Traktor 3 license to new laptop
Good afternoon! After about 11 years i finally had to buy a new laptop. On this laptop i always had Traktor 2 and later (most of the time) Trakor 3 PRO. Now i want to use Traktor 3 PRO on my new Windows laptop, after some searching i found the used product key in the software on my old Macbook pro. When i try to enter that…
Quels sont les meilleurs réglages audio pour utiliser Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3 avec traktor pro 3?
Je me demande par exemple si je dois utiliser le limiter. En club la sortie manque de puissance, les ingés son des clubs ont une avis différents. conseillez vous de repasser par un Mixeur analogique en sortie. Quelles sont vos expériences et vos settings ?
TRAKTOR AUDIO 6 is discontinued. When will there be a replacement?
When will Native Instruments address/ start manufacturing more Traktor Audio 6's or something similar for Vinyl users? They are nearly impossible to find, and a lot of the websites claiming they have them are straight up scams. Is there any alternative interfaces besides the Audio 6?
Upgraded to Traktor Pro 3.11- CRASHED during set
Want to report that I upgraded to Tractor Pro 3.11 this week, and unfortunately this latest version crashed during a live set on my MacBook (2021 M1 Max 14inch-MacOS Ventura 13.6.3.) tonight. I was using internal mode playing through the Traktor Audio 6 interface on a Pioneer XDJ-XZ as the XDJ is not natively compatible…
Traktor 3Pro for MacBook Pro (M1) Ventura + MacBook Pro (Intel) Big Sur
Help! Bought Traktor Pro 3 for my (M1) MacBook Pro. As I prefer to use the book for Live, I would like to transfer Traktor Scratch Pro 3 to my older book (Intel) identically. As written by Native, the 3.4.1 Traktor Installer does not work on Ben Sur Intel (Traktor 3.4.1 Installer needs to be updated says Mac) Native Access…
how to remove some Genre-Factory-Presets from pull-down in Traktor Pro
as the headline says I want to remove Genre from the pull-down in the Edit-menu due to sorting my tracks with this field it´s making me bit "angry" to pass all those I never will use like Alternative, Blues, Country, Disco etc. I have my own included but don´t know how to remove those NI included maybe I´ve to edit an…
Traktor pro 4
I can't record my sets and can't use output monitor I use pioneer mk2 750 And 2 xone K2 instead decks Al work great but that's 2 problems I need to sort I can't find the mixer in mapping as well so mixer works but when I press any buttons on mixer nothing changes in traktor. I think because I can't mapping the 750 mk2…
Can i set up Traktor in a way to not split long recordings?
I would just like to know if i can somehow make Traktor just create one, continuous recording file for longs sets and if not, alternatively, what you think the easiest method is to join files from the same set. Many Thanks, Philipp
TraktorPro3: Load and Grid needs 2 Cue-places, no way to have them together?
hello everybody, in the prefrences is a point under "Loading" that´s called "Initially cue to load marker" if I activate this, the loaded tracks are still at the beginning, found than out, that there is a "Load" in the Cuetype-pulldown, which I always have set to grid or cue (depending which Cue-key, for me: 1=Grid, 2=Cue…
Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3 Not Working
Hi. I'm having a recurring problem with my Kontrol S2 MK3 that is becoming more and more crippling. I will plug the controller in via USB and it will light up fully but then go dark. When I open Traktor 3, the controller is not responsive. None of the buttons work. Previously I have managed to fix this problem by…
How do I move select playlists to a new MacBook?
Well the day has finally come, my 2014 MacBook Pro cannot upgrade anymore, which means I’m missing out on the new Traktor updates. So I’m biting the bullet and buying a new M3 Pro! Im using this as a fresh start because my Traktor collection is a mess of music that I no longer use, but also don’t want to delete forever. So…
Bought a S2 MK3 but the license is for Traktor Pro 3, not Traktor Pro 4
Hey, Just bought a new Traktor S2 MK3 (DJ2) but it seems like the included software license is for TP3 and not TP4. Is it normal, even though the TP4 upgrade was released 3 months ago? Do I have to pay an extra-fee to upgrade to TP4? Thank you in advance for your help. Cheers!
Traktor Delete Metadata in M4A files.
Traktor is deleting all the metadata like album, artist, etc. in Apple Lossless files. I have almost all my library in this format, it really is a hassle, in the end I'm switching to rekordbox.
Por varias ocaciones se me cierra el programa de Traktor pro al cargar una musica en el deck, por que me sucede ya varias veces en un evento. On several occasions, the Traktor Pro program closes when loading music onto the deck, because it has happened to me several times at an event.
Numark DJ2GO2 mapping
Does anyone know how I can connect the Numark DJ2GO2 Touch up with my macbook Pro using Traktor Pro 3. I'm not that techy when it comes to midi mapping. I've managed to get the controller to show up in Controller Management and locate a TSi but I don't get what I need to do next. The buttons and faders are not…