Erica Synths NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library
[NKS] Freelance Soundlabs 3rd Party NKS Libraries for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine
I've been asked if I can update people in the Maschine thread as some are not KK users but all the main info is in the thread here: For the Komplete list of now supported plugins see our page here: Komplete \ Maschine N.K.S Libraries https://freelancesoundlabs.com/nks Compatibility Komplete Kontrol software v2.1 Maschine…
Safari Pedals NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Knob text on S88 keyboard
Hello All, I'm at my wits end looking for a solution to what should be a simple task - I must be missing something fundamental! I can change the text/label on a UI knob easily enough. I can map that knob to the physical encoder on my S88 keyboard but I can't get the text on the physical knob to follow the ui or even change…
New Sonic Arts NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library Download link: New Sonic Arts NKS presets
Creating NKS files for 3rd party plugins for Mac
I am attempting to create NKS files for 3rd party Serum presets. I was able to get serum factory library working with komplete using https://freelancesoundlabs.com/index.php library. Unfortunately this doesnt do much for 3rd party Serum plugins. I know people use Preset Magician…
Third-party VSTs not loading via NKS
Hi, I'm trying to use some third-party VSTs that come with NKS patches with a Maschine MK3 but when I try to load the VST via the NKS patch it shows an error: XXX could not be loaded, e.g.: A few notes: This only happens with NKS patches that come shipped with their VST. In my case Arturia synths and Waldorf PPG. It works…
Soundevice Digital NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Wavesequencer NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library Download link: Wavesequencer NKS presets
NEW Expansion images for Maschine
I'll share this since more may think like me. The images of the expansion look too similar and I get lost, I wanted to see the product images from the website as my browser images when working with Maschine (SW and HW). Attached are images for all NI Maschine Expansions, in MST and VB format, using the NI web image. I also…
Is there any documentation on the NKS preset file format ? (.nksf)
I'm specifically trying to find info on the PCHK chunk data format of the nksf file
Output NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Reveal Sound NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Zynaptiq NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Phonolyth NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library