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  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    Improvements for the editor should show up in the next couples of months. By this time, I think everyone has to get used to it 🤷‍♂️

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    I’m not talking about missing features, but a pretty dysfunctional implementation.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    edited January 2022

    Reported this just now and it's been fixed. Thank you for letting us know.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    'Improvements' should also cover this. We'll share more as soon as we'll know the update details from the provider.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Please ease off on the language, we already addressed what you wrote in here and getting angry isn't going to solve anything.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,088 Expert
    edited January 2022

    NI, please make the forum look exactly like @D-One has demonstrated, including the CSS dark theme going on there. Have just done this myself and blocked that element and it makes it (IMO) much less "busy" and may actually address the comments that this forum looks busy/cluttered. Not every user will pinpoint the actual reason, only there is just more text on screen than usual:

    Thing is, we don't "have" to get use to anything, we can simply just walk away/not use it at all if it's unusable or not convenient. I have to be honest here and say the worst thing a customer can hear when a company changes something they like is "get use to it".

    As someone who has been a long term customer, and has been waiting for other things to improve/change for just as long I can tell you also it is a well known thing that when you step into the NI eco system, waiting for things to change/improve will be a never ending game and even the simplest thing can often take months/years to happen. I take any promise of change with a pinch of salt and have to always assume with this company that what you have now is what you get for life, any improvement is a bonus but not expected.

    More than happy to see any exception to my experience tho.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    This meme has some similarities with actual situation but let me explain it a bit before.

    we found some interesting “things” happening…

    First of all, the politic in the pic will be NI top board where instead shouting seems whispering (or not transparent) to…

    the trampoline/plank aka Communication team which is trying to improve the trampoline/plank to accommodate the “politics” meanwhile…

    Users with concern banners are finding this new “glassy&glossy” trampoline/plank even less confortable than previous to even a scaring point (the trampoline/plank is the most transparent the Communication team can offer but sometimes it could feel there isn’t true internal communication/feedback or manipulation).

    So in the end some users are walk away due (not all categories for all users but maybe some overlap):

    • Never trusted the change.
    • The change is being felt as “just cosmetics” and slow implementation (these users are tired/bored/frustrated by long time waiting).
    • Competition offerings, lack of NI “new” offers. Concerns about compatibility of hardware with new OS/Silicon.
    • The trmapoline/plank cosmetic changes to attrack new users feels like “the Hall for subscription model” or “Amateurism embrace”.
    • Attempts to “keep loyalty” (earning system) and “improve newbies expierence” clash with “read only old forum” lost work (I know that info is being reworked/preservated somehow but I’m talking about feelings/perception).

    …and then you still need to get these new members on board to keep relevant the picture model… or truly change it making users feel their opinions/concern truly matter and go up to the NI board and feedback comes back fast as possible.

    “Thing is, we don't "have" to get use to anything, we can simply just walk away/not use it at all if it's unusable or not convenient. I have to be honest here and say the worst thing a customer can hear when a company changes something they like is "get use to it".”

    Nailed it.

    The editor is so-so on tablet btw…

  • Stormchild
    Stormchild Member Posts: 58 Advisor

    Hi everyone. The new forum is pretty nice. I have a couple comments about using it on a mobile device.

    • Some of the text is too small and light. Need to bump up the minimum text size a couple points, and avoid using light font weights and/or low contrast grays at the smallest sizes.
    • The text style popover that appears when text is selected is a nice feature, but it behaves inconsistently. Sometimes applying a style works; sometimes it doesn’t. Italic often doesn’t work unless I select more text first.
    • I really dislike the floating (+) button. It constantly gets in the way. Can we please get rid of that and just have a “New Post” button at the top? Creating new topics is not something people do so often that the button has to follow you around everywhere you go and always float overtop of what you’re reading or typing. I have a Safari extension called Unobstruct that removes fixed position elements, which works temporarily, but it comes back as soon as I load another page.
  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro

    I agree with this floating + button getting in the way especially when trying to write a reply in iOS. It's right in the reply box and covers over some of the text when writting.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin
    edited January 2022

    @Mutis In reply to your meme, NI is definitely aware of "people's true power" and this new community imo is a testament of that. If we are oblivious to this fact, we probably don't launch this new space and instead let your valuable feedback get lost in the maze that is the old forum. I can guarantee this change is not just about cosmetic changes 🙂

    I think we all agree products need constant updates - just like when you look forward to the next NI SW/HW updates. The platform for our old forum hasn't released any major updates in years, and doesn't look like they will any time soon, so at some point we just have to move on.  

    The truth is we don't build this space from scratch either so we're kinda at the mercy of the platform provider. I agree I myself need to get used to the new forum too, but we'll do our best to bring your feedback up with the team behind this platform.  

  • imianwilliams
    imianwilliams Member Posts: 18 Member

    Apologies if this has already been asked, ...but there's 20 pages of replies to this topic to search through. 😁

    I understood the old forum would be kept as a "read only" resource to refer to, but I can't find a link on this forum to access it. Can you tell me where the link is please?

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    I know you (communication team) are but what needs to be addressed is Board/Developers and that’s not a realm of words/communication alone but facts. New site is a fact, cool. What else? Kontakt beta, cool. What else?

    Users need these to keep their hopings or build new. I was just pointing the moon, don’t focus in the finger please… anyways, even being just a lexic issue (about get use and who) be careful (please) because mood and feelings are short range to some users (others directly didn’t join the new forum afaik).

    Politeness and sweet speaking is nice but without facts (which are very subjective to each user of course) these seems still more “corporative talk” which can burn out more users on and on.

    Me myself get less and less involved into NI forum and proposals since I feel NI has near to nothing to offer me (as target market) bt even so I try to find some time to discuss solutions and strategies (even most of the time corporative talk requires reading between lines) but to be fair I’m starting to get bored about the new forum look and mess meanwhile I lose the few hopes about new Traktor proposal or Maschine/Komplete for iPad (hardly possible I know) but also trying to figure what’s going on in the future of these divisions and if whatever it comes from NI will reach me at sweet spot as target (probably not because I’m probably the opposite of whoknows are trying to reach aside millenials)

    I hope this serves almost as feedback.

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro

    I can't imagine what is happening at the top but I know this. New investors got on board and those investors are gonna eventually wanna see results. This alone strongly suggests that things are in the works to appease those investors. This means something good is coming along but it will come with a price tag attached.

    Anything that might be released will have to create envy for the user base in order to keep those users and also appeal to potential users. This is the 101 of running a sustainable business.

    What I see happening here is that infrastructure is being created to make sampling users easier. It will be a continuous work in progress.

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