Please Grant Permission to Native Access to Install Dependencies.



  • AkkaDakka
    AkkaDakka Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2024

    What a joke Native Access is, still now in September 2024 this issue persists & now I have to redo this stupid process again. Waste my time, search on net, download & try the Daemon linked from NI own website, & it still fails.

    Why are you people so incompetent to just have this fixed once & for all? It's been sooo long, there's forums from numerous places complaining about this & have done so for a long time.

    I have so many similar programs from other companies & I NEVER have to go through this, literally never. We shouldn't have to do any work-arounds or fixes at all & shouldn't be wasting our time to just simply install something. Native Access is more hassles to update/install than my DAW itself. Are we supposed to just accept this process every time we want to install/update?

    It's literally turning me off installing NA ever again.

  • algorithmruss
    algorithmruss Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I gave up on using all my Ni stuff. Been a komplete owner since version 2.

  • Pfreud
    Pfreud Member Posts: 3 Member

    This worked for me.

    Go to your applications folderright click on native access and click show package contents, than go in the contents folder, than go in the Resources folder, than go in the daemon folder, than go in Mac folder and double click on NTKDaemon Installer Mac.

    let it install, and try to open native access again.

    Thanks to @donmaddonald

    Macbook Pro 2019 (Intel) - Ventura

  • donmaddonald
    donmaddonald Member Posts: 246 Advisor

    @Pfreud Thank you! 🙏

  • SteveECrane
    SteveECrane Member Posts: 15 Member

    For Windows users, the resolution is somewhat similar - go into:

    C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Native Access\resources\daemon\win

    and run the NTKDaemon installer in there using Admin privileges.

  • Cliff_Dangers
    Cliff_Dangers Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Why do we always have to do this every time we get an update? Do better.

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