HELP! My traktor (scratch) is practically breaking and shattering all my audio files!!
situation: I put my audio files in various usb ( mp3 and WAV too ) then i start to djing and there is no problem, when i finish the set i close traktor. the next day, i open the traktor and i put the same usb, all the files i used yesterday are broken. some ar broken (with gliches and rare sounds on it), some are…
Traktor Audio 6 - send sound to both main output and output 3/4
How can I play from iTunes on Mac OS, and send the sound to both the main output and output 3/4 at the same time?
Connection Trouble - Xone 96, Maschine MK3, Traktor Pro 3, Audio Komplete 6, Traktor X1
Hey Guys, So far I've played with Traktor Pro 3, Traktor X1 and the Xone 96. I have now bought the Machine MK3 and would like to include it in the set. I would like to record 3 channels in the Xone 96 with the Traktor Pro 3 and one channel with the machine. Unfortunately, Beat Sync doesn't work for me. Beat sync is my…
Pro 3 & Scratch A6 - audio issues
Hey all, Recently picked up an A6 to run my 1200s through my old DJM600. The timecode vinyl seems to work great, no issues that I can tell. When I want to switch to a normal vinyl via 'THRU,' I notice the gain when I switch goes WAY down. I noticed this same issue using my tables as channel 3/4 through my S4 as well. Is…
Traktor Audio 6 shows no Output signal
My sound card Audio 6 shows no output signal when connected, I'm using a MacOS High Sierra, it's compatible and the card is connected perfectly. It has been working fine few months ago, but now not. Someone knows what is going on?
Plugging into Pioneer DJ equipment
Hi, Most of the venues I DJ for provide Pioneer equipment (normally a couple of CDJ-2000 NXS2, and a mixer). For a long time I have been using Traktor the old school way - i.e. by connecting my Audio 6 via timecode. While it's proven to be a reliable setup (most of the times), it's a bit of a hassle, especially if you want…
audio devices changing not working
Hello! I am using abeton live 11 standard, traktor s4 mk3, maschine 2 and audio kontrol 6 with ableton and komplete. also I am using the asio4all driver for windows 11 - 64 bit. Problem is, that one hardware is not working on the OUTs when I run everything - it´s changing the settings always - if it´s running somehow it´s…
Which is the newest hardware?
Hello does anyone know which is the newest hardware between Traktor audio 6 and Traktor a6??
4 decks with Traktor A6
Good Morning In traktor audio 6, can I connect two time codes (2 decks) plus 1 tratkor x1 (2 decks) = 4 decks ? How to connect to sound card? and distribute through the table mixing ? Thanks!
Audio 6 requesting an "Interface Pluggin"
It looks like a common problem regarding Audio 6 requesting an "Interface Pluggin", so to cut to the chase has anyone got any clues beyond changing the USB lead and going through Set Up Wizard which I have already done? Any help greatly appreciated 😫
Audio A6 and MAC OS Big Sur
Guys, I already know that Traktor Scratch Pro 2 MK2 is not compatible with OS BigSur. In Native support, I was instructed to buy the Traktor Pro 3. But my question is in the audio card I have today and I bought it along with the Pro2, the Traktor Audio 6 HW. Is it compatible with Big Sur and also with Pro 3? Today, I can't…
Vestax vci 400 with traktor pro 3 and audio 6
Hi, I'm wondering to buy an audio scratch 6 to use timecode vinyls, i use a Vestax vci 400 with the standalone mixer upgrade, i mean, deck c and d as an external mixer, my question is, how can i use both sources, vestax 2 digital channels and 2 turntables with dvs? Connecting 2 usb's to my laptop, one from vestax and one…
Trouble with Installation Traktor Audio 6
Hello, I was gifted a Traktor Audio 6HW like this one here: I connected the power cable and the DC light is orange as well as the THRU (Phone B). I don’t understand the hardware so far. I tried to connect my E-Guitar to it through the Main Line in on the front of the device. I also connected my Palmer active speakers with…
Getting Traktor Scratch A6 to pick up Traktor Vinyl
Hi, after some help, yesterday I received my Traktor Scratch A6. I am using it with my 1210's and my DJM250 mixer, connecting the decks into the line in then out of the A6 box into the phono connections on the mixer (straight forward) However when I enter the Pro 3 software I cannot get it to pick up the vinyl, I have…
Record using Traktor Pro 2 and Pioneer setup, without using Audio 6
Hello one and all. I have a Traktor Pro and Pioneer setup (DJM 2000 and 2 CDJ 2000nxs decks). I recently discovered digital cables setup for my Pioneer (OMG much clearer sound LOL). I removed my standard RCA jacks and went optical. at first I thought I could not connect to Traktor without my audio 6 controller, until…