Z2 - Is it possible to do FLUX scratching in Relative mode? (Like when using the S2)
I recently updarged from an S2 to a Z2 with turntables. On the S2 I would turn on FLUX mode and scratch and the song would keep its ongoing posiiton. i.e You would see the line continue moving from the point you was scratching and then it would return to the moving line. I expected the same functionality with FLUX when…
Kontrol Z2 channel fader curve
How to change the cutoff curve of channel volume faders? I would like to be able to change the cutoff curve when I use analog vinyls for scratching, but also when I use software traktor. How do I change the cutoff curve for both modes (analog/digital)? Is there an instruction guide I can follow? Thank you all
Traktor z2 Chrome os
I've just got a samsung Chromebook go which runs Chrome OS. Reading my Traktor z2 mixer won't connect to the operating system? Any ideas? My old windows laptop broke so not connected my Traktor to a laptop for years but would like to get it working again.
Traktor Z2 Skin Template?
I am reaching out here. Does anyone have a Z2 Faceplate Template for a CNC or Vinyl Lathe?
Traktor DJ 2 on Ipad Pro + Z2 + X1 setup works?
Good day! I want to run Traktor DJ 2 on my iPad Pro connected through USB-Lightning with a Z2 and connect X1 with Z2 also on USB. Would this setup work? It should be awesome! Thanks, Balazs
Headphone cue on Z2 not working
Hi there, my headphone cue for deck A on my Z2 stopped working today whilst mixing… any ideas on how to fix this?
Mic input on Z2 never works !!
I’m starting to feel like I’m cursed. I bought an almost-new Traktor Kontrol Z2 three years ago on Mercari, which worked perfectly well except the mic input never functioned. I tried using different cords, bought several dynamic mics and it never worked. Finally, I appealed to Native Instruments and they sent me a…
Tractor Z1 Faders Misfiring
My tacktor Z1 is not working properly , the right fader started jumping around when at the top and now both are freaking out and jumping around the software , the left one HIJACKS all the knobs as soon as it hits the top , I have attached a screenshot for better understanding. I have already cleaned up the faders once , it…
A Sad Farewell to Traktor Pro 3 - Time for Change
Hey Traktor fam, Hope you're all doing well. It's a bit of a bittersweet moment for me as I share that I'm saying goodbye to Traktor Pro 3 after over 13 years. It's been a heck of a ride, but a few things have pushed me to this decision, and it feels like Native Instruments might be missing the vinyl DJ community. 1. No…
It's time for a 4 channel mixer
NI has a huge population of house music, compare to scratch dj. I know the Z2 is very affordable, but I have not seen a Z2 user beside Dj Qbert Dj Shifty or DJ Craze. Battle DJs are great, but house DJ and EDM is been the money maker. I think it's time for a 4channel to be in the market, able to control remix deck and…
Traktor Z2 not connecting
hi guys, i am using my traktor z2 with my turntables for years. recently i have upgraded my laptop. i m running windows 11 so i had to buy traktor scratch 3. but now it doesn't recognize the mixer... i m experiencing same issues like this guy in the video. please help
Z2 and S2 setup heaphone out conundrum
Hi There, I'm using a Z2 heading into my laptop (to allow for using Scratch and Analog vinyl) with My S2 Mk3 into the USB of the Z2. However, I can only get a headphone output from the Z2 and the Cue buttons don't work (I guess as it's not coming through a specific channel). How can I set up this layout so that I can also…
Z2 and Traktor Pro 3 calibration issues on Windows 10 Pro
I recently tried upgrading Traktor Scratch Pro 2 to Traktor Pro 3, and for some reason, my right deck is getting the dreaded "calibration failed" error. The calibration circle looks like the right deck control vinyl isn't being recognized. When I switched the cables on my right deck to the left line inputs on the mixer, it…
What Heppened to Z2?
I can't find any official announcement but Z2 is no more... What is its status? Is there any successor?
Traktor Z2 Freeze while mixing
Hi, I suffered this issue 2 times: one before last Traktor update and the last, yesterday, runnning the last version of Traktor Pro 3. The thing is during the mix, past 10 minutes from start, Z2 mixer freeze and it doesn't respond to any knob or fader movement. The funniest thing is Traktor Pro 3 is still running and the…