Reaktor 6.5.0: Beta phase has started



  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    where monitors would go in 5 to 10 years, really.

    … and the old or first programers are gone.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,312 mod
    edited February 2023

    Graphic elements can vary quite a lot in size in Reaktor ensembles already. I always thought Form for example has a decent sized interface even on my 5K Mac Studio Display, whereas other ensembles like Steampipe could definitely be enlarged, some like the TRK's are ridiculously small - but I guess that could more easily be done by modding the graphics rather than making Reaktor scalable. For example I have a modded version of Monark (by Bolle) that is much larger and has better graphics than the standard one. Neither of these look that blurry on my screen either, although I guess Reaktor may have limits on how hi res graphic resources can be, I don't know but I'm sure someone here does?

    In terms of what NI need to do I would be perfectly happy with them just making the built in components better quality such as fonts used in the Reaktor shell and module components. That shouldn't be too hard and wouldn't require as much of a rewrite as say exchanging everything for vectors.

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor

    Like I said, I don't think it's a very important update. I'm waiting for the AS update since months, so this first. But then, if the coders don't have nothing to do in their summer afternoons (and nights, and mornings), I'd be glad to have some GUI reface.

    And I don't speak only about the pixelated aspect. Recently, because I needed to replace a lot of my vst instances of Reaktor with some AU instances (for a huge Live set I use on stage for which I need to use Live native), I noticed the master volum control in Reaktor is the dumbest thing ever : you don't know what the value is, you can't automate and it's amazingly small. Of course you can save the ensemble but it's a little detail of how bad the GUI is.

    Same with the navigation system and some other little things.

    But as I already said (and I'm saying it for the 3d time) it's not the most important issue. Let's get the AS version first. Then I will complain about the GUI for the next 10 years... ;)

  • Georg_NI
    Georg_NI Product Team Posts: 20 mod

    About the master volume control:

    • For the plugin use case, it's value is stored in the host projects
    • To automate it's value, you could edit the ensemble and add a Knob controlling a "Master Tune/Level" module, and make sure that the Knobs Automation property is enabled.
    • To readout and display the value, you could use the again the "Master Tune/Level" and connect it to a "Numeric Readout" module.

  • arachnaut
    arachnaut Member Posts: 81 Advisor

    You can double click in the output area to set it to 0DB.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    This is one of my favorites but i have to use Raum or some FM device to get what i want, i play Psy Trance on Maschine MK3 and Techno - House but my main project is Man From Mars Space Ambient -Psy Ambient and having one project is enough work for my brother Boris and me . Communication is most important thing for every release to succeed 😃 NI and producing and finishing tracks is just 50% other is communication with people from all over the world because we need to find people with same or similar goals so we can work and understand each other and rule #1 for any business to succeed is for people to work together, one person can make masterpiece but if there is no one to recognize it and share it then it will become just good practice for the future. I am often asked how I achieved such a sound and I can tell you, it is Raum the best Reverb - delay - creative FX processor but more and more i creating small details and Center - Reaktor and when i need to get different sound i use FM modulator plugin in Maschine and apsolutley amazing Reverb Raum.

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 282 Pro
    edited February 2023

    Sound is irrelevant if the GUI is so bad that it's unusable for some people.

    You're on a 22 inch display... at what resolution and what scaling factor?

    Yes, it's usable on a 25" 1080p display, but there are 27-28" UHD/5K displays on the market and people would like to be able to use the software without scaling it up such that it looks like a 768p panel.

    Beyond that, I think many people don't realize taht even if Reactor itself was scalable, that doesn't mean the ensembles will be, because I doubt most of those are even using SVG graphics (for example). Most are likely using Bitmaps, and if they scale up too far they will just be a blurry mess. You'll just trade one problem for another.

    And NI is not about to go through most of them and update them, eithier.

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 282 Pro
    edited February 2023

    Yes we could. In 1990, people were still using EGA monitors on some systems. Everyone knew that the rate of technological advancement was accelerating by the time 2000 rolled around.

    We had already gained quite a bit of resolution by then. Roughly doubling (if not quadrupling) what was standard in 1990.

    Whether or not tech was there for scalable UIs is another story. Probably not widespread at that time. You'd have to package tons of bitmaps and choose based on DPI and screen resolution, like earlier versions of Mobile OSes did. Software that old should be expected to be exactly how it is, but REAKTOR 6 released in 2015, not 2000...

    MLARS Member Posts: 252 Pro

    Scalable GUI and HighDPI should be expected by modern software these days. Blurry GUI is not ok. The discussion should be how soon proper true GUI scalability could be implemented.

    Some users edit videos and graphics and make music and are already using modern high res displays. Of course audio is priority but that doesnt mean your sample player or DSP player should look pixelated or blurry.

    Just to be clear we are talking about an almost decade long tech debt that IMO should be addressed swiftly now. I get old Reaktor instruments might be blurry at first, but make it possible for instruments to update their instruments and effects with better GUI support.

    When M1/M2 support is working - please start fixing scaling for the browser and NI Blocks etc. This should be a free update.

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited February 2023

    Blurry GUI is not ok

    On which ensemble the gui is blurry? I don't know. Please give an example.

    REAKTOR 6 released in 2015, not 2000

    It's not basicly 2015 it's a patched version of 2000.

    Do you ever built a synth, seq or effect in Reaktor? Or are you a user only?

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited February 2023

    Is this large enough. An ens I build 2 years ago. Don't care about the small knob lines. They are controls by Sharl. An eyecatcher only.

    Here you can see it in its original size. Click on the pic in the link.

    The background was created with Photo Demon v7. A free graphic tool.

    BTW all png you load in will be converted to tga, an uncompressed format.

  • amaury
    amaury Member Posts: 18 Member


    Any plans to update to the latest version of Ableton Link and offer the "Sync Transport Start/Stop" option? Would be amazing!

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 282 Pro
    edited February 2023

    Yes, in modern software.

    But if you're using Ensembles developed a decade or more ago, you should expect that they are likely using Bitmap Resources that will not scale. If you blow them up, they become blurry.

    The big issue is that most of the resources uses in the Ensembles - many of them developed many years ago - are not Vector, so even if you can scale up the application UI the instruments themselves will not scale.

    HALion 7 just added SVG Support for this very reason. Instrument/Library Developers can - moving forward - use Vector Graphics for the assets, allowing the instrument/library GUIs to scale. Older (previously released) instruments/libraries often aren't updated. It's a huge undertaking, especially with hos many of these exist, so users often have to just deal with it.

    You can't just do some simple code updates to fix this. All of the graphics assets need to be redone as vectors. There are tools that can lessen the work, but it is still going to be a massive amount of work. There really is no way around this, and it affects a massive amount of software - not just REAKTOR.

    The only way to work around this issue, previously, was to package different sized resources that would be chosen based on the display resolution and/or DPI (as is/was common on Mobile devices).

    The browser being blurry is unacceptable, though.

    I do think moving the application UI to vector is something they should be able to do, however the nature of REAKTOR still makes this a bit more work than something like... Massive or FM8.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited February 2023

    Of course, it's all "just" code and it's something they should be able to do. But it is still a huge upfront investment when the whole thing is based on a homebrew UI toolkit from 2002 or so which has no concept of HiDPI nor scalability nor SVG support. So we're talking about timescale in years. Now do the sales of Reaktor cover that investment? Take a guess...

    Even if it does happen, I wouldn't be delusional in expecting it being a free update, considering the huge amount of work that would be required.

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