dont need any of that. Maschine does not record any kind of Automation into itself, certainly not when used as a Plug-In. Maschine only has Modulation internally.

    Modulation = Internal; Automation = External (a DAW or MIDI device/port)

    That being said, yes, you can record Automation into Logic, from the controller which then will control the Macro parameter of the Plugin:

    1. Click the down arrow, Select Automation and Host.
    2. Enable record on Logic, play and twist the knob..
    3. Play it back and the automation should be there and control Maschine.

    Not sure why I can't see the automation curves above but it's there, im a logic noob, never use it.

  • Jérôme Delamare
    Jérôme Delamare Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks for the info!

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