The Sheer Joy of 3.10.2



  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    I guess the host apps need to check if there are any new NKS compatible plugins installed since the last time they’ve been used.

    But I agree that there should be a faster way to do that than scanning ALL plugins every time they are being run.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Is it just me or have they buried this thread? I can't find it unless I use a link from another post, or log in and go from my posts.

    Hats off to you @tempsperdu - Stick to your guns as you have admirably been doing against those who act like fanbois - on the one hand offering help then on the other blaming you for your troubles over and over like a stuck record.

    FWIW, if theres still any integrity in businesses like NI they should go all out to right the wrongs their paying customers have had to endure for EXTENDED PERIODS of time. Im not talking about the usual teething processes or one off glitches which one might expect normally, which you don't mind being patient for. Thats quite a different matter to extended periods of time to the order of months if not years. As a K13 UCE > 14 owner I have spent serious enough dollars not to just toss this aside and "move on". Some have spent much more than me on NI stuff and its a slap in the face to as good as tell them to just suck it up.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod

    I think it's important to separate that the issues being discussed in this thread conflate several topics.

    I've tried in my prior posts to outline the current situation and path to resolution, along with a workaround.

    The issues @tempsperdu are describing are completely different, especially with regards to the underlying symptoms. We cannot associate those issues and frustrations with this thread, as we've looked into both areas (the recent scanning regresisons, and over time, the user specific issues @tempsperdu experiences) and one is not like the other. One affects a lot of people, whereas the symptoms and potential root causes for @tempsperdu appear unique.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod

    As has been stated: the issues with the recent scanning regression are being worked on and fixes are coming.

    Please note too that I don't wish for any users to flame one another. Please refrain from that, or I'll have to close the thread, which none of us really want.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited May 2024


    The issues @tempsperdu are describing are completely different, especially with regards to the
    underlying symptoms. We cannot associate those issues and frustrations
    with this thread, as we've looked into both areas (the recent scanning
    regresisons, and over time, the user specific issues @tempsperdu experiences) and one is not like the other. One affects a lot of people, whereas the symptoms and potential root causes for @tempsperdu appear unique.

    I think you need to be a bit clearer on this Matthew, for as far as I can see the scanning issues affect far more than just me.

    Some issues do only affect users of NA2, such as the logging in issues, but the scanning issues also affect many users of all four NI apps, it's just that they don't affect all users and no - one appears to know why.

    What are the issues you think only affect me?

  • _Stevie_
    _Stevie_ Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited May 2024

    One affects a lot of people, whereas the symptoms and potential root causes for @tempsperdu appear unique.

    Nope, it's not unique. There are a lot of users having this issue on VI-Control.
    Evil Dragon knows about the issue for a while, since he's a regular poster on VI-Control.
    Also, I have reported the issue many times (together with other users) in the beta forums as well, during K7's early stage.

    Makes me wonder why the impression arises that this showstopper is regarded as unique.

    For the sake of finding a solution for this: we are here, you can contact us. We can do a Teamviewer session, if you want. I'm more than happy to help.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited May 2024


    Nope, it's not unique. There are a lot of users having this issue on VI-Control.

    I have absolutely no idea how it could possibly be seen as an issue solely occurring to me other than wishful thinking on behalf of people who seemingly don't want to acknowledge and deal with it and are looking for 'excuses' but arguably should know better…………………….

    Is it any wonder I'm frustrated………………………..

    Thanks, Stevie :)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Police investigator to serial killer:

    “Why are you killing all those people and eating them?”

    Serial killer:

    “It’s just my routine”

    Police investigator:

    “Oh…ok…if it’s your routine, we are not allowed to ask anything more”

    Routine…should this really be taken as an answer???

    In the meanwhile…I want to remember what Hayo just stated again few hours ago in another thread: although they are admitting NA2 and Daemon is causing problems, “Native Access 2 is currently experiencing a regression” (as per their own words), not giving any estimation of time (which seems more than ok for many users, so happy to wait more months (after months have already gone)…)…

    well…regardless all of this, the only thing they want to show us how firmly they are is

    “I wanna stress that NA1 is going to be deprecated by february 2025, and if you have any new products, they already do not appear in NA1.”.

    And that although they are forced to suggest to revert to previous version of NA2 in order to even be able to use it (for the lucky users for which this workaround will work), they didn’t even thought to at least make that previous version not autoupdate itself anymore.

    If the question is “are they dealing with their errors in the best possible way?”, the answer is more than clear to me…

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Can someone tell me why this thread is buried?

This discussion has been closed.
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