Native Access - Q4 Update



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Another small suggestion...

    Under Expansions... allow for a separate sub-listing of what are "Maschine" expansions from Massive X Expansions.. Huge difference in what one is looking for.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,245 Expert

    Well if Maschine has a snazzy process enabled where one can only get access to Maschine Software AFTER registering a Maschine device - the same logic should apply to any NI keyboard:

    Register a MK1 series board - NA should offer access to Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6 and nothing else

    Register a MKII series board - NA should offer access to Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6 AND Komplete Kontrol 3.01

    Register a MKIII series board - NA should offer access to Komplete Kontrol 3.01 and nothing else

    But right now - it's a free for all - worst case being a MK1 user is not paying attention (or never comes to these forums) and sees NA flashing a Komplete Kontrol 3 update at them - what do you think is going to happen?


  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 138 Advisor

    @Hayo_NI NA s focus is to install existing software. If you want to have a tab that incorporates a store ok? But don’t clutter our interface with ads.

    it takes away from the music making experience.

    already getting tons of emails from ni, izotope and plugin alliance, which can get overwhelming sometimes so ads like that is taking the piss.

    theres enough to be doing with Native Access that you shouldn’t even be thinking of wasting design time and precious space on ads.

    how about using that space to describe what each purchased product does in the first place rather?

    if people are stranded on a late flight for hours, it’s not the best time to advertise if you re an airline…

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023

    I kind of appreciated that NA unlike other install managers didn't try to sell me stuff by showing ads. I am finding this a bit too intrusive, visually overloading, cluttered... Having to deal with tons of install managers from different companies, tons of background services, etc is already annoying enough.

    Maybe disguise it a bit more in between products instead of cluttering the interface?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    edited November 2023

    Or maybe people would have liked it a lot better had it just been adjusted to look like this (picture below here). But hey ! , We can keep playing around with this all day and all week and still people would be divided.

    But thank you very much for your sharing and for giving inspiration ! 🙂

    (P.S. : I agree with respect to the "Having to deal with tons of install managers from different companies," , it is a major pain that so many plug-in sellers wants their very own installer rather than a unified one)

    P.S. 2

    This one more time made me painfully aware of how poor skills I have using graphics software. I mean I got there but really , each piece of software for me requires an education to use by itself !

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,245 Expert
    edited November 2023

    I am still not seeing ANY point to this. This is an authorization and install tool.

    These gaudy ads in NA serve zero purpose especially when the current "Cyber Season" deals are about as exciting as watching paint dry.

    I am all for a good Black Friday "Cyber" Season - but if NI is going to assault me with this stuff - when exactly are the deals that matter - going to appear?


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    edited November 2023

    Quote : "I am still not seeing ANY point to this. This is an authorization and install tool."

    It is almost funny how different that we see things ! , I mean we see almost exactly the same thing : "It is an authorization and install tool." , and YES ! that is what it is , nothing more and nothing less. Only my way of seeing it is then since that is all that the app is then why all the commotion ? I mean it is not like if it is in the Komplete Kontrol app. So why care , it is only when you "authorize and install" that it will bother you. It's almost ridiculous to make such a problem out of it. So , yes , maybe it could have been a smaller and more aesthetically pleasing graphic, but still. I honestly do not see the reason for making such a problem out of it !

    Quote : "when exactly are the deals that matter - going to appear?" , Eh ! , 'Wake up ! ' , so not trying to offend you but what you are experiencing is a 'campaign' that , though somewhat screwed up by all the N.I. S Series MK3 problems , still runs. At the moment we are in the phase to gain more customers by the hardware bundle offers (Ref.: some deals comes with a 'free' Komplete Select) , next phase is to offer customer base an opportunity to upgrade their new Komplete Select or whatever Komplete that they have ! Personally I am looking forward to finding out if the deals are going to be really nice or just MEH. Jeremy_NI coming back tomorrow after having been away for a full month is a good omen for upcoming offers , but it might still take 1-3 weeks before it kicks in !

    But you are so right , up until now it's like there are not a whole lot of traction in the NI Cyber Season 2023 Deal Tracker 😁

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,245 Expert
    edited November 2023


    "Only my way of seeing it is then since that is all that the app is then why all the commotion? "

    Well - like some others in here love to pound home regarding specific countries laws, rules and regulations - in some parts of the world - targeted ads can be VERY problematic. Displaying ads "in-app" requires opt-in and I do not recall NI asking for my permission to "allow" advertising to be displayed within Native Access - it just appeared one day. That is my problem and commotion.

    The world is changing fast in this regard especially in the EU lately (with Meta) - there is massive showdowns brewing about what users will see for targeted advertising, if Meta is even allowed to do targeted advertising or if users can tell Meta to shove their advertising AND keep using their apps for free.

    I realize that Native Access is NOT the Facebook or Insta app - but the end game is the same. Just because you have a big blank space in Native Access - does not allow NI to fill it with ads. Whether they think they can or not.

    The more we let it this ****** happen and stay quiet about it - pretty soon you might see a Cyber Season banner in your Kontakt session. Let's not all be so naive on this.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod

    Quote : "The more we let it this ***** happen and stay quiet about it".

    Again we see the same things and yet so very differently.

    Anyway , I almost never see anyone 'raising their voice' about anything anywhere with respect to anything that I think actually really matters when it comes down to that. And most all that you refers to is concerning targeting people on-line in your browser and not about an app that you have installed to allow a company to service you ! Even with respect to the 'targeting on-line' I don't see that there is being done anything where it really matters, not that I am willing to discuss any of that with anybody here anyway...

    So let us just agree to disagree 😉

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,245 Expert
    edited November 2023


    If you are okay with these ad tactics - not much that I can do to change your mind. It is what it is for some folks.

    And the whole Meta/EU thing is ALL about the mobile apps.

    Not so much with the browser as it is super easy to kill all ads on FB in a browser.

    Only us old guys use the browser anymore anyway :)


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod

    Quote : "If you are okay with these ad tactics".

    That is an over-simplification , and it's like if you had been reducing earth into a single grain of 'Earths' (Earth (historical chemistry)) just because it's called earth. (Ref. : Earth (disambiguation))

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,245 Expert
    edited November 2023


    Apologies - but the only thing that is over-simplified in this thread are some of your responses to our conversation - like - what exactly does this mean?

    "Anyway, I almost never see anyone 'raising their voice' about anything anywhere with respect to anything that I think actually really matters when it comes down to that."


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,230 mod

    Personally the ads don't bother me that much. It's not like NA is something I'm looking at continually. It takes no resources when it's not running so the ads won't affect performance. Maybe an option to say "I've seen this ad, don't show it again" might be nice, but not essential. And unlike the ads that appear all over every other web site, the current ad was useful and relevant to stuff I'm interested in. If the ads turn into sponsored ones from Google or similar then I'd have a problem with them but useful stuff is ok.

    -- Mike

    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro

    (Notice flags/star rating and tags are for when browsing presets, not Native access)

  • Loewmusic
    Loewmusic Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hopefully the Sonoma support is getting closer.I think a lot of users on Big Sur / Monterey would like to jump straight to Sonoma with the release of Logic 10.8.0

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