Hybrid Keys strange audio artefact below certain velocity
I've found a very strange problem when using Hybrid Keys when playing some notes below a certain velocity. This only happens with one sound patch which is Harmonic Keys, with the A/B blend dialled hard left, only using sound from Dynamic C7. I get this problem whether I use Logic or standalone Kontakt. If I shift the…
Regarding LED guide...
Is there any way to make your midi playback leds distinct from the plugin led? In other words, Using komplete kontrol, (or any vst for that matter), there is usually a default led color for each plugin. Example: Hybrid Keys lights up light blue. When playing back a midi track recorded on that channel, each note lights up…
Invisible CC mapping for a parameter that can't be removed.
Hello average music enjoyers, I would really appreciate if you can help me with the following. The cut off parameter (in-between Leslie and release) can't be unpaired from CC1. Even though there appears to be nothing assigned, the cut off knob still changes with respect to CC1 changing.
Surprisingly high CPU with Hybrid Keys under Ableton with new 11800H
I picked up an MSI laptop with an 11800H in it (20k Passmark) and was surprised to see Hybrid Keys taking about 50% CPU using built in presets under Ableton 11 (which seems to use about 5% by itself). I was hoping to be able to use a lot more instruments than that with this processor, do I have a bum unit or is Hybrid Keys…
How to make real piano sounds with Hybrid Keys?
Hi I am a komplete newbie having bought the A49 just to use as input to Sibelius. However I would like to start learning how to make use of the software that came with it. The first thing I am struggling with is how to get this just to sound like a real piano. Just the basics. I have managed somehow (can't remember how) to…
Instruments/settings missing after Kontakt, Analog Dreams and Massive
Hello - just updated Kontakt, analog dreams and massive last night. Opened my most recent project file today in Ableton and several instruments are just showing default instruments for Massive; not the instruments that were loaded in the file. So the whole production is screwed up. Have opened several other projects and…