Kontakt 7 very very long to launch



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,769 mod

    Well, this time for Kontakt 7, and as mentioned earlier, there was some specific effort to address this long standing issue and there was some significant progress. Some users in this thread have tested a build and the results are quite promising.

  • PhatMonkey
    PhatMonkey Member Posts: 37 Member

    I will have my desktop timer on standby to see if the 3min record loading time can be broken by the forthcoming update…. 🙈

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 59 Member
    edited June 2024

    So if you're improving Kontakt so much, then maybe you may improve Massive X as well?

    Someone from support explain me that it's because libraries, extensions etc. But Massive (not "X" version) opens very fast and contains even more extensions, so I call this explanation #@$@.

    How many years you need to develop your products and optimize them? Come on - Massive X may be nice, but it's basically the last synth I want to use in any project because that long loading time (and also because effects that can sometimes adjusted to BPM after loading for a long time).

    And most funny is - project is not slowing down by Massive X so much. It's GUI loading problem. Believe me - there are more complex synths on the market that opens in fraction of second (look at any u-He synths).

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 59 Member

    BTW. You're testing and testing that beta version of Kontakt that supposed to open faster. Maybe it's time to release it already?

  • riflinka
    riflinka Member Posts: 12 Member

    Plot twist: Faster loading time is a selling point for Kontakt 8

  • PhatMonkey
    PhatMonkey Member Posts: 37 Member
    edited June 2024

    I agree, I find it suspicious that certain people have been given access when there are others that have been complaining for well over a year (me) have not been given access.
    I stand by my original assessment, NI take over of other companies has stretched it beyond its means, they are pumping out quantity over quality, short term gains, in the end it all comes to a head as we are seeing now…

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 59 Member

    For so much money NI gets from users, they should at least answering people on this forum. I know much smaller companies that are with constant online contact with their customers. And NI is somehow as if they were behind firewalls - fill 20 forms, give dozens of details, wait 2 weeks, get some generic answer, repeat…

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited June 2024

    While I too wish they had human support, usually I’ve found smaller companies always tend to offer the best support, it’s when they grow and get taken over etc that the support ceases.

    Personally I’ve usually had prompt and helpful responses from NI although a couple of times I’ve had the frustrating generic responses where they obviously haven’t read what I’ve written.

    Sadly it seems the way the majority of modern businesses operate. In the UK most energy suppliers only offer online support for most issues (although do have a phone number for gas leaks and power cuts), talking to any of my three banks is near impossible, one still has a branch down the road, but go in there and they aren’t trained to help, just trained to sell me stuff I don’t want.

    Then again, some UK companies with a phone number, you get through to a call centre serving tons of different companies and they read off a script and know nothing about what you ask them.

    If we look at a few music companies on TrustPilot, it doesn’t make very nice reading

    Novation, 24/7 phone and live chat

    Trustpilot they score 4.5 (198 reviewers)

    5 star: 80%

    4 star: 8%

    3 star: 3 %

    2 star: 3 %

    1 star: 6 %

    Akai: No phone support

    Trustpilot 2.2 (just 24 reviewers)

    5 star: 17%

    4 star: 0%

    3 star: 0%

    2 star: 8%

    1 star: 75%


    Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 2 hrs phone from 10am until midday

    Thursday 3 hrs phone support from 2pm until 5pm

    Trustpilot they score 1.5 (183 reviewers)

    5 star: 9%

    4 star: 1%

    3 star: 3%

    2 star: 5 %

    1 star: 82%

    Arturia, no way to phone:

    Trustpilot they score 4.6 (162 reviewers)

    5 star: 86%

    4 star: 3%

    3 star: 1%

    2 star: 1%

    1 star: 9%

    Native instruments, no way to phone:

    Trustpilot they score 1.4 (324 reviewers)

    5 star: 11%

    4 star: 2%

    3 star: 2%

    2 star: 8%

    1 star: 77%

    Novation scores high with decent phone support, their negatives seem to be mainly delivery problems along with no response.

    Steinberg scores low, but has restrictive phone hours, their main complaints seems to be download problems, activation problems and bad support. Sound familiar?

    The only one that seems to get no phone support sort of right is Arturia, although their negatives are nearly all saying they have very bad support

    While the above Trustpilot reviews are is only a tiny amount of users, the trend seems to mirror what I read about them online.

    The sad thing is, it’s almost impossible to vote with our wallets unless we want to stop playing altogether.

  • Grymt
    Grymt Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited June 2024

    "While I too wish they had human support, usually I’ve found smaller companies always tend to offer the best support, it’s when they grow and get taken over etc that the support ceases. (...) Sadly it seems the way the majority of modern businesses operate."

    (Yes. Even reacting in this form has been made very difficult)

    Journalist Cory Doctorow wrote a lot about what you mention. He calls this capitalist law "enshittification".

  • whitbymusic
    whitbymusic Member Posts: 15 Member

    Mine can take ten minutes.

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper
    edited July 2024

    I have exactly the same experiences with these compnies.

    My main SSD has crashed and i needed for Groove Agent 5 an VST2 file, to open my old procects again. After two months of waiting and reopening my trickets i was finaly contactet by steinberg, but they told me, that they don't have old installers and can't forward me the vst2 - So i was downloading an old groove agent 5 version from a warez site and answered steinberg that i was able to help myself and will rethink their suport in futur product purchases.

    I haven't experienced AKAI itself, but Sonivox and Air Music and will never buy from them again.

    I have also good experiences with Arturia and Novation, but also a lot of other small companies.

    I also have often the Impression that NI isn't really reading my support tickets and try to help me with standard suggestions. I wasn't able to register my old versions of Massive, FM8 or Absynth for Kore2 and most answers refered that Kore2 is discontinued and is not more supported, but the problem wasn't kore2 itself. The problem was shutting down service center and a lot of current products like reaktor 5 or older versdions of massive etc. don't get activated by native access.

    Battery 4 has turned into a disaster. If i load old projects its asking for the sample path - nothing new - this problem exists since v4 and wasn't present in battery 3 - but when i now locate the path and save the daw project, it asks for the sample path again and again. This problem could be solved quickly if battery would search in the current library path at first, that is linked in Native Access and Battery itself. But nothing has happened since many many years.

    Now the loading times have prevent me from updating any Native Instruments. Everything has turned into a disaster. You have to wait one minute for opening Maschine, Battery, Kontakt, Komplete Kontrol and Guitar Rig. Even Komplete Kontrol 3 looks like a big step backwards. Also the new NKS Update for Kontakt libraries are a disaster, because they don't load in old Kontakt 6, which runs smooth. So i downgraded every product with long loading times to latest versions of 2022 and look forward, that these issues gets finally adressed.

    I also have experienced some problems with Ableton, and they also need much time to adress some problems. I've waited one year that push3 doesn't auto arm tracks, by selecting a track via mouse. Now it's finally done. This behaviour has made me regret to be an early adopter of push3, because its very angry if you click into a track and it gets armed, while your armed track looses the arm. If i want to arm a track, i click on the arm button. Even recordings have been stopped, if click on an other track.

    I've reported two years ago and issue with ableton and VST3 synths, where the preset change takes very long up to 10 seconds, while vst2 takes only less than one second to change preset. Nothing has happened so far, even Korg, Parawave and Keilworth Audio have reported the issue to ableton

    On small companies i have experienced, that they solve the issue in days or weeks. The only exception is PSPaudio - all of their vst3 plugins crashes ableton and both companies blame each other, instead of getting rid of this problem.

    I also have made very great experience with U-he, Softube, Tone2 and Synapse Audio support and an very worse support with reFX.

  • Rick Oli
    Rick Oli Member Posts: 5 Member

    Same problem here for a while, it takes 1 minute or more to open, when the project is large, it takes longer.

    I contacted support now, I even showed everyone this situation here to see that the problem is general, they told me to install version 7.9.0, I installed it and it didn't solve it, I'm waiting for a solution for this urgently, it's really disturbing my work .

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 59 Member

    Companies always recommend installing most update version. Unfortunately, it's rare that they recommend it because they know about specific bug fixing. You're getting answer from support that don't really know problems and if they're fixed. You may translate their suggestion as "install new version, because MAYBE it magically solves your problem, or at least we will have more time and more answers - and the more answers we send, the more bonus we get".

    It's basically the same when you're computer freak and ask for drivers problem - everyone will ask you if your drivers are updated. Well, all drivers are most up-to-date at some point, so even if your drivers are 2 years old, they was pretty new 2 years ago. :) And current drivers will be outdated after 1 year. All this update mania is basically kind of magical universal fix - no harm to try and maybe, MAYBE guy who suggest it, once a 5 years will be a hero who accidentally have right. Because in fact he don't know if your problems are fixed in new version.

    So next time you want to try to contact NI support, write to them that you already change your shoes, painted your flat, washed your head with a new shampoo and feed your dog 10 minutes ago. Just in case, to protect yourself from senseless advices.

  • ihun17
    ihun17 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I have been having this issue for an extremely long time and spent a lot of money on NI products. When will the beta be available for all users or released in a full K7 update? Is there any way that I can gain access to the beta now? @Jeremy_NI

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,769 mod

    This version turned out to cause other issues so was not made public. It requires more fixing and testing. It should be part of an update soon, no ETA at the moment though.

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