Status on m1/m2 update?



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    And who needs bipedal body form? It's just crazy! Don't get me started on opposable thumbs!

  • Laureano Lopez
    Laureano Lopez Member Posts: 102 Advisor
    edited August 2022

    This is absurd. I've been polite, but the Apple fans here have been offered all kinds of reasoned, contrastable arguments, from people who don't even think alike, and you've answered all of them with platitudes, arrogance and disdain, on top of that having the nerve to say you're being disrespected. It's been a while since the last time I've seen this kind of bully attitude in this forum. No one wants to take your computers away, no one is stopping you from making your demands. Other people may place their inspiration, their creativity, their hopes and trust in something else than the projections of a megacorporation. The audacity!

  • Laureano Lopez
    Laureano Lopez Member Posts: 102 Advisor
    edited August 2022

    This is where I don't follow. There are so many products so much older than Reaktor that are in a much less zombie state, even in similar categories. Reaktor is not that old. The fact that it's been left to slowly rotten with sporadic, tenuous outbursts of life doesn't seem at all inevitable to me. But more than anything it's strange: of all the things NI has made, this is among the big ones. And yet the company seems to drag it like a curse. People in these kind of forums tend to speak of companies as if they were driven by some kind of deep, inscrutable good sense, but looking at the last 5 or 6 years, I just can't see it. It's not like companies have never been destroyed by their own management...

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    In utopian world things will be better but until it arrives Apple is the less bad of choices. Take it or cry against it (or work for change it with better option) but trying to convince others (and market) about alternatives that aren’t truly better is just bias. People loves Apple, aside brand fashion, because it offers a “different” experience enough good (better will say some) to justify avoid alternatives (android, windows, linux, AMD and even standalones vs iPad…) and what other brands/vendors should ask themselves is “what are these user experience making Apple so special and how we can implement them or enough attractive alternative to get these users into ours”.

    Back on topic we are talking about “when Reaktor will be M1/M2 compatible” and we know it’s seems a priority for NI make all the possible software follow that path.

    It could be a strategical mistake (NI seems very prone to make them) and maybe NI should focus on building standalone catalog (M+, Traktor++, KK+…) but it doesn’t seem it will happen (?)

    So once again, time will tell but for now we have 2 facts. First is users asking for AS support and second is NI making it a priority for Kontakt and Traktor. From that we can wonder if it’s a “whole catalog” priority or if it will mean “legacy those which can’t be ported” (and let’s hope similar tool get released).

    We will see.

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 291 Advisor

    Competition and choice - at all costs - is part of a particular 'lovely' philosophy, yes. Everyone knows all about it, lol. You may have noticed that philosophy faltering a little as of late, but now is as good a time as ever before to do nothing about it, yes. ; )

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    I think we’ve drifted enough from main topic as it was, best not to make it political now ;)

    Let’s just say that we have to agree to disagree regarding your previous post and this one…

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert


    So once again, time will tell but for now we have 2 facts. First is users asking for AS support and second is NI making it a priority for Kontakt and Traktor. From that we can wonder if it’s a “whole catalog” priority or if it will mean “legacy those which can’t be ported” (and let’s hope similar tool get released).

    It is understandable, that NI prioritises Kontakt and Traktor. Kontakt is used by Pros and there is not way to replace it cheaply.... Traktor is also used by Pros, NI tries not to lose them...

    Not ported synths and effects... It hurts, but it may be replaced by other plugins Pro user has or in the worst case he buys something similar...

    And I guess NI will try to make customers to "pay" for AS native support. For example NI could release major versions of interesting plugins.... and not release AS native support for older (current) version....

    And it would be just fair.... Users should pay for AS transition. It is not possible to do directly, because competitors did not charge for it... But why not to get few pennies indirectly?

    We will see in 5-10 weeks.

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert
    edited August 2022

    "And I guess NI will try to make customers to "pay" for AS native support."

    Considering that Kontakt went native in February, this seems rather unlikely? Sure, if Komplete 14 comes out in a few weeks and other plug-ins do get native support by then, ofc you'd have to pay. But it's not like that (i.e. holding off of releasing AS compatibility until K14) is NI's plan.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    We will see. If there will be new major versions of popular plugins (FM8, Battery, Reaktor, ....) and if current versions do not get AS native support, I would consider it as getting pennies...

    Saying that, I would agree with that approach.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    NI is making pay a subscription over a license (Traktor) to get new features (AS native in the roadmap but I think for the base aka license) and users are getting pissed off (all not only mac I mean).

    It could be but I think it will be a wrong movement. Chanrging for new version everyone (and with new features not just revamped and bug ironed like it was Traktor 3 at first moment…) will be seen as “ok” but charging just for AS support will piss off mac users, fair or not.

    It feels like NI being strategically lost by user feedback from that Traktor announcement. Now I’m curious about the rest of the catalog and Reaktor’s future.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert
    edited August 2022

    I did not say, AS transition would pay just Mac users. Of course, all users. But Mac users will have higher motivation to upgrade for full price and not wait for Sale.... Win users will update in time that suits their needs, not because of technological reasons.

    Well, some maybe because of VST3.

    If I understand it well, all users of Traktor will get new features. But those on subscription model will get it sooner. And who cares? I still use Traktor 2, even thought I have Traktor 3 licence for several years...

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    Why to justify make non AS users pay for AS support? With extra features? AS transition consume resources so if you update the app only with 2 features it will be a disaster… oh wait! That’s the last Traktor update and still not AS support. In addition to that, yes NI said it will add features to base license over time but I’m more prone to believe they will add subscription for all sooner or later. Just like Serato… pay more for full license (or addons) one time or pay a montly subscription…

    Said that Serato is also struggling with AS transition…

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    VST3, for example. We will see soon. Or not.

  • Mindspan
    Mindspan Member Posts: 5 Member

    How is it that Adobe was able to release their most prominent apps on Apple Silicon within months after it was released, and now, with a vastly more complicated ecosystem than NI, they have released native versions of  Photoshop, Acrobat DC, Acrobat Pro, Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, Premiere Pro, Illustrator, Adobe XD, InDesign, Character Animator, Dreamweaver, Premiere Rush, and Adobe Audition, their audio editor? Apparently, one company appreciates the fact that Apple users represent a large segment of creatives who are loyal to the platform, and the other simply looks at the number of their Windows users and says, "yeah... Apple Silicon can wait." Well it's been over 2 years, and some of us are done waiting.


  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    the other simply looks at the number of their Windows users and says, "yeah... Apple Silicon can wait

    The fact that all other Reaktor development has completely stopped while the team put all their development resources into bringing AS support ASAP really doesn't support your narrative. But hey, don't let that limit your creative process!

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