Native Access Q1 Update



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert


    "I believe someone has also done a script for uninstalling UAD plugins you only have demos of, but I can't find that at the moment, if I do, I'll post a link."

    I did some extensive "deep" study of the UAD issue and trust me - in the end it is better to simply leave the nasty defaults, duplicates and all the other ****** they spew and use more powerful tools (that UA has no control over) like Powershell to kill ALL AXX plugs at will and my new secret weapon (Hard Link Shell) to covertly convince the UA install that it's plugins are part of everyday DAW use - when in fact they are banished from all apps permanently. (Except for the ones I own for use within Studio One).

    The issues with the scripts out there - as good as some of them are - is that all the work you do (generally) has to be redone everytime there is an update. I sought a more permanent solution where I only allow the UA stuff that I own - to appear.

    Once I had this UA stuff under control - I then applied these learnings to the rest of the third party vendors who still do not understand the meaning of choice during an install.

    Now that all have been tamed (including NI where I have banished any remaining VST2 plugs) - I enjoy a super fast KK scan experience and a very specific (and massively) efficient plugin structure in Studio one as well.


  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    Now that all have been tamed (including NI where I have banished any remaining VST2 plugs) - I enjoy a super fast KK scan experience and a very specific (and massively) efficient plugin structure in Studio one as well.

    Which is great, but it shouldn't take that much work for things to work like that. All my other programmes don't cause problems, so why should NI find it seemingly totally acceptable that theirs do?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    True dat.

    The NI/KK "scan" issue has been a bone of contention for years. NI will not come clean on what this thing is doing, why it takes so long or my favorite - what is the point of scanning plugins that end up being completely useless "inside" KK anyway?

    Also of major note - is that KK v2.9.6 is EOL. So the scan will never be improved - but I have to use it so I took matters into my own hands :)

    Now - while it was a bit a of a time soak to understand this process - my investment paid off since I was able to create a whole new plugin layout on this new DAW where I control ALL plugins - and how they are presented to all apps from KK to Studio One to Wavelab and so on - so it was worth it for me.


  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    The trouble is not only does it affect Maschine but also current versions of Komplete Kontrol...............

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    Understood - but I do not use Maschine nor KKv3. One "scan" hassle is enough for me :)


  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited March 2024

    Back on topic... Native Access and back to do do land and then some.

    The great thing about using software from a company that apparently no longer has beta testers is you get to waste your time unproductively whilst contemplating anger management sessions......

    So...mmmn I'll just check Native Access and see if there's any more seemingly untested updates to install.

    Oh, yippee, another version of Komplete Kontrol... I'm so excited!!!!!

    So...... let's install it ....

    Ooh, that busy GIF is working overtime again, bless its little cotton socks.

    I wonder if that's why when I press update, it doesn't do anything?

    Oh goody goody, there's a new version of NA. hey maybe if I install that, it'll actually work, so I let it install...yowsah... as they say.....

    Oh bugger, it wants me to sign in ...WT actual F

    And now it can't accept my sign in and directs me to a page telling me what to do.

    Well, I must uninstall NA and the NTK daemon, which then requires a complete reboot to take effect!!!!!!!!

    Never mind, I'm sure I only had anything else in the universe I'd much rather do.......

    So I reboot, download and launch NA, which spends over 12 minutes loading dependencies..... except I give up then and restart it.

    Which sort of does the trick....until I try to download the update. After 2 minutes it tells me it can't download and I start writing this.

    In the background, it eventually loads KK having only wasted half an hour of my time.

    NA tells me I have 357 items installed, which kinda indicates I've spent no small amount of money in this direction. I wish I hadn't, and I wish decent developers like Soniccouture (of whom I have 49 items) would ditch you and make their own controller then I could ditch NI because seriously, your attitude towards your customers is absolutely abysmal, and I have absolutely no doubt that you couldn't care less.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited March 2024

    Frankly…I appreciate your irony…because the constant flow of new…and new…and new issues made me move past your ability to still try to put it down in a funny way…

    I’m at the stage of guessing how they can still be able to not be deeply embarrassed by all of this…

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    It looks to me more and more that what NI is doing now is damage control. Nothing works RELIABLY and EVERYTHING is delayed.

    Fortunately not a problem for me anymore, but I feel for you guys. For me, no software is worth that kind of levels of frustration.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited March 2024


    I’m at the stage of guessing how they can still be able to not be deeply embarrassed by all of this…

    Well the amount of practice they have had about not giving a do do has led to almost perfection, and you have to factor in those of us who have spent a lot already have probably reached saturation, so if we might not spend any more money what use are we?

    It is excruciatingly sad to see what once was a respected and innovative company that actually had a support facility become a grotesque parody.

    I kinda hoped that me saying they didn't care might actually provoke a response to at least pay lip service to the idea of it, but their lack of any response merely confirms it.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,032 Guru
    edited March 2024

    Maybe someone here can explain it because I can't.

    I've been a heavy user of NI products for at least 5 years. My computer is nothing really that special. An ASUS desktop with 16 GB of memory, i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz running Windows 10, Ableton Live 11 standard, S88 MK3 keyboard, S49 MK2 keyboard. Native Access 3.9.1 with 110 installed instruments and probably 40 or so other instrument libraries from non NI sources such as Spitfire, 8DIO/Soundpaint, etc. spread across 5 internal and external SSD drives with roughly 12 tb of storage.

    And everything works PERFECTLY!! No glitches anywhere!! And I use it daily on all sorts of projects using Komplete Kontrol 3.2.0 and Kontakt 7.8.1 for percussion elements, traditional elements (piano, organ, guitar, strings, horns, synths etc) as well as newer multilayered cinematic libraries which are used in live performances every week. How can that possibly be? Totally bulletproof both in recording and performances!

    I can't explain it!! I'm even old and senile turning 72 later this year. You would think I'd be in way over my head.

    Maybe I'm living in one of Marvel's alternate universes than you guys with all your whinging about the problems you're having with NI.....

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro
    edited March 2024


    "is you get to waste your time unproductively whilst contemplating anger management sessions......"

    I can't tell you how much that has rung true for me waiting 3 damned months to solve what should've been a very simple fix. Frustration on steroids is an understatement of the absolute rigmarole of dealing with NI issues. For what I assume is a worldwide company, the level of support is as you say abysmal.

    About this time LAST YEAR I opened a ticket for which KK hard crashed Logic immediately AFTER I updated it. Getting a previous installer would have had me up and running in moments. Instead I had to beg for one here on the forum which took days plus going through support which didn't fix the problem and Im still on the old KK and from what I hear now, its neutered. Why is NI intent on going backwards?

    That to say this: NA2 ....All last year I waited and waited and waited ad infinitum to hear enough good things where I could update my NA1 to the much touted NA2. Well right up into Dec the OFFICIAL go to fix for NA2 woes was to downgrade to NA1. WHO on earth wants to go through all this?

    @Maciej Repetowski - Not a problem anymore.. so how have you managed that, I'd like to know the secret unless of course you're in a position of ditching NI altogether? Buying a K UCE right out the gate, and then upgrading it, was no small purchase for me. Still, with all the uncertainty and horrendously inadequate support it's had me weighing up the options. As for levels of frustration, I can say Ive been doing computers since the mid 1980's, and Im no expert but I've worked at things at my own pace and havent had too much trouble. Rarely have I gotten impatient or annoyed and NEVER ever have I had such a frustrating experience HANDS DOWN as Ive had in the last year in general, and last 3 months in particular. Something definitely needs to change in the NI eco system.


    "Maybe someone here can explain it because I can't."......

    Try this ...


    There's your problem right there but I guaruntee you would'nt even know it if it bit you in the backside.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,324 mod

    Same for me on my windows system everything just works fine, but systems are different. So you can't generalize from your experience to others. I guess most people are happy otherwise the forum would be flooded with hundreds of threats about issues in no time but here is a help forum so people with issues come here and ask for help of course. Like i said in my case also everything works fine and happy you has a working system too but that doesn't nullify other experiences. To be honest I really don't get the point of your post.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod
    edited March 2024

    It is exactly the same for me! 2 heavy loaded, 5 and 7 year old computers (one desktop and one laptop) with Windows 10 and everything is working perfect, smooth and fast!

    However, a lot of fellow members have serious problems and we can't simply ignore that. In order to help them, I wrote many times that many of the problems are because of wrong Windows configuration but it seems that nobody listen or willing to try anything...

    The "key" to reducing those problems is to tune-up their computers correctly, starting with disabling unnecessary background tasks and services, sleep and suspending modes etc. and optimize their system for high performance. I can even suggest 3 top-class and well tested tweaking applications to do the job.

    Those are: Auslogics BoostSpeed (which is also suggested by Microsoft), Yamicsoft's Windows Manager, and Sergey Tkachenko's Winaero Tweaker. I constantly use them for over a decade without ever having the slightest problem!

    I read few times here that the use of such tweaking software can cause troubles but i can guarantee that this is a 100% wrong advice, since that, in the rare occasion of a problem you can simply restore things with a simple click of a button. What i know is after that you will enjoy a clean, stable and super fast computer! I can even provide some assistant to fellow members on some "obscured" options that the average user is unfamiliar with them. :-)

    I think the point of his post is hope. That, no matter how bad things are, they can be fixed if we point to the right direction! And, with all the respect to the fellow users with problems, blaming NI (or any developer) and just waiting for updates without doing anything else, will not fix any problem. :-)

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited March 2024

    Mine too. HEAVY NI user since 2005.

    Now - I want to state that I do understand that this "can" be a hassle (if one lets it go there) - but I just built another new DAW a month or two ago - from scratch - all new parts, all new OS install, all new software install AND brought my old NI drive over from the old DAW and everything installed first time and worked first time and is rock solid as I type this.

    Rocking my trusty S61 MKII with KK v2.9.6 - and really have zero complaints about anything. I access and use all my NI stuff (and third party NKS stuff) as needed with not so much as a dialog box getting in the way. Learned a ton in the last half year about how KK interacts with my plugins, enacted a whole new VST storage layout using symbolic links and am making some great new music as well.

    Just wanted to get that out there that a truly functional DAW starts with a good foundation. In an overwhelming amount of posts where someone is veering into trouble - there is usually some major element of disarray already in place - like the Mac user who is 3-4 OSs behind the curve or the Windows user who cannot get their audio interface working only to realize they have been using the builtin audio chip on their motherboard and wonder why everything is performing poorly.

    All I can say is - if your "foundational stuff" is working - your NI stuff will as well - always has for me.


  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited March 2024


    I’m on a Mac, which explains a lot 🤣

    I’ve been using NI software since Vokator (so about 20 years now). I’ve had Pro53, FM8, then Komplete, then Komplete Ultimate, which I have updated yearly since, Komplete Kontrol Mk2, Maschine and so on.

    All that time, until recent layoffs and NI being taken over by investment fund, I’ve had great faith in NI. I really wanted to buy Mk3, but the state it was released in was the last nail to the coffin for me. That keyboard is just a MIDI controller which presently does not work as MIDI controller and promised updates are slipping further and further in time.

    Also, “new” NI can’t code on Mac. They used to know how to do it, but now they don’t. And before anyone says that it is Apple’s fault, other German companies seem to be doing OK (Ableton, Steinberg, U-He, Bitwig, SugarBytes - to name just a few). The complexity of Live or Cubase/Nuendo is far greater than KK or Kontakt, yet somehow they manage…

    If NI wants to be PC only company, I have no problem with this at all. But releasing broken Mac software, as they constantly do - so fragile than any change in MacOS X is bringing it down to it’s knees, this is not acceptable. Lack of compatibility with latest MacOS after 9 months, this is not acceptable. And no, I do not rush to update the OS to latest version, but 9 months is ridiculous. WWDC is in July, there will be MacOS X 15 and NI is not yet compatible with 14…

    I want to make music without frustration. If I wanted to constantly tinker with my computer or its software instead, I would have bought a PC or choose IT specialist as my profession. I don’t want to babysit Native Access, give it privileges which it shouldn’t need to have and so on. I’m using installation centres for UVI, Softube, East West Arturia and Korg and they somehow work. No need for Rosetta just to run a Helper software, because NI can’t be bothered to make it native.

    I’ve run through all my archived projects and rendered any parts where I used NI stuff to audio. I’ve then deleted everything from NI and couldn’t be happier. Kontakt is difficult to replace, but a combination of UVI plus East West libraries is serving me well.

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