Automation/modulation improvements



  • Rikk Show
    Rikk Show Member Posts: 102 Helper

    I think the best in class modulation/automation currently is Arturia Efx Motions. So why not use that as an idea.

    5 Envelope generators with various trigger/sync modes, and then the additional 5 LFOs. They can modulate each other and the output can be assigned to any automatable parameter. Library for shapes.

    Also a macro knobs, freely assignable, think Baby Audio Transit etc.

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 133 Advisor

    Event/List view of automation

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 133 Advisor

    The knobs are touch sensitive but the touch aspect does NOT work with DAW touch automation - for example in Logic or PT, the MkIII knobs in Host mode can write automation but don’t pass their touch state.. so you can’t really use them for proper touch automation. They should only stop writing when you let go of them.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 3,766 mod

    The touch automation is a mackie control thing, or similar protocols, on a mackie you simply flip the knobs with the faders and the faders are touch sensitive and send specific midi note signals, you can easily map it for yourself if you know a bit about mackie control and you use it for the quick controls for example, at least with cubase you can do that, it's not a native instruments fault thing.

  • Eric Rabb
    Eric Rabb Member Posts: 41 Member
  • Rilkecat
    Rilkecat Member Posts: 48 Helper
    edited December 2023

    I love to perform live with MASCHINE and though these suggestions are not for automation, they would help for live situations:

    1) 'AUDIO' MUTE on/off also for Groups. Just like with Sounds. To have the option to preserve tails, decays, cymbals, etc.

    2) It would be useful if there was an option to MUTE or UNMUTE *without* necessary switching to a MUTE screen on hardware (thus disabling the knobs).

    ((While performing live, its typical to make crescendos, parameters change like pitches or filters cutoff, etc using the knobs, and at the same time MUTING or UNMUTING sounds. They way it is now, when you press MUTE the screen changes, the knobs get disabled, and the momentum lost. ))

    Thanks for reading! :)

  • joez2103
    joez2103 Member Posts: 3 Member

    Similar to my other comment in the other improvement thread, if I could route MIDI modulations from Reaktor in Maschine+, with proper feedback/visualization of parameter values (e.g., instead of continuous numbers that I don’t know what they mean, a knob shows the the LFO shape selected). MIDI automation from LFOs, shapers, envelopes and sequencers would all be fantastic to use standalone. You could even come up with standards for updating Reaktor ensembles so they work with Maschine + (and work with Maschine mk3 without needing to look at a computer screen), and work with creators to update popular ensembles to these standards and sell them in expansion packs.

  • anzbert
    anzbert Member Posts: 40 Helper

    I just want to see the actual values as I am writing automation, not just a percentage. I really dont like estimating or calculating what value I am changing the control to. I understand that the final automation value will change, if the base value gets changed later on, so maybe just show both, or give us the option to fix the automated value to an absolute value instead of a relative one?

    It is unfortunately even less user-friendly when I am automating a CC macro for an external device in the step sequencer. When doing that, it shows no value change or percentage, just nothing. Even though the changes in value are being sent. I also want to hold a step and see the current CC Macro value as it is set on this step. These changes would make using external gear a lot more pleasant.

    I would also appreciate if the dots indicating an automation next to a value would be cleared when using the "Clear Auto" function (Shift+10). At the moment the automation is cleared but the dots are still there, kind of misleading you into thinking these parameters are still being automated.

  • Julian12081998
    Julian12081998 Member Posts: 18 Member

    I would like to have the option that when I export individual sounds, the modulations that I have added to the group channels are also applied to them. For example, if I use the perform FX tool on my drum group and have modulated beat breaks at certain points.

  • SpencerTyler
    SpencerTyler Member Posts: 40 Helper

    I have one main request that involves the Maschine +. Make an automation edit screen somewhere within the Events section so we can fix mess-ups, quantize automation points, or add our own based on different curves, waveforms and grid settings (for example: have a rise up/down, curve up/ down, inverted curve up/down with different waveforms that can be set to 1/1, 1/2, 1/4 , etc for slower or fast changes to automation parameters. Maybe even 2 encoders to be able set a low and high range of the parameter being automated (For example: You can set low range to 25% of Reverb mix and high range at 75% if that's what your track needs rather than only being able to go from 0-100%). This would be extremely helpful for making perfect automation clips in song mode in standalone as there is absolutely no way to edit the automation as it stands.

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 133 Advisor
    edited December 2023

    When I use a EUCON surface like Avid S6 with PT or Logic, the knobs work correctly in Touch automation - as long as they're touched, they keep the same automation breakpoint. With Maschine writing as a host knob in either of those DAWs.. about a second after you stop moving it, it stops being 'touched' even though you haven't stopped touching the knob and the Mk3/M+ have touch sensitivity to the knobs. I don't know enough about the interaction between the APIs but it seems like an NI issue not a DAW issue.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 3,766 mod

    It is definitely a DAW issue, I don't know one DAW where you can map the touch parameter, and you need to do it in order to make it work as you want it to work. Like I said with the mackie protocol you have that, there is a note on signal send if you touch a fader and a note off after untouching it.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 265 Pro

    Would like to modulate the mixer settings in M+ by using an external device like the Akai APC40 mk2 or other midi controller.

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