Free up C Drive Space in Windows



  • MadMusic
    MadMusic Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same issue here... installed all on external drive E:, though apps still show on C:

    Located on the C: drive (make sure show hidden files/folders) in "Program Data", they are stored in folders with names like {08CF2C4A-1119-45B1-99D3-AFE751759A8} and take up a ton of space.

    Not sure if they can be deleted or not, though that is where the data is that takes up space

    Now if someone can tell us if they can be removed, it could help

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,237 mod

    Not sure if you can delete them or not, but they don't take up that much space relative to most drives. On my system with a complete installation of Komplete 14UCE they take up around 8M per folder so the total space used is around 1.7G. I suppose you could try renaming or moving them to see if things still work, but you might find it messes up future updates.

    If you're running short of space on C: this utility will help you find the space hogs - Find Space Hogs with TreeSize Free | JAM Software (

    -- Mike

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,460 mod
    edited December 2023

    Technically, you can delete them, however by doing so, you will lost the uninstall feature, thus, also the updates feature! So, it is a "necessary evil", however you can still check each folder and delete it for programs that they will never have an update again (such as the Absynth).

    Still, there are more clever ways to reduce space, such as to delete all the Windows duplicate nonsense (updates, older downloads etc.). Use the Windows utility named "Disk Cleanup" and run it as administrator, it will find a lot of rubbish.

    Well, not in my case since i clean up every single day (by using more advanced software) but to give you an idea. Usually when i fix customers computers i find lots of useless Gigabytes there.

    Note: By using a more sophisticated software (such as the Auslogics BoostSpeed) you can successfully erase lot of hidden, unnecessary stuff, such as the Outdated WinSxS libraries (archives of old system files versions, necessary only if you run old software). Usually they occupy 3-5 Gb

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