How to route maschine into traktor via 2 cdjs 2000 nxs 2.
How to route maschine to traktor via 2 cdjs nxs2. I tried with cdjs aggregate sound card but I have no sound. So I connected my audio 6 to route maschine. How to avoid this step and use same audio interface on traktor and maschine with cdjs?
Traktor/Mac: How to pre-listen via Audio6 Soundcard?
Hey there, I need help with the following set-up: • Traktor (Mac) • Audio6 (Soundcard) • Amp/Speaker • Headphone but no external Mixer. I have plugged the Amp to Audio6 Frontpanel > Main Output (Chinch), works well so far. But how to connect the Headphones, so that I can pre-listening to the other deck? Thank you in…
Scratch A6 Timecode not calculating
I have just puchased the A6 however I am thinking about sending it back because I cant get it to work, anyone know why the time code is not calculating?
Traktor Audio 6 macOS Monterey 12.2.1 driver (solved)
Hi everybody, today I discovered one issue into my setup. Some days ago I updated my macOS and today I founded a problem with my sound card. I can send the signal at the external mixer by "thru" function, but is impossible using the timecode vinyls. Into Traktor Pro 2 or 3 (I tried to purchase the new release) it's…