Arranger improvements



  • Season
    Season Member Posts: 26 Member

    I wholeheartedly support and agree that this should exist!

  • acidduck
    acidduck Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    Arranging and recording lock states.

    This workflow would offer a lot of benefits.

    - It could serve as a simple way to arrange smooth automation which transforms between different effect and instrument states.

    - Save having to duplicate different instruments just to maybe have for example a clean bass section and a fuzz bass section - doing this with automation is currently painful. Creating duplicate instrument feels convoluted, and can waste some CPU. Arranging alternate lock states would be amazing.


    I think from the hardware (sorry, I never use the software - I use M+ 100% standalone, so my perspective reflects the hardware) where we select what pattern to use in arranger, we could alternatively select a lock state. It would be great if ideas view could also allow using lock state patterns.

    I'd also like to be able to specify colours for the lock states - maybe these could display slightly dimmer once added to the arranger if possible, just to differentiate?

    I really hope NI are taking these requests seriously - Maschine is an amazing platform with so much more potential. I really hope we do see some of these feature requests in future.
  • Season
    Season Member Posts: 26 Member

    I like this. While I navigate Maschine using more of the software than hardware, a software implementation if this can help. Also, just as we can make a project template to utilize as a default start to our project, I would like to also see that concept of a feature a lot more easily accessible the same way on the group level and sound levels. I may be wanting to work a little faster one day and want a certain plugin or chain of plugins to be used and I would like to be able to set those options within my template so as soon as I click on either group or sound levels, maybe a box could appear that would ask me what I want for my default thing to “go-to,” as soon as I click on a group or sound channel. It would definitely help with my productivity if the feature is there and if someone doesn’t want to use it, they could toggle the feature on and off anytime they want. Sorry if I explained this extra complicated. I am trying to articulate this message while extremely sleepy.

  • darvintiroko
    darvintiroko Member Posts: 4 Member
    it would be nice to have alternative arrangements, like a pro tools playlist. i often my sessions end up turning into more than one song, and i have to save as and start a new session, but it would be so much easier to have the ability to just have multiple arrangements in the same session. perhaps this is already possible? i'm not an expert. :)
  • LazerPhazer
    LazerPhazer Member Posts: 2 Member
    > @tetsuneko said:
    > The way I have been arranging songs on my DAW of choice for over a decade has been to realtime record pattern and scene changes into the arrangement. Realtime recording the part changes as they play out makes it easier to arrange a song instinctively, without having to think in bars or beats or stopping the music. This has always been my number one request for Maschine, and continues to be so.
    > You can do this sort of workflow on a Roland TR-808 from 1980; it boggles my mind why this is still not possible in Maschine (without resorting to running Maschine as a MIDI controlled plugin in another DAW)
  • LazerPhazer
    LazerPhazer Member Posts: 2 Member
    So much this. This should be the main focus as many have been saying for years
  • louismarcell
    louismarcell Member Posts: 7 Member

    a choice of visual cue of the midi in arrangement view would be helpful.


  • Wouter De Muynck
    Wouter De Muynck Member Posts: 248 Pro

    Auto-hide unused track in the mixer would be nice and provide the possibility to have all active tracks in one pane of glass. Via Komplete Kontrol DAW integration you should be able to have all the tracks in order.

  • Chregg
    Chregg Member Posts: 39 Newcomer
    I know this isn't related, but what about PDC
    MLARS Member Posts: 119 Advisor
    edited February 11

    My suggestion: IMO modern groove controllers must support DAW integration today. Maschine 2 is too walled off and too centered on in the groove box solution and too limited in ergonomics if you want to complete a production within a DAW.


    I could start in the groove box a bit but I want to quickly place midi in the DAW, automate routing and put my effect chain in my mix console within my DAW before completing. That way I get the best of both worlds.

    The next Maschine plugin should therefore have smarter routing options, similar to Console 1 and iZotope Neutron/Ozone, where I place a Maschine plugin on each channel you want to use as a Maschine track and the midi and audio is routed from that automatically. An iZotope style wizards asks you how you want to route and use midi within plugin arranger or in the DAW, the wizard fixes it for you. iZotope element style plugins features suggest mixing starting point if you have completed midi patterns you want to test, automation can control effect chain within the Maschine plugin or control compatible plugins in DAW mix console (Neutron, possible third party etc).

    Most effects should be able to move from Maschine plugin to the DAW mix console (need smart way to migrate from Maschine plugin to DAW effect chains). Imagine if Maschine talked with Neutron and Ozone (or cheaper Maschine version of Neutron) placed outside Maschine plugin on the DAW effect chain. That way I have controls both within the Maschine plugin and hardware but I see the effect chain as separate plugins outside in my DAW mix console (if I want to) - the best form of ergonomics. NI could release a new standard similar to NKS but for effect chain controls in DAW based on tech already used at iZotope, support third party plugins like the ones from Softube. Also update older Maschine expansions to work with newer effect chain tech.

    (Similar tech can be used for Neutron and Ozone when Maschine plugin isnt in use, imagine AI automating a Softube pultec plugin in a DAW mix console effect chain).


    I never understood locking groove box sample libraries to a platform - make Maschine sample libraries platform agnostic - let me run my Maschine samples on my Push - it just makes sense (perhaps a Sample, Kit and Project download option in Native access). Maschine owners want this - that way I can run Maschine samples in Live and Push. I would still use my Maschine plugin with (automated routing with remote effect chain controls hopefully) with the same Maschine samples when I am in Logic. I think NI would sell more sample libraries to both platforms.

    RELEASE BATTERY 5 (still an important pairing with newer Maschine tech)

    New version needed, with a more modern, modular, scalable and flexible GUI. It should be released no later as the new Maschine plugin. Support keybed, groove and MPE controllers (current grid systems needs ergonomic improvements). Battery should be more platform agnostic otherwise I would use Komplete Kontrol or the current Maschine plugin - it could at the same time have some hardware support with Komplete Kontrol and Maschine as an option, controlling effects for instance. Similar to Maschine, Battery could use the same effect chain tech as the next Maschine with DAW effect chain control options. In a way Battery is a gateway to Maschine and Komplete Kontrol.

  • afrogrit
    afrogrit Member Posts: 58 Helper

    No need to reinvent a flat tyre, make it like BitWig

  • Sounds by Santi
    Sounds by Santi Member Posts: 1 Member

    Not sure if this suggestion belongs here, but Maschine exporting and overall DAW improvements.

    Exporting in FL studio remains true to what you hear inside the DAW. Same with logic, Ableton etc. Maschine is the only DAW where certain exports do not sound true to what you might hear inside the DAW. It takes a lot of trial and error just to obtain a proper mix because it sounds completely different when you export it.

    Also, it would be nice to see NI make the software more compatible with other 3rd party plug ins that use VST2.

    NI has the best hardware on the market, imagine if the software rivaled that of FL or other popular DAWs in which the UI makes it fun, convienient, and quick to use. Emphasize making the software just as unique and great as the hardware.

  • KJandKT
    KJandKT Member Posts: 10 Member

    Along with that would be implementing more plugins in the Maschine + Right now there are not a lot. Things like an auto-tune of sorts and more would be good. Being able to run vocal tracks and such through a synth...

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 172 Pro

    Ad waveform visuals and amplitude control on the scene and sound level and you’ll save allot of people time wasted porting to a daw.

  • KJandKT
    KJandKT Member Posts: 10 Member

    I like that idea! Manipulation of this could be both by the knobs on the Maschine along with an ipad app as I mentioned earlier so that you could get hands on. At first I was thinking about piano roll and such, but wow if you had waverform visuals, you could also manipulate that on a connected touchscreen.

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