TRAKTOR PRO Ideas breakdown 2023



  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    It would be great to be able to assign functions to a double click, and assign a function when you hold down a key, performing a different function than a single click does.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,845 Expert

    Uhh, mate my message was just a respond to the other person saying people with know how should not get banned. Not more, not less.

    I don't know why he got banned. That was my point.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,210 mod

    Just saying about the reason why NI won't consider on adding more modifiers. Modifiers are not selling hardware.

    You are right about the second comment, I guess it doesn't apply to me as I could not imagine using a different DJ app. Simply impossible to replicate Traktor work flow without using 3rd party tools.

  • SteveKDJ
    SteveKDJ Member Posts: 143 Helper

    I complained a lot, recently. I was wondering why this relapse... then I got a warning to respect etiquette because... (who knows? I guess) I had no explicit words, I had an argument with someone (I won't mention his name) once, well that's it...

  • Mika.Six
    Mika.Six Member Posts: 12 Member

    Color cue points would be awesome. Also Soundswitch integration. I moved from EngineDJ and Soundswitch is the only thing I really miss since switching.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    yes, soundswitch or a similar integration would be awesome. there was an older suggestion in the ideas section. but its closed due to less votes. maybe its time for another (new) one!

    BOYRICH Member Posts: 9 Member

    I really couldn't care about the royalty %..... All I care is that I can find every song I look for. In my eyes I see a DJ as free marketing for artists so why would I give them royalties when I help to break their record.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru
    edited July 2023

    why should the venue give you money for doing your job as a dj? they just helped you to be better known, right? 🤨

  • marinelli
    marinelli Member Posts: 31 Helper

    Wow, most arrogant and ignorant thing i read in a while.

  • leesinthemix
    leesinthemix Member Posts: 348 Guru

    You don't place any value on art then, it is just a commodity to you like any other object or digital file.

    What a sad little life.

  • SteveKDJ
    SteveKDJ Member Posts: 143 Helper

    Seriously I ask, has the development and improvement of Traktor Pro stopped?

  • Michael Niotakis
    Michael Niotakis Member Posts: 54 Helper

    Let's assume a Closed BETA in lieu of the recent Public BETAs.

    Roadmap should be updated though even if its just the last "Released in" column and the removal of those features in the other columns that were released. No harm in that.

  • SteveKDJ
    SteveKDJ Member Posts: 143 Helper

    Let it be as you say..

  • Boogie Louis
    Boogie Louis Member Posts: 19 Helper

    Yes, Soundswitch integration please.

  • vonn
    vonn Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    1- It would be great to listen to the preview in sync with the current main tempo. 

    2- Apart from midi mapping, it would be great to be able to save and recall combination effects chain selections with one click, by naming them, and to be able to do this more than once. 

    3-As a hardware main change proposal; The effects knobs should be infinitely rotating encoders, because most djs want to start the parameter settings from the same location each time, which is more convenient in many cases. It's as easy as pressing a reset button that's already in the tractor pro. In fact, the position can be specified with the led lights around the encoder and it can be used like a normal knob, preferably by limiting the rotation with a setting to be added to the preferences. 

    4- An effect output button to be added to the center of the tractor control hardware. When this button is pressed, all open fx units including filters are exited with a single button. One main exit. This is great when things start to get a little messy when making large savings.

    Although it will never be done..

    ***I hope the translation worked correctly and I explained it correctly.

This discussion has been closed.
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