Status on m1/m2 update?



  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    I agree with most of what you’ve said. I understand your point of view, you might not believe me but I do.

    Regarding point 2. Yes, it has been said directly or alluded many times by various different users in this thread and other threads on this forum. I would have to find those posts to quote directly.

  • Laureano Lopez
    Laureano Lopez Member Posts: 102 Advisor
    edited August 2022

    my natural instinct is to defend the Reaktor development team to the extent that I think they are being unfairly criticised. There is a lot of negativity towards Reaktor development in this thread.

    I remember a similar discussion some years ago, where at some point I clarified that none of what I said was directed to devs, for which I had the utmost respect, but rather to stockholders, for which I didn't. (Someone silently gave that a like.) I can imagine devs feeling larger versions of the same pains we do. I don't think being less vocal about management issues does any favor to them, or the long term future of the product. Of course I may be naive or unsubtle here.

    If you say “I hate Apple and their fans with a reasonable passion (?)”, you basically declare that you hate me, a fellow musician. How is this not derogatory and disrespectful?

    I was being cheeky, which I remarked with "(?)" after the oxymoron "reasonable passion". I don't hate Apple fans, though it was a pita working with them. I don't even hate Apple -it's not that relevant to me.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    I don’t have the technical knowledge you guys do, but I would love to see sources from where you get your info, so for all statements about amd/intel/m1/m2 and so on and all coding stuff you guys talk about and performance stuff and processor stuff, post a reference link so that people can form their opinion based on FACTS with proof. Otherwise we will continue having these childish arguments where people start patronizing each other instead of having a respectful tone. But do it in another thread meant for this discussion and argumentation. Post a dissertation if you like. Just stop this madness please!


  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro
    edited August 2022

    Some of these wrote by me were toward @kubrak who made a lot of statements without true knowledge (user experience on macs the first) so please next time you accuse someone don’t put out of context these. Some of them were truly respectful like “I expect more from you, mate” pointing that even we have some heated discussions I think there are some interesting info on his side but too often seem “Apple is garbage” when he never touched a mac or iPad.

    Said that my latest comments tried to redirect the discussion into more profitable for everyone but again, instead answer to see what’s the motivation (are you (plural) Reaktor users? Mac users? Both?) it derails into respectful/disrepectul blabla.

    Trolling? Add some true interesting data and let’s keep discussing. I still believe we can get something useful from all of this.


    Some users propose to make AS update paid one, not only by mac users but by all (@kubrak)

    due some (among) users point the AS transition is hurting the development of different NI softwares (Reaktor this time but I think the same for Traktor/Maschine). What I’m not agree is in “focus” or “causes” (someone said I had a personal interst in bash NI but it’s opposite… I brung tools to Kai at the other forum that made him offering the opportunity for a job (I have screenshots but I can’t share them for data protection of course). In fact I rejected that offer since I don’t believe I know enough but made me wonder about internal situation if you ask me. Anyways I still hope things are putting in place but some anger by seen NI shrinking, even not being active user of their software, concerns me. That’s why I said “educate yourself on the topic” when I talk about something I know. I don’t know everything, that’s why I still came to learn too))

    When I asked what are you going to do as users if Reaktor becames legacy was drove by the possibility it will happen but not by the wish I want to… I also believe that maybe Soundwide will bring an alternative if so.

    As a final point and as I said before “maybe being anti AS is being anti NI”. What I hate most is brands hidding these movements and making users buying something that’s going to be legacy on purpose, just like Apple did with PPC and maybe with x86. That’s why I try to warn who wants to listen. The same goes for M+ users due I believe it will not be a mk2.

    Next week for family issues I will need to focus on other life areas but, even not, after last Traktor announcement (roadmap) is crystal water to me that my profile isn’t their target anymore. So finally I will leave the forum after some attempts stopped by nice users and moderators like D-One. I don’t want to leave without asking you (plural again)…

    Do you still feel as the NI target user?



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Some users propose to make AS update paid one, not only by mac users but by all (@kubrak)

    I did not say anything like that.....

    What I said:

    1) AS transition should be paid by Mac users....

    2) NI will not charge directly for AS transition Mac users.

    3) It seems to be hightly probable that NI timed AS native support to K14 release.

    4) My wild guess is that NI might bring few new major version products. And another guess is that current ones will not get AS support.

    3) and 4) implies that Mac users might be highly "motivated" to buy K14 ASAP to get AS native support. Win users may happily wait till Summer Sale 2023.

    If 4) will not happen, or Mac users will not hurry to buy K14 for full price to get AS support, and stay on Rosetta till Summer 2023, all users (Mac/Win) will pay AS transition this or another way.

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    Guitar Rig 6 went AS native yesterday, fyi.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 563 Pro

    I think it's important to figure out the reason why companies support Apple Sillicon though. Simply... because it is a significant part of the market. If Apple users would make a bare 5% of the market, there would be no point in supporting it, especially when the hardware manufacturer is bleeding edge technology like that. Nobody likes additional work, and somebody has to pay for it. You can be sure that Windows users pay for Apple development. Not the other way around. Windows is siginifcantly easier to maintain. Just ask a developer.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    Ok. This thread is still, or at least should be, about status on M1/2 update for Reaktor, did any NI staff answer to this?

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    The following post might be worth sharing here as it's about AS support:

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    FYI we shared an estimated timeline for the rest of our portfolio. Reaktor will be updated for Silicon support in early 2023 👇

  • ehdyn
    ehdyn Member Posts: 26 Helper

    Wow, very exciting news.. happy to see Reaktor, FM8, Battery are getting updates.

    Also waiting to purchase an M-powered Mac as Reaktor is important to me.

    I think what people in this thread miss is that M-class processors are offering the performance levels of "H" series chips but at much lower wattages.. in some cases not even requiring a fan. Paired with significant GPU power and novel memory utilization/bandwidth.

    This difference in power for given performance was only likely to become more pronounced with time. Like roadrunner and coyote running along the top of a train until the coyote is smeared along the tunnel entrance.

    Throw shade on Apple all you want but they didn't want to wait while Intel was stagnant and had them over a barrel with extremely expensive and overly generalized CPU's.

    If Intel does get their act together it's largely the result of pressure from Apple and AMD.

    I for one will look forward to using Reaktor on a laptop powered by a battery in remote locations.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    No, Intel does not react to Apple. In that case they would decrease CPU clock and make their CPUs more energy effective.

    Instead Intel goes to the technological edge, increases CPU clock, increases power consumption.... They compete with AMD, not Apple.

    And in few weeks we will have chance to compare energy effectivity of M2 and Zen 4 - new generation of AMD CPUs. M2 (basic model) and Zen 4 are produced on the same/similar production node, so the only difference will be the CPU architecture....

    It becomes obvious that Apple will have problems to compete with x86 concerning CPU power.

    1} Even M1 Ultra gives only half of the power of strongest x86 CPUs from consumer's production line. And there is also workstation/server production x86 line that equals roughly six M1 Ultras and one could have two of them on motherboard.

    2) Generation progress is faster in x86 world, than Apple shows. So, the gap will be bigger and bigger.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro


    "What I said:

    1) AS transition should be paid by Mac users...."

    No it should not. AS was around before I bought my K13UCE. I looked at plenty of documentation on NI site and saw nothing even slightly alluding to the fact that I'd be paying extra if I was a Mac user and needed to upgrade my system.

    The argument that M$ Windows users are more than Apple users doesnt fly either. The point is NI does support both platforms and since theres always going to be a majority and minority in most things in life, its rather pointless to use this argument. They have obviously chosen this path because they get income. Though its a plausible idea for obvious reasons, theres really no such thing for the most part at least, as "user pays" in this life, we all subsidize one another in some shape or form.

    Im an Apple user out of necessity, but I sure as heck hold no loyalty to them or M$, in fact theyre both as bad as one another and if I was more knowledgeable I'd do NI on linux.

    Soooo so pleased that Reaktor is to be supported on AS.

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