The Sheer Joy of 3.10.2



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert

    ”None of this is in any way necessary”

    Can’t really argue with this. Truer words have never been spoken.

    Thread is yours now. Enjoy.


  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor

    All we are trying to say is.. Native Instruments has all the information now, and are working on fixing this issue. I think all points have been made by you and others. We are all suffering these issues at one time or another. No one is disputing the issues you are having; I am having them too..

    But it takes time to trouble shoot, there will be a fix in due time. Probably not the next release, but soon after.

    It does not help this discussion to keep going over old ground. NI have all the information now; they have confirmed they are working on it. They have found issues, from the logs we all sent in. I am sure they will release it when they are ready.

  • _Stevie_
    _Stevie_ Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited May 2024

    I remain infinitely curious why your experience is total ****** and the majority of us are still experiencing nothing.

    No, I don't think that's a honest sentiment. What I think is that you take any opportunity to point out how flawlessly everything works on your end. But that doesn't nullify our experiences.
    And I may mention, that we are not complete tech idiots.
    I can't help myself, but this NI-fanboyism is a tad too obvious and too much for me.

    You know, I personally don't jump on these threads because I'm utterly bored. I actually need to get work done (with NI products) and having purchased a product, that I cannot use…. Well, this is a very unpleasant experience to say the least. Not even mentioning all the K7 libraries I purchased, in good fate that this all will work out VERY SOON. Very soon was like 16 months ago.

    As tempsperdu already mentioned (which is a funny name, because I lost a lot of time already by trouble shooting and doing research on this topic), it's not only the fact that the most important NI plugins have severe issues (yeah, start waving your "but not for the majority" flag here) but also the fact that the communication of NI is really really bad.

    I just hope that things start to improve (on all levels) from now on.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    Perhaps interestingly, no-one so far appears to have explained just why the real time scanning is being pursued and what advantages it has for anyone……………………………..

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert
    edited May 2024


    Two sides to every story.

    I am NOT trying to nullify anyone's experience nor brag about how "great" my experience is either. Nor have I suggested anyone is a "tech-idiot". If we are all here - we probably very comfortable with what we are talking about.

    For me - this is technical comparison - and that is all. We are all running the exact same versions of these tools. We all have some sort of stake in NI product. But there are variables on ALL our machines that are causing some folks to experience disaster and others are not. It's is the "why" that I take the interest in.

    Wanting to know EXACTLY what is causing this has zero to do with "fan-boy-ism" or anything else.

    If you think that is what this is (I remain at a loss WHY you think this - like I have something to gain or you have a particular hate on for someone with a working install?) but that is your own assumption which I cannot do anything about.

    Just know - I have my issues with NI stuff - just like everyone else does. But I say my bit (IF there is even a bit to say) and let NI deal with it.

    What I do not do - is beat these guys (or any vendor) over the head for 3 straight months about the same thing ad-nauseum hoping that today's poke in their eye will change anything.


  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited May 2024

    He couldn’t get answer from Support, he couldn’t get answer from anyone from NI here on this forum and as you said yourself, he has had this problem for at least 3 months now. How long is reasonably long to wait if one cannot use the software which they paid for? Before one is going to loose their patience?

    We are not talking about freebies here, this is a costly software package.

    And mine NA/Kontakt/Maschine 2 installation (Mac) is working fine (except for occasionally disappearing library image tiles - but that’s easy to fix and there is an article from NI on how to do it), but how is mentioning it helpful to OP? Isn’t it just pouring more oil to a flame that’s already burning?

    I’m sure NI will sort it out at the end, but IMHO it is taking far too longer than it should.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert

    @Maciej Repetowski

    "How long is reasonably long to wait if one cannot use the software which they paid for? Before one is going to loose their patience?"

    Not disagreeing with you at all.

    But what if it takes 3 more weeks or 3 more months to figure this out? What if it ends up being 182 users worldwide with a VERY specific configuration or plugin or hardware or who knows what?

    For those folks that are having challenges - of course it's a total PITA to have to wait it out - but until NI figures this out - making assumptions on a "quick" resolution does not help the situation.

    And I think it goes without saying - continued pounding on them is not going to make this go any faster.


  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited May 2024

    But what if it takes 3 more weeks or 3 more months to figure this out?

    I guess it depends on if one is a hobbyist and can wait 3 more months or a professional who has sessions with paying clients and every day of delay costs money.

    I am just producing my own music nowadays, but I’ve been running a record label for 11 years or so and if the software I was relying on would not be fixed in 3 months - I’d have dropped it like hot potatoes 😉

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert

    "I guess it depends on if one is a hobbyist and can wait 3 more months or a professional who has sessions with paying clients and every day of delay costs money"

    While pros (generally) do not get wrapped up in this kinda stuff - or have multiple systems at their disposal - you do make a interesting observation.

    I remember when I dumped IK Multimedia. I hit a point a few years back where their stuff was just making me miserable (for a number of reasons) - so I finally just deleted all my software and my acct and never looked back. Quite refreshing actually :)


  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    Wanting to know EXACTLY what is causing this has zero to do with "fan-boy-ism" or anything else.

    The thing is we all want to know what is causing this issue and although Hayo_NI says there are working on a fix there's no proper indication of what understanding there is of it.

    From my perspective, it is the same thing in NA2, Kontakt, KK and Maschine whereby my VST 3 folder is being repeatedly scanned, often rescanning the same plugins.

    We still haven't been told why this happens, or even if it is really meant to happen. Maschine even deny it is happening at all.!!!!

    A bit of clarity and elucidation on this could go a long way and might actually be helpful.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert
    edited May 2024


    "The thing is we all want to know what is causing this issue and although Hayo_NI says there are working on a fix there's no proper indication of what understanding there is of it"

    Totally understood.

    But where was it ever stated that Hayo_NI has to indicate any understanding of the problem to me? Or update me (like ever) on what technical moves the developers are making or what code they are changing to address this.

    Now maybe if was asked to beta test a new fix or I am asked to provide some tech specs from my machine - sure.

    "A bit of clarity and elucidation on this could go a long way and might actually be helpful.

    Of course it would - maybe we some sort of summary after a solid fix is released. Or not.

    I would be appreciative if NI decides to share some info on the overall cause - but I also won't get bent out of shape if they don't.

    Bottom line - if I was burned by this - my only expectation would be the one thing they really "need" to do - which is just fix it.


  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    Why refer anything back to yourself? What your expectation is may appear to be right for you, but I'd hazard a guess that those suffering issues with this want to actually want to understand what is occurring, why and how, so they can understand what is happening. If there actually is a beta programme for this, then it's being kept very quiet, and it certainly would probably not hurt for those affected by it to be on it.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert
    edited May 2024


    "What your expectation is may appear to be right for you, but I'd hazard a guess that those suffering issues with this want to actually want to understand what is occurring, why and how, so they can understand what is happening"

    100% agree - all valid points. And yes - my expectation is exactly right for me.

    All I am saying is - a vendor is under zero obligation to share anything - about anything.

    If they do - great - hopefully we will all learn something.

    If they don't - try not to take it personally.


  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited May 2024

    I think Matthew from NI explained it quite well, in regards of WHY it is happening (the scanning I mean). KK, Maschine and Kontakt are using the same ScanApp code base which scans for NKS compatible plugins, because they need to "know" which plugins should they present to user as hosts.

    Of course Kontakt doesn't need to scan for those as it is only using libraries and is not a host for plugins itself, unlike KK and Maschine. But because all three apps are reusing the same code - it scans them anyway.

    Matthew then implied that they should look into it in regards of Kontakt as it is unnecessary.

    At least that was my understanding. Why Kontakt does it, despite not being a VST host itself.

    Now why this process is taking ages on OP's computer, that's the question only NI can answer.

    Quoting Matthew below (for clarity and to avoid any misunderstanding):

    In terms of Kontakt scanning behaviors, I hope this helps shed some light:

    Our product scan implementation – regardless of whether it's packaged in the ScanApp for Kontrol, Maschine or integrated into the Browser always performs the same product scan.

    Since some of our products are interested in VSTs by NKS partners, all products that use the same scanning code (NA, MAS, KK, GR, Kontakt, MX) scan for VSTs as well.

    I can assure you that Kontakt, MX, GR don't do anything with that information, but the scan happens anyway.

    A good improvement would be … to not do that. And have custom behaviors per product.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    @Maciej Repetowski

    The scanning as was, whereby it just checks for updated and / or additions, seems like it was working OK. I still do not understand why it should in any way need to scan for more than that after the original initial scan. Given that the current behaviour is causing a lot of issues for some, why not realise it's too problematic and ditch it, or at least make it optional?

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