Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    Much appreciated!

    I think all can be (and are) true at the same time: many users love what's already happened, some users have a mixed reaction, and some users have a negative reaction.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 665 Guru

    Matthew, as much as I don’t agree with NI’s direction and some of your decisions, I do appreciate your honesty and engagement here.

    Thank you for that, I have great respect for you.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    Well, thank you!

    Also, I will sometimes be wrong. Information can change. Decisions can change. So keep me open and honest with all of these topics!

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro


    I also would like to thank you for taking the time to respond and try to calm somewhat ruffled waters, and it's not my intention, believe it or not, to shoot the messenger. Unfortunately, there still aren't that many avenues for the more disgruntled of us to voice our concerns, and often little indication that our concerns are heeded in any way.

    KK3 is only really of use to those that are going to find it useful, and as a majorly Maschine user that isn't going to be me. I still think that it should be tabbed so that users that just want a low resource wrapper that they are used to can be appeased and not feel overwhelmed by the Kontakt style options and so the two spaces aren't crowding each other out as appears to be the case at the moment.

    Maschine has been left in a dreadful state where its readability, speed and ease of use have been severely compromised by what were probably well-intentioned but badly implemented changes to accommodate clips. The fact that it was just left like that when just allowing a legacy option on duplication would have at least gone some way to lessening the damage stings badly.

    No-one atm is willing to talk about it and the complete lack of traction, and it's nuking from the Komplete Keyboards makes me feel it's dead and that something is to take its place but no-one has worked out what.

    Understandably, that makes users nervous if not a little angry, and it's incredibly hard to have any confidence in any future developments recognising what Maschine is / was good at. If that really was the case, would they have nuked Jam????????????????

    It's surprising just what a difference even seemingly simple things can make to user experience, and that really does in some cases seem like it's taking a back seat. Easy example.... prior to Maschine 3 switching between keyboard and chord was two stages...just switching that to one quick stage made a huge positive improvement. When you're working on ideas, anything that slows you down is a pain, and anything that facilitates speed is like a gift from the Big Chap.

    The change in graphics / iconography is another case in point. Having the symbols and their colour coding made grabbing which app you wanted far quicker than what has replaced them. Even keeping the colour coding would have helped.

    It's lack of recognition of things as simple as this that make me, and seemingly some others, worried about what some of the current focuses are.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited December 2023

    Luckily on Mac it is easy to replace app icons

  • kamikaze1980
    kamikaze1980 Member Posts: 26 Member

    Why break Komplete Kontrol s61 mk1 integration with maschine? Why update the maschine plus and not tell users the update breaks integration? I can’t even use it in midi mode with my own mappings. You’ve stolen from me as far as I see it. The keyboard no longer does what it did when I bought it. So buy it back or fix it. And the new ones fyi too big to be so basic in terms of onboard controls. Please get the suites out of the decision making they have no clue what they are doing. This is coming from a fan boy whose forum membership is much older than it states. I purchased nearly every product since 2010. This is coming to an end 100%. NI is sad and it makes me sad. lol

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro

    And some don't. Not all changes add value. Some iconography and branding is so classic that it's hard to see a positive change...for instance the VW Badge, or the Mercedes. Might happen, but they would have to be exceptional to be as iconic.

    The original Dr Who theme tune still sounds as thrilling today as it ever did 60 years later, and most of the changes they make to it IMHO only seem tacked on and compromising, because they can't match the foreboding and implied menace of the original. Mind you, Delia Derbyshire is thought by many to be a genius, and you don't get too many of them to the pound. 😀

    Personally, I feel that NI's original iconography could do with updating, but to make the icons in some cases perhaps simpler and stronger, more indicative of the actual app, and where the colours were similar to make them less so to improve quick readability.

    Quite a few have commented here and elsewhere, that they don't feel the changes have improved readability, rather the opposite.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    In this case there is nothing to love about the new icons, they are boring, hard to differentiate when seen side by side, non inclusive and non representative of the products

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    NI's new logo art and icons jarred me a bit at first, but I honestly find them fun and unique now.

  • remedydub
    remedydub Member Posts: 20 Member

    Did you realise that for some of us it completely doesn't work?

  • remedydub
    remedydub Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited December 2023

    To Clarify

    Pressing update resulted in NA deleting the 2x KK version

    It broke my projects. All of them.

    I had no idea, when I did go looking to fix this, I just Installed KK.... And KK would actually disappear.

    I could manually put it in there, where it always lived, and updating it completely deleted it

    Like a complete reversal of expected behaviours.

    But not obvious, like. If you were starting a new project you wouldn't notice.

    I started a few jams lately.

    But then I went back to my near completed older stuff.

    All broken

    No idea why

    KK missing??? from my project??

    After much emotional turmoil, and learning of the malicious software, I tried removing 3x and installing the 2x version again, but it left all my KK settings missing.

    Nothing I do, can get my Ableton projects to open, with KK connections intact.

    Not to mention KK now asks me to chose between activate demo or Buy.

    Its like, REALLY broken. And honestly, now, so am I.

    It's been two weeks of trying.

    I've given up

    Other installation/uninstallation faults with NA left me with no choice but to reinstall Windows.

    I have lost two years worth of work. At least.

    Because you saw fit to reach into my projects and delete things.

    You could have just left it there.

    I really don't think NI understands how destructive this has been.

    You really have no idea.

    like nothing has ever derailed me like this.

    We shouldn't even have to be looking for fixes. We don't care abour 3.x versus 2.x We really don't, we just want tools that work.

    not malicious software.

    Because its a major update you need to make it clearer for those of us who aren't hardcore fanboys that hang around on your blogs.

    Install your fancy new 3.x version. I'll allow it.

    Right next to ol' reliable 2.x version.

    But you NEVER, EVER should have even thought about removing such important components from our projects. What were you thinking?

    This is like, the dumbest thing humanity has achieved yet you guys.

    I will never forgive NI for this

    I used to love you guys!

    Now I have completely lost respect for this product and company.

    I feel sick

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 282 Pro

    Reading your description of your experience really makes me feel awful for you and I don't have an answer as to why. On the other hand, I was honestly relating my own personal experience after swapping back and forth between the two versions more than once. As to why this was not the case for you, I am at a total loss.

  • remedydub
    remedydub Member Posts: 20 Member

    Yep, you get it, thank you.

    I have an unparalleled hatred for the staff at NI now

    this has been utterly devastating

    I hope the person who signed off on deleting peoples plugins loses their job

    and never ever works in a position again where their decisions can impact on others

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