Kontakt 7 very very long to launch



  • Jezric
    Jezric Member Posts: 56 Helper

    Maybe I missed something here, but I notice all the suggestions to downgrade... Well, that's all great for those that didn't invest in the new Komplete Mk3 controller, because they only work with the latest K7, KK3...

    Man, such a waste of time and money. How long are we expected to wait until NI gets there ****** figured out? I own all of NIs software and multiple Maschine controllers (which also btw don't work in conjunction with the new Kontrol mk3 controllers). Needless to say (but I will anyway), I will NOT be investing any more money into NI until I see that they are making progress in these spaces.

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    My SSD crashed, so I reinstalled a fresh new Win11.

    At the beginning i tried out opening Kontakt 7 and it opens up in 8 seconds, while Kontakt 6 around 3 sec.

    After installing more and more Plugins, it raises up again to nearly one Minute. There was also 30 seconds when I installed my most used Plugins and with more and more older VST2 Plugins, it really has slown down, from 30 seconds to one Minute, like my old win11 System.

    So it's a fresh new installed system, where everything runs smooth and fast except, Kontakt 7 and Guitar Rig 7.

    I have downgraded Maschine to 2.16, Komplete Kontrol to 2.8, Battery to 4.2 and Guitar Rig to 6.3 again and they all open up very very fast. I only use Kontakt 6 an will never update the libraries for such a NKS2 Mess.

    Don't wait until NI has fixed it, save your time and downgrade and sell MK3 Kontroller and replace it with MK2 Keyboard - there is no advance, only poly aftertouch.

  • shoresh
    shoresh Member Posts: 1 Member

    I just want to add my name to the list of extremely dissatisfied Kontakt 7 users. I am heavily invested in NI products as well and it is such a disappointment to find that it is no longer usable in my DAW. Waiting a minute or more for it to load wrecks my workflow. NI really needs to get their **** together on this!

  • PhatMonkey
    PhatMonkey Member Posts: 37 Member

    A new record has been achieved, since the latest Kontakt 7 update today it now takes 2mins and 11 seconds to load, geez.... NI should stop buying up other companies and put some work into investigating this disaster and its not just Kontakt, Battery 4 / Guitar Rig 7.... all affected by this shoddy programming. Kontakt 6 still loads instantly.... 👎️

  • DigitalJogger
    DigitalJogger Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Add me to the list as well. I find it very difficult to believe this is still an issue, but here we are. If I were to guess why a fix is taking so long, I'd guess a non-trivial amount of code needs to be rewritten, and the project managers are simply prioritizing feature development over product stability and usability. I'm a software engineer and feature development basically always wins. That said, this bug would be pretty embarrassing to me if I were working on it. But yeah, given the vast amount of time that has now past, a big rewrite is probably holding things up (I skipped a few pages on this thread so maybe a reason was given?). Anyhoo, please fix this NI.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,769 mod
    edited April 2024

    FYI, this issue is currently still under investigation. To be precise, the slow loading time of the application is under investigation (as opposed to the slow loading times of librariesà).

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,031 Guru
    edited April 2024

    Just to add to the info for investigation purposes. I'm running the latest versions of Kontakt, Komplete Kontrol as well as Native Access on an up-to-date current version of Windows 10. My load time is roughly 4 - 7 seconds for Komplete Kontrol standalone, that's with my S88MK3 keyboard turned on and booted up. The 7 seconds time is for the first time load, 4 seconds in subsequent loads.

    Load time for a library is quite different however. Whether loading from the computer interface or from the S88 takes roughly 1 minute until it's instantiated and ready to be used. There's roughly a 5 second wait time between issuing the load command and the actual loading window getting instantiated, roughly 40 seconds to complete loading and another 8 seconds or so before the library is fully loaded and functional. I conducted all of these timings with Microsoft Defender Virus Detection turned off as that tends to have a very dramatic load time effect when loading libraries in a DAW (Ableton Live 11 Standard), but apparently not so much when using Kontakt standalone.

    My computer is an ASUS desktop with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz  3.40 GHz and 16gb of memory. For timing purposes I was loading Action Woodwinds with the Basic Syncopes B preset. Both programs and libraries are stored and accessed on current generation SSD's. Timing doesn't appear to vary significantly between internal SSD's and external SSD's.

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    The libraries are loading fast, this problem started with Kontakt 7, has started after Battery 4.2 with 4.3, on Guitar Rig 6.4, Komplete Kontrol 2.9 and Maschine 2.17 -> all earlier versions like Battery 4.2, Guitar Rig 6.3, Maschine 2.16.1 and Komplete Kontrol 2.8 are opening very fast like Kontakt 6 in 3 seconds.

    I have downgraded everything and can continue smooth expereince. The only problem is that Battery 4.2 is VST2 only, so i have added 4.3 as vst3 but don't use it. Also Kontakt 7 and Guitar Rig 7 aren't used because of this loading time desaster. Since I installed everything on a fresh new system, Kontakt 7 also opened up very fast, but after more and more plugins i have installed, so more and more and more is the opening time for plugin and standalone increasing and now they are back to one minute. Would be nice if it gets fixed.

    Btw can you also fix the missing samples issue in Battery 4.

    If I open old projects, Battery 4 is asking for the sampling folder, because it was on my C:\users drive. I have moved the Library with Native Access to drive E and NA and Battery 4 know the folder and my Library is linked. But if i open old projects it can't find the samples and i have to manualy point to the folder.

    If I point to the folder and save the project in Ableton and open the project again, it still keeps on asking for the folder. The only workaround is to duplicate the track, remove battery, put in another instance of battery and load the same kit.

    It would be an easy update to let battery search in the actual library folder and Maschine kits, that are linked in battery and Native Access !!!! Even Battery 3 finds linked libraries, if you move the library folder.

  • Santosh
    Santosh Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Add me to the list am facing this Problem with my Kontakt 7 tried every possible solution but nothing seems to be working

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,031 Guru
    edited April 2024

    Just to be clear, I'm running Kontakt 7 on a Windows 10 computer. My load time for Kontakt 7 standalone is 3 seconds. I don't have a super powerful computer, just the typical modern PC with 16mb of memory. One thing that does impact load times significantly, at least on Windows but probably also on the Mac, is virus protection software. I don't disable my virus protection software, but I do modify it's parameters so that it's not enacted automatically when I'm loading Native Instruments components whether it's Kontakt, Komplete Kontrol or Native Access by excluding virus scanning on the Native Instruments directory in the Program Files on my main system drive.

    To be very clear, there are literally hundreds of different virus scanning schemes out there, and they're a necessary component on modern computers, but they do, by the very nature of what they do, affect loading performance and downloading performance both of which are large aspects of what happens in the NI eco-system. I'm sure there are differences between Kontakt and Kontakt 7 in terms of accessing and loading VST's which can account for the differences in load times and the impact virus scanning has on them. But every test I've done and the results I'm getting on my configuration through ONLY my modifications to the virus scanning software tells me this is something that is absolutely under the control of the user.

    Of course that's just ONE thing that can affect loading times, but it's a significant one. But the obvious truth here is that this problem doesn't affect EVERYONE, which means that if the results vary from computer to computer, it's not likely a flaw in the software (although it could be, but not as likely as individual configuration differences on different computers).

  • PhatMonkey
    PhatMonkey Member Posts: 37 Member

    WOW did not know u were a software engeneer to deduce that there is possibly no flaw in the software when numerous people including myself have stated that Kontakt 6 / guitar rig 6 and others loads within seconds but Kontak 7 takes up to 2 mins for some people and as for going on about Anti virus software how dumb do u truly think people are as that would be one of the first OBVIOUS checks any user would make, its 2024 not 2004 buddy... 🤣

  • LauLau
    LauLau Member Posts: 22 Member


    Kontakt v7.10 has been updated on my computer but this version has a huge cpu consumption. 4 times more than K6 with same libraries!!! And still very long to load (even with all exceptions in windows defender)!

    Do you know how to downgrade to v7.9?


    Laurent Roussel

  • _Stevie_
    _Stevie_ Member Posts: 29 Member

    This is hard to believe because of 2 things:

    1. you have the source code and can definitely check what's going on. If not NI who else can???
    2. the issue has been reported more than 1 year ago (!!!!!).

    A huge company like NI not able to find the issue in their own software? Sorry, but this is ridiculous.

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 338 Pro

    Is there any updates in regards to the slow launching of Kontakt 7 yet, meaning is NI focused on offering us a fix for this ?

    I too am on Windows 11 and have disabled Anti Virus Software. Also tried using exclusions to minimize the launch times, at this point there's nothing we can do ,but wait for an actual fix from NI if these above suggestions don't work.

    Looking forward to hear back from NI on this one. After the initial launch of the Standalone / or Vst3 all other instances load within seconds. Not sure why exactly it takes so long to load initially ,but it's definitely something only NI can fix, I just hope their efforts are really focused on this issue, being that it's over a year and so many people have the same issue.

  • KimChristopher
    KimChristopher Member Posts: 13 Member

    My friends, no changes regarding the loading time, right? I really wish Native would at least understand that this actually causes them to lose customers. Kontakt was solid for decades, now with this type of behavior it gives a horrible impression. The interface became simpler and performance worsened, this is very strange. Same thing with GR7. I hardly use it, precisely because it takes so long to charge.

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