Maschine and Pro Tools

JMW Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited February 2 in Maschine

Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translationby DeepL)

Hello, I have problems when I want to use Maschine with Pro Tools Studio. When Maschine is on and I want to start Pro Tools I always get this error message

"Request could not be completed. Reason access violation. Cannot read location 0x0000000000000000000010"

Pro Tools cannot be opened.

Maybe someone can give me a hint


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  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    Hey there, can you give us more details here? What's your operating system? What version of ProTools are you using? What version of Maschine software?

  • JMW
    JMW Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hello Jeremy,

    I use a Windows 11 PC with a 14700k cpu, 64gb ddr5. My Audio Interface is a Apollo 16 silver with thb3 optioncard. My Midi Interface is a M-Audio Midispoter 4x4. I use the latest Pro Tools Studio version with Maschine MK3 and the new Maschine 3 software.

    soory my English is not so :-)

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    Ok, are you running Maschine 3 and Pro Tools as admin? How to Run a Program as an Administrator

    So if you launch Pro Tools and then load a Maschine 3 plug-in with the Maschne Studio plugged in, it crashes Pro Tools? If the Maschine Studio is not connected, does it crash as well?

    Or does the crash happen differently? Can you give a step by step until the crash happens?

    If you open Maschine 3 in standalone and plug the Maschine Studio controller, is everything functional?

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