Traktor with S4 Mk3 sound stucks
I use Traktor with a S4 MK3 Controller and a 2015 Laptop with Windows 10 and a Core I5 and 6 GB Ram. I have got Problems with the sound, there are dropouts. What would you reccomend me to do? Increase the RAM? Increase the Traktor verson? Buy a new laptop? Regards Ralph Lange
Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3 Screens Sluggish to Respond?
Hello, I just purchased a Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3, and it's a hUGE upgrade from my outgoing X1/Z1 setup, but one thing I've noticed is the onboard screens seem to be ever-so-slightly slow to respond to inputs. For example, there's a slight (like 10ms) delay between when I turn the loop encoder and when the screen changes…
Traktor Pro 3 Software Not Transferrable?
Hi everyone, I just bought Traktor S4 MK3 and it comes with Traktor Pro 3. I already have Traktor Pro 3 installed (separate licence) with a Traktor S2 MK2 which I JUST sold. When I transfer the license, it only allows me to transfer the hardware, not the software. The buyer has already imported the license and says its all…
Help with registering my S4
Hi all. I bought an S4 kontroller with Komplete 10 ultimate recently second-hand. The seller told me neither was registered to him as he hadn't used Komplete and had barely touched the kontroller. I sold Komplete 10 to someone and they have told me it actually is registered. I went to the seller and he says he doesn't use…
Install 2 DJ controllers
I have a S2 MK3 with the traktor 3 pro software installed. Today I will receive a S4 MK3 controller. Can I install both and switch between them? Or do I need to deinstall the S2 MK3 and traktor software? Thanks for taking your time. Kind Regards
Traktor S4 MK3 and Traktor 3 pro software
Hello, I possesse now a Denon MC3000 but it is old and I want to upgrade to Traktor S4 Mk3 hardware. Is Traktor 3 pro software compatible with the S4MK3? I can't find the answer nowhere. Thanks in advance for the help
I was wondering whether you will have something as a update for S4 mk3
Hello there, this year i was hoping that musikmesse event will be available so there i can see something new from your side, but unfortunately it wasn`t. Do you plan to release some new controller(s), this year i`m curios about some updates on Traktor s4 mk3?
I cannot get sound out of my speakers
I'm having another dumb... I have an S4, a laptop (windows 10), headphones and some studio monitors. Basic stuff. I recorded a mix and I just want to listen to it in my studio monitors while I'm cleaning this room. When I go to my sound settings I have my S4 set as my output device (speakers plugged into it) and when i…
No audio from Traktor s4 Mk3 PLEASE HELP
Hi, i'm having a major issue with my s4 mk3, it has been working absolutely perfectly for a year and a half and has now decided to stop playing any sound at all?! I have reinstalled traktor, updated, checked for loose cables, tried everything.. There is no flashing levels at all on the mains output and weirdly if i change…
LIve Streaming/Microphone Issues: S4 MK3
Hi, Sorry for bothering everyone here. I've been live streaming my gigs as happy as Larry on Mixcloud using my S4 MK3 and OBS. I use Windows 11 (Was using Windows 10) and again, no dramas. I use the method where I run a main out into channel 4 on my mixer as I am a pretty simplistic base level DJ. But a couple of weeks ago…
How do I get my master clock / Fx bar to show in 4 deck mode?
I've been using Traktor for a few years now and have never figured out how to get the master clock and FX section to display at the same time! I've always thought it was impossible until I saw a couple tutorials on YouTube, they had them visible, but no one ever explained how to get them all to show up. Please help,,, I'm…
More than 8 Global MIDI controls?
I'm wondering about global midi, currently there are 8 buttons, 8 faders and 8 knobs. I want to use my S4 MK3 to control Traktor and Ableton and since there is no MIDI Mode the only way to send MIDI to Ableton is to output it from Traktor using global midi commands. For which, 8 of each is quite limiting. Please NI,…
Selecting filters on S4 MK3
Hi, how can I browse filters (in filters units) using the controller? If there is no way I am willing to try to program the MIDI mapping, but I would really appreciate some help or hints on this. I would imagine to do change the filter in a single mode by holding the shift button and pressing the ON button under the…
My traktor keeps on freezing when I play with the loops or load too many songs
So I had traktor working with the default Wasapi drivers and it was working fine, I installed ableton and it wanted asio drivers so I installed the s4 mk3 asio driver out of the NI folder on my computer and now traktor is wonky so I think I need to go back to the way it was (before asio driver install) how do I do this? Is…
Problem with filter Traktor S4 MK3
Who can help me the knob of the filter the second precisely in the central position is not configured correctly on the traktor pro 3 .... few words and slightly shifted to the left on the traktor pro while the console and central. Thanks in advance