Is S61 a standalone keyboard?
There are no images of the port panel on this keyboard. I'm curious if it's a standalone or whether it needs to be MIDI'd into a separate computer.
transport conflicts // cc plugins
Good morning, I just had komplete s61 but I have a problem of conflict in terms of transport indeed, this one influences the commands of plugins or cc , when I press stop and metro (in the cubase midi editor, I see that it activates the CC19) moreover, when I press stop / metro / play / it increases the volume of the…
Possible to set aftertouch of s61?
can we set the aftertouch of the komplete kontrol s61 mk2 (when I look at the curve in my cubase midi editor, only the beginning of the note is represented ....
komplete kontrol s61 mk2 can't be found from Mac m1
hi everyone, I just bough a Komplete Kontrol s61 mk2. so I've downloaded komplete,I've put usb into them and pc , I've registered my device on ni site but pc don't find s61. I have read all auto help articles but nothing, it rest as midi and don't work with nothing, no sound and logic can't find it. I don't understand how…
Just got a KK 61 S keyboard. Lots of stuck keys
Just downloaded and installed KK software and sound libraries. Everything worked great the first session. Now every time I start my KK mk2 61 s keyboard and the KK software, things look good but i get stick notes constantly. Across all sounds. I do not have a sustain pedal at this time. I'm on a Mac with the latest Ventura…
scene/pattern/track/keymode/clear/tempo don't work
good morning I just got my komplete kontrole s61mk2 so my question may be a bit silly but the scene/pattern/track/keymode/clear/tempo buttons do not work??? is there a reason
upgrade KKS61 MKII to KKS88 MKII how to transfer
I guess this is my first post around here so hello everyone. Looking for some help as i'm a noob here with the NI ecosystem. I've had my KKS61 mkII for about a year and have missed having a full sized keyboard so today I purchased the KKS88 Mk II. If this question has been answered somewhere already , please direct me! I…
vsti (no NI) does not appear
hello does anyone know how I could include in the browser of my komplet kontrole s61 (hardware) this instrument that I manage to get in the software
Komplete Kontrol Day 1 unbox help
Thanks in advance for your help! My Komplete Kontrol S61 MK2 just arrived today...and I could use some guidance on how best to proceed.... how can I update the firmware? (I couldn't find the option once I downloaded and installed the software... I've already plugged in the keyboard, but I'm not sure how it can pair with…
Inquiry about S61 and S88 Keyboards, presale
I am about to replace my Akai A49 controller with a KK S61 or 88(or another brand if there is something that wont work for me), and Ive read plenty of documentation but wanted to ask current S61/88 owners about their experience. Im leaving the Akai A49 keyboard because of chronic controller drift, and Akai refusing to…
Top level Filtering of Plugin Parameters?
Does anyone know if there is any way that we can get some sort of (ideally automated) top-level filtering for plugin parameters similar to that in Roland Zen Core Plugins? So something like: Filter Cutoff Filter Resonance (VCA) Envelope Attack (VCA) Envelope Release Modulation Effect 1 (wet/dry) Effect 2 (wet/dry) Relative…
Can I sell Komplete Kontrol S61 + Select but keep Ultimate?
Hi everyone. New to the forum, don’t know for sure if this question has been asked, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. A few years ago I bought Komplete Kontrol S61 and received Komplete 12 Select with it. I upgraded that to Komplete 12 Ultimate. Now I want to sell my S61, including the Select bundle, and buy a M32 or A25…
S61 mk2 on OSX 12.6.2 with NI Access 3.1.0 notes stick and controller acts bizarre, thoughts?
I do have a support ticket in on this, but also trying the community here in case I get a faster answer. I have an S61 and all software up to date in latest Native Access, on OSX12.6.2, and when I turn on kbd with no software it seems to be fine, playing a note turns the little light on, and releasing it turn it off, etc.…
Logic Pro X & issues w/ multiple NI devices
I'm having an issue with my NI devices & transport control. I own a Maschine MK3, a Komplete Kontrol S61, and a Komplete Kontrol M32. All this is connected to a MacBook Pro with a M1 Max chip (running Monterey in Rosetta) via a powered USB 3.0 hub. Whenever I start Logic, it's a ****** shoot whether or not the transport…
I can't get my NI plugins to show up in pro tools
When I go to ➡️ Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins I don't see any of my NI plugins. Could it be the location of my content folder? How do I Fix this issue? Or is there a default setting I can go to on the NI Access app? Where should my default folders be? Tryn2... figure it out