Free up C Drive Space in Windows

SoundDog Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Windows 10 - Attempting to free up space on my 100GB C Drive & noticed that a large amount of data was due to Apps & Features. The vast majority are due to Native Instruments Apps which are stored on a secondary(E) drive. I checked the "E drive" and the apps installed there & work fine in Kontakt.

The problem is that some of these apps in "E drive" are showing up in Apps & Features/"C drive" taking up space.

Aside for searching & using various Windows methods, I tried troubleshooting by:

1) Making sure the filter setting for Apps & Features was set to "Primary (C)".

2) Searching "C drive" for related files (Session Strings, etc.) in which only a few small files showed up.

3) Deleting Una Corda from Apps & Features/"C drive" resulting in removal from the secondary "E drive" and no reduction of file space from the C drive.

4) Checked Native Access for file path & any errors or issues.

See screenshots - for brevity, referring to Session Strings Pro 2:

I'm Stumped!😥 Feel free to ask for any clarification. Thanks

Best Answer

  • SoundDog
    SoundDog Member Posts: 3 Member
    Answer ✓

    The Kontakt Libraries are stored separately on Drive E. Never could figure out why they were displaying & taking up so much space on the C drive.

    After making several different attempts to reduce file space, I decided to replace the C drive with 500GB which has solved the problem.

    THANKS guys for you replies!



  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    Even if you're installing NI content on a separate drive, it will always put application files onto your main drive.

    You can change all installation locations in the Preferences, but it's not advised to change the Application location:

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    You have Kontakt Libraries on drive C. They tend to be huge. You may use Native Access to relocate them to another location.

    Or just move them to desired location and use repair function in Native Access. But it is sort of tedious work, if one moves lots of libraries.

  • SoundDog
    SoundDog Member Posts: 3 Member
    Answer ✓

    The Kontakt Libraries are stored separately on Drive E. Never could figure out why they were displaying & taking up so much space on the C drive.

    After making several different attempts to reduce file space, I decided to replace the C drive with 500GB which has solved the problem.

    THANKS guys for you replies!

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    They are/were evidently stored on C. At least some of them. C is default target for Kontakt Libraries and Expansions. One has to change it in Native Access configuration setup before installation.

  • Cathbad
    Cathbad Member Posts: 5 Member

    Other than buying a bigger C drive, what's the solution to this?

    Choose the Uninstall option for anything that was originally on C: (thereby losing it on the external drive too). And then reinstall the whole lot, with updated installation path in Native Access?

  • MdJ
    MdJ Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I'm having the exact same issue as you. I installed my Kontakt Library to an additional drive E which is the path I set in Native Access and my apps are on my C drive. Kontakt Library is showing as if it's on C when looking at storage use even though all the library files are on the E drive (I have checked and verified several times). I am not sure why Windows is showing them as if they are on C. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times.

  • SoundDog
    SoundDog Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hi MdJ, Sorry to hear your situation. When you tried reinstalling, did you check/change the NI configuration setup before installation (as per Kubrak)?

  • MdJ
    MdJ Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited September 2022

    Hi SoundDog. It is perplexing. I didn't change the configuration settings as my file location settings have been the same for a long while with content location set to E drive, which I checked and confirmed before uninstalling and reinstalling. It is the exact issue you were having where Windows is, perhaps by error/glitch, calculating storage as if the libraries are on the C Drive when in fact they are on the E Drive. Only folders on the C Drive that I can see are functionality folders which, to my knowledge, take up minimal space even when I look manually.

  • Zee Beats
    Zee Beats Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm having the same issue. Content libraries are installed on my D drive but show up as taking up space on the C drive. Has anyone managed to solve the issue?

  • Daniel O Brien
    Daniel O Brien Member Posts: 13 Member
    edited August 2023

    I have the same issue. Is there any solution to this? It doesn't sound like the problem was solved at all. A bigger drive just pushes the problem out to a later date. I have the exact same issue with a 1TB drive.

  • JayE
    JayE Member Posts: 9 Member

    hey man i hope u see this, i know exactly what you guys are talking about and it was driving me crazy, i finally fixed it, try this broski. What i did was i installed ALL of my kontakt libraries on my external hard drive, after that i UNPLUGGED my external hard drive, went into windows apps and features, and deleted all of my kontakt libraries, after that plug in your external hard drive and your kontakt libraries should only be on your external drive, and not clogging up your windows C drive, hope this helps, take care

  • JayE
    JayE Member Posts: 9 Member

    hey man i hope u see this, i know exactly what you guys are talking about and it was driving me crazy, i finally fixed it, try this broski. What i did was i installed ALL of my kontakt libraries on my external hard drive, after that i UNPLUGGED my external hard drive, went into windows apps and features, and deleted all of my kontakt libraries, after that plug in your external hard drive and your kontakt libraries should only be on your external drive, and not clogging up your windows C drive, hope this helps, take care

  • JayE
    JayE Member Posts: 9 Member

    hey man i hope u see this, i know exactly what you guys are talking about and it was driving me crazy, i finally fixed it, try this broski. What i did was i installed ALL of my kontakt libraries on my external hard drive, after that i UNPLUGGED my external hard drive, went into windows apps and features, and deleted all of my kontakt libraries, after that plug in your external hard drive and your kontakt libraries should only be on your external drive, and not clogging up your windows C drive, hope this helps, take care

  • Daniel O Brien
    Daniel O Brien Member Posts: 13 Member

    Hi @JayE ,

    Since my drives aren't external it's not really a great option for me. I could disconnect them and try your steps but this would be tedious especially since I'd have to potentially do it for each new instrument I install. I also checked other instruments and this issue happens intermittently so this seems to be a bug.

  • Oliver88819
    Oliver88819 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I did this as you said and while the installed apps in my C: drive dissaperard, it didn't actually free up any space. Before uninstalling the libraries from the C: drive (which were never supposed to show up as being installed there in the first place as all of their file contents are in a seperate E: drive) it said my installed apps had a content of 106 gb. After uninstalling these kontakt libraries (that amounted to over 40gb) it was still at 106gb. The conclusion must be that this is some visual bug of some kind and the computer is confused in some way. Becuase now looking at the installed apps in my C: drive and counting the gb it is not even close to amounting to 106gb, yet it's still being reported as being that much as if the kontakt libraries where never uninstalled

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