Maschine+ compatible audio interfaces thread



  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor
    edited November 2022

    anyway Maschine only allows you to record one input at a time

    (and I'm ok with that)

    In fact, in a setup (with more than 4 stereo synths) it would above all be a question of being able to send everything into Maschine, to have access to the internal mixer to manage the synths volume and possibly add Maschine's internal effects if necessary.

    I just saw that the MPC/Akai Force claim "32 inputs / outputs" (with an external interface)

    it makes me think...

  • Rhythm Droid
    Rhythm Droid Member Posts: 22 Helper

    Yeah, that's my whole objective. Not to use M+ as a multitrack recorder, but to incorporate my pesky hardware into the mix engine. The idea of having a couple wild monosynths like my x0xi0 and SE-02 getting tamed and mixed properly but still able to tweak in a live setting is the goal. It seems to be working, the only challenge left is the latency compensation. Internally generated sounds in M+ occur slightly ahead of analog audio coming into the unit via an audio interface. The trick is likely going to be to tweak the MIDI clock offset settings which THANK GOD Native Instruments has beautifully included in the M+ settings.

  • Rhythm Droid
    Rhythm Droid Member Posts: 22 Helper


    I HAVE gotten the Behringer X32 Rack to connect over USB and act as a multichannel i/o for Maschine+.

    As I hoped, I can take any hardware device plugged into the X32 Rack, route it into Maschine+ , mix it in with all the wonderful effects goodness, e.g. compressor, transient master, EQ, filter, distortion, maximizer...

    As of this morning, though, after 5-10 mins of use, Maschine+ drops ALL audio connection (and even sometimes MIDI reception) and must have the "audio interface selection" parameter reset by first dialing to "internal" then going back to "Behringer XLive". It only takes second, but it is ,absolutely, what they call a "show stopper".

    A pretty effing annoying one for a $1200 device--it it turns out that this is an insurmountable problem. There is a chance that I'll be able to avoid this behavior by updating the OS (doing now) and switching my X32 internal sample rate from 48kHz down to 44.1kHz...MAYBE that's the problem. I pray that it is.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru
    edited November 2022

    Set the Behringer to be the slave (audio) so the M+ can be the master: if possible set clock source to usb external.

    As mentioned before I think that’s the problem with all the mentioned drops by you and other users.

    It would be helpful if NI could confirm and/or add the option to the settings of the Maschine, too.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 463 Guru


    That setting is very specific to your iConnectivity interface because it can act an interface for multiple devices. It's not something that's relevant for most audio interfaces people are trying to use with M+. There's a concept of a master clock if connecting devices via adat; but it doesn't address the issue here.

  • KIRI
    KIRI Member Posts: 34 Member

    On 2 interfaces I’ve tried with M+, it was indeed the sample rate setting that was the deciding factor (I found they only worked at 44.1)

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru
    edited November 2022

    As I mention here, I’ve tested and running the iConnectivity Audio4C at 24bit / 48khz.

    Yes, this device can serve as an interface for two midi devices at the same time. But it doesn’t support ADAT. Maybe it uses something similar under the hood, that I don’t know.

    What I do know is switching the audio clock source (as with ADAT) to the USB port of the M+ solves the problem. As far as I understand, setting it to that port is similar as telling the Audio4c that the connect USB device (in this case the M+) is the audio clock master, so the Audio4c should behave as a slave.

    Maybe it doesn’t DO anything, but it simply stops interfering with Maschines clock signal. So if a device supports setting the audio clock to external master (as mentioned Behringer X32 rack), one could test if this solves the problem for them, too.

  • Rhythm Droid
    Rhythm Droid Member Posts: 22 Helper


    Even after setting Behringer X32 Rack to 44.1kHz, and updating Maschine+ OS, the Maschine's audio engine crashes about every 5 minutes and must be reset. Behringer X32 doesn't appear have an option to slave to incoming clock over USB audio interface.

    Well this was a frustrating process.

  • CmdrCody
    CmdrCody Member Posts: 3 Member

    Just updated my new Maschine+ to the latest Firmware/OS and am having issues with the TX-6 dropping out every few minutes. Wondering if anyone has come up with a solution using this interface…

  • Trevor Meier
    Trevor Meier Member Posts: 70 Advisor

    So, just to confirm... Maschine+ won't work with any external interfaces at 48KHz? Was planning to use a Befaco AC/DC to integrate Maschine+ into Eurorack but 48KHz is the lowest it will go.

  • Handed
    Handed Member Posts: 1 Member

    @enz0 or anyone else’s who has tried using the SP404 Mk2 (which is locked to 48kHz as I understand) as an audio interface with the M+… Is it working welI or better after the latest OS update? Has anyone got this combination to work in a stable, dependable way?

  • g55boy
    g55boy Member Posts: 10 Member

    not working consistently:

    scarlett 4i4 3rd generation

    the interface is recognised and works but glitches (stops working) periodically (every few minutes). Sorted by changing audio interface in settings but a pain

    Resorted to buying ni audio 6 mk2 which works consistently well.

  • Justin Lipsey
    Justin Lipsey Member Posts: 4 Member

    This is no longer working with my M+ and SP404 MK2. The audio cuts out every 30 seconds or so and I have to switch projects to get it to work for a short period of time. Hopefully NI will resolve this in the next update, it was working perfectly before.

  • Rhythm Droid
    Rhythm Droid Member Posts: 22 Helper
    edited April 2023

    Thank you for that update! Could I ask a small favor that would be helpful for this discussion?

    Could you navigate to the audio interface selection screen, where Maschine+ shows the latency specs (in, out, total), and see if those latency specs change as you toggle between INTERNAL and NI AUDIO 6 MK2? It'd be really interesting to see if there's a difference.

    The processing latency is such a bummer with M+ because I really wish I could run my hardware synths and drum machines through M+'s amazing effects and processing when playing live - but the timing difference between incoming audio sources when mixed with Maschine+ internal sound is sloppy and totally noticeable.

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro

    Really? That’s discouraging to hear that about the ‘delay’ when running external instruments through Maschine +….I have been contemplating getting one and making it my centerpiece and doing just that

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