Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 282 Pro

    For anyone interested, the "Code of Conduct" was posted by @Matt_NI on the welcome page back when he first joined the team. The community would benefit from us all reading them again/or for the first time - moderators included.

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 282 Pro

    But when we are now getting into "I have an unparalleled hatred for the staff at NI now" - for me that was so far off base that I wasn't going to let it slide and like @MyStudioOne and other - I am now wondering where the mods are but really what exactly are the ground rules are - because after following this thread for the last few weeks - it now seems there are none.

    I 100% understand and agree with your point here. But I would respectfully suggest that your response could have been far more constructive and far less judgmental, especially considering the context. And telling anyone to pack up their toys and hit the road because you disagree with what they said just makes things worse, not better.

    We all have the opportunity to lead by example every time we post. And if a post isn't helping someone or is at least "constructive" in some way, what is the point?

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro
    edited December 2023


    No - my reaction - (acrid or otherwise) was squarely on the fact that this thread was supposed to be a conversation amongst what I thought were (slightly) grounded users - who might want to share some "constructive" feedback for NI to hopefully apply to KKv3 and make it feature ready for the future.

    If you'd just lost weeks worth of work that you couldn't really possibly foresee, then you're going to be angry, very angry and that isn't going to engender you to be your most polite, as most can understand.

    IMHO, your reply to remedydub was totally insensitive and ridiculously rude, only serving to inflame the situation, so how was it at all helpful to anyone?

    Trying to find out why what happened occurred and trying to prevent other users from having the same problem, would, I would have thought, have been a constructive response.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    I think at least we were getting somewhere in their other thread

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 334 Pro

    @tempsperdu totally agree.

    Ive seen many things especially this year, where people have a legitimate point when they get really frustrated. The last thing they need is someone who thinks they've got special privileges (especially if they're also very knowledgeable) to give them their marching orders or have other ways to make their problem worse by acting in a condescending manner. Im not saying there should be no rules at all where rules dont apply but context does mean somethiing. I'd be really brassed off in remedydub's situation too. There are some really great people on this board who spend a lot of time helping, and others who help where they can. Surely thats the thing we should all attain to? We all started from somewhere and it doesn't hurt to put yourself in someone elses shoes.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited December 2023

    Yes.. I don't care how upset someone is... This level of expressing frustration is too much.

    Hate? They don't even know the person(s) they "hate".

    And I suspect they made their problem far worse by their own actions.

    I've done that in the past a few times when upset.. but I blame myself afterwards for not keeping my cool.

    S**t happens and that's just life.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,889 Expert

    If people think things are Off Topic or whatever, just step out the friggin room and let the mods deal with it. No amount of CAPPED WORDS and BOLD statements is going to make anything any better, neither is targeting everything that anyone says. It is entertaining to see how detached many are from social interactions, but likely this will end up ruining a chance now to maintain central and valid feedback for the latest KK in a single place.

    There are many people here that are in many different states of frustration or dissapointment that may date back over a decade and sometimes, when someone is frustrated beyond their ability to handle it that can spill outwards, not to excuse what someone may say, they may realise in time and make amends, but mods can PM users direct, out of the public shaming eye and maybe find out more valid info.

    Just use the flag buttons and let a mod sort it out, express your displeasure, no need to be the sheriff and try and beat down every suspect you see before asking them to freeze.

    I hope mods simply educate the users they need to rather than punish us all by locking this thread to have it lost in a month. There is actually a lot of commonly shared concerns amongst the increasing noise.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,650 Expert

    So I wanted to know what all the fuzz is about and tried to load an old Cubase project with KK instances in it. What I found out is quite concerning.


    • macOS 13.6.1
    • Cubase 11 Pro
    • Komplete Kontrol VST2 2.9.4 (2.9.6 was never available for me in NA)
    • Komplete Kontrol VST3 3.0.3


    • Open old Cubase project from 2016 with KK instance
    • Cubase loads project with KK v3.0.3 VST3
    • KK3 is completely empty
    • Close project
    • Open Cubase Plugin Manager, to find what Cubase has loaded
    • Plugin Manager only shows KK 3.0.3 VST3
    • Search for Komplete Kontrol in Plugin Manager, refresh plugins
    • All of a sudden Plugin Manager only shows KK 2.9.4 VST2
    • Open old Cubase project from 2016 with KK instance
    • Cubase loads project with KK 2.9.4 VST2

    So, there seem to be two massive problems at hand:

    1. The Komplete Kontrol 3 VST3 replaces an existing Komplete Kontrol (version of KK and VST unknown) instance but is incapable to load the stored settings from earlier versions.
    2. Cubase can not properly discern between Komplete Kontrol 3 VST3 and Komplete Kontrol 2 VST2. It only sees one of them, which one seems to be random. The user has no control whatsoever whether Cubase uses KK3 or KK2 when loading a project.

    These two issues, which I found by one first trial, are indicative that there were no tests executed with focus on backwards compatibility.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,622 mod
    edited December 2023

    Komplete Kontrol VST2 2.9.4 (2.9.6 was never available for me in NA)

    @ozon the 2.9.6 version was never released on Native Access, if you need a copy it's here - Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6 - Last VST2 supported version — Community ( Not sure if it'll help though.

    EDIT - Not sure about Mac, but on Windows Cubase will use a VST3 version of a plugin over a VST2 version if the plugin ID is the same. If it's picking random versions that sounds like it might be a Cubase bug. I only ever see the VST3 version of plugins that have the same ID.

    -- Mike

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,777 mod
    edited December 2023

    Getting 2 flags as "abuse" for this comment, while the other guy makes a pure hatred speech undisturbed, for people who are working for NI, is unacceptable, malevolent and mean-spirited. Whoever did this, you are ridiculous and of the lowest quality. If this was an attempt to steal my first place in the leader board, it is really pathetic. But hey, thanks for the birthday "gift"! 😠

    Note: Some of us like pluralism, variety, and emphasis on discourse rather than "homogenized soups" where everything is the same and nothing stands out. So we use bold where ever needed and whatever other options the forum provides. If this too bothers you, we are very sorry but it is neither illegal, nor against the rules, nor our problem.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,622 mod
    edited December 2023

    @Sunborn Regardless of whether I agree with your views or not all the time, if people are using abuse flags purely to manipulate ratings I think that's very much unfair!

    -- Mike

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 334 Pro

    @Sunborn can you respond to my post please so I know where I am with you and how to act accordingly. If you want to keep it out of the forum then feel free to DM me.

    @MyStudioOne good suggestion on re/reading the rules. So I did. Ive seen so many breaches of it since the new forum started it does make one wonder how much of it is enforced.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,777 mod
    edited December 2023

    @Jojo123 hello,

    That comment was simply about few users who seems to act like a "gang" (probably unwillingly, but still...). Every time that someone writes a good review about KK3, they react against him just because they have problems with the new version. They try to "advice" us to leave this thread if we are ok, with KK3. They try to censorship what we can and what we can't write. They even tell us that "we don't care for the problems of the others". It is so obvious that i can't understand how no one else sees it! This is what i feel anyway and, if it seems sometimes that i speak a bit "aggressive" it is only because of this situation.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro


    Getting 2 flags as "abuse" for this comment, while the other guy makes a pure hatred speech undisturbed, for people who are working for NI, is unacceptable, malevolent and mean-spirited.

    Not wishing to fan flames, but do you really not understand that some people are going to find it pretty arrogant and abusive to start telling people what in your opinion they can post and how rather than trying to understand why they are upset?

This discussion has been closed.
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