i have a traktor s2 dj controller which was handed down to me , so it was already registered years ago by original owner . there is no way to contact original owner and i have no packaging with serial number . so how can i use native instrument software to run controller . i am complete newbie by the way so dont know if my…
Traktor Pioneer DDJ-T1 Edition 2
I have a Pioneer DDJ-T1 and I can't instal the Traktor Pioneer DDJ-T1 Edition 2 softwer form my cd or from my NI account, error come just before installing the Software saying is not supported by my current OSCatalina, versos 10.15.7. Any suggestion? Please advise. Thank you
Traktor DJ 2 export metadata from iPad to Traktor Pro 4
Hello, I am new to Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3 and like to prepare with iPad and Traktor DJ 2. Unfortunately, the App is no longer supported by NI. [Can you recommend a similar free app?] Is there any way to export the metadata (Cue points, Loops, …) back into my PC version (Pro 4)? Or is the workflow the other way round:…
Traktor dj for ipad
traktor dj for ipad has stopped working with IOS 18.1. It lags and glitches. I have deleted and installed again but same issue. Is there going to be an updated version?
Traktor DJ 2
Hi All, I was using the Traktor app (Trakor DJ 2) on an old ipad. I have now upgraded to a Surface pro, and notice the app is no longer available, (if it ever was for windows). Traktor Pro 3 runs very well on the surface pro. However, I preferred the larger touch buttons and layout in the app. I am only using the app for…
Sticker drift
Is it possible to scratch with vinyl mk2 +needle in traktor 3 pro without having the 'sticker drift' consequence? (I don't have phase" Or can only serato do this with the 'sticker lock' option? Can traktor run dvs in 'anti sticker drift' mode like serato does? I have Z2 connected via usb3 to a windows 10x64 i7-16gb laptop…
How to play track in reverse
How do you play an audio track backwards in the deck? I'd like to be able to play the deck backwards, I've seen that there's the REV button but it doesn't stay on, it only works momentarily, if I release the mouse it goes off. Is there a way to make the tracks play backwards constantly and continuously? Without having to…
Bought a S2 MK3 but the license is for Traktor Pro 3, not Traktor Pro 4
Hey, Just bought a new Traktor S2 MK3 (DJ2) but it seems like the included software license is for TP3 and not TP4. Is it normal, even though the TP4 upgrade was released 3 months ago? Do I have to pay an extra-fee to upgrade to TP4? Thank you in advance for your help. Cheers!
why does my traktor pro wont open and my traktor dj 2 doesnt recognise my controller?
ive installed all software from the native access, done everything "by the book", yet the softwares dont recognise my controller - allthough my pc does. what should i do?
utilisation soundcloud Go+ hors Traktor DJ2
Bonjour, Ok, on ne peut plus synchroniser Soundcloud GO+ avec Traktor DJ2 pour iPad. Cela dit, par quel moyen puis-je utiliser mes playlists GO+ et mon Traktor S3? si je lache mon iPad et prends un ordi ou Mac, pourrais-je retrouver mes playlists ? A moins que la relation Soudcloud/NI soit définitivement cassée quelque…
So does this mean tractor DJ 2 will no longer work with any Apple products?
My SoundCloud today stopped working with my Traktor DJ 2 app and the sign in button is unresponsive. Does Traktor DJ 2 no longer work with apple products? I’m super upset about this
Can't connect soundcloud?
Howdy all, I've been using Traktor DJ 2 for the past month and had soundcloud connected to the software on the free trial and have began paying for Go+ and suddenly the accounts have been disconnected and won't let me reconnect. I am on mac Sonoma 14 any help is appreciated.
How do i fix my Traktor?
I started to work on the set and the controller lost it. I plug in my headphones and the last thing i hear is the tracks. There is a terrible beeping and somting really unbearable! So i dont know what to do. I turned the computer off and on a faw times and i thought maybe its a problem with the software because i checked…
Z1 & Traktor DJ2 on iPad Pro /w Apple Silicon: any USB-C cables that charge while playing?
Hello Community, I am using Traktor DJ2 on an iPad Pro M1. Since iPads are no longer relying on lightning, I got myself an USB-C to USB-A adapter, so that I could use a standard USB-A to USB-B cable to connect my Z1 to it. It basically works, except charging the iPad while playing - of course with the A/C adapter plugged…
How to export the remix into a MP3 or WAV file?
Well…that is the question. How can I do it?