Native Access - Q4 Update



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,247 Expert


    "Personally the ads don't bother me that much. It's not like NA is something I'm looking at continually."

    Well - now that ads are appearing in Kontakt - it is really bothering me now.

    Hoping that NI takes a more serious look at how bad this is going to turn out.


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,230 mod

    Yeah they weren't expecting that many people complaining. At least you can hide it, once you figure out that you have to save the "hidden" state in the VST version.

    -- Mike

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited November 2023

    One of the troubles is that the ads aren't just restricted to Native Access. Native Instruments used to have a good brand identity, one that was respected, but over the last few years the battering it has had has eroded that to a large extent and the seeming current manoeuvres are, to some, hurtling it towards self-parody. Is that really something that could be seen as desirable?

  • Alex Niedt
    Alex Niedt Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited November 2023

    My primary concern with Native Access 2 is how unbearably slow it is to load/refresh libraries, display updates, etc. Native Access 1 is many times faster (not an exaggeration). Everything about it is more responsive for me. Not sure what's going on with these NI updates, because Kontakt 7 is the same way for me. Takes forever to launch compared to Kontakt 6. At this point, I just want my new NI products to not perform markedly worse than my old ones. This is bizarre and getting increasingly frustrating since this hasn't been addressed for maaaaany months now.

    On a smaller note, that side banner ad in NA2 is so distracting and really makes the product feel cheap and reminiscent of the awful IK Multimedia user experience. If I wasn't so heavily invested in Kontakt instruments, I'd be looking for a way out of the NI ecosystem at this point.

  • SteveK
    SteveK Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited November 2023

    I did not even know there is a NA2 🙈

    I assumed when NA is loading it checks for new versions and would ask to install NA2? I still work on NA 1.14.1 and did not even know I still work in the stoneage 🙄

    Just updated to NA2 and it looks quite good! Finally I can filter these hundreds of items by category!!! 👍

    I was waiting for that feature for a long time... thanks! Very helpful when looking for new or specific items (especially when you are not sure about the name). Maybe a filter or sort for new items would be good too 😁

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