Native Access - Q4 Update



  • Hayo_NI
    Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod

    Hi, you should not need to log in more than once on Native Access as of the latest version... Have you updated your Native Access?

  • Hayo_NI
    Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod

    Hey Mike,

    If you have this on another drive, the flow should be for you to Locate the product, Repair if it needs reparation, and then Reinstall to solve the problem. Just want to make sure I get the problem right here, and that is that the Reinstall solution in this journey is not doing its job well? We want to revisit this feature when we've updated the way our installers work, which includes a descriptor file to help us know what files would be missing and thus enhance the reinstall flow.

    With that being said, installers are going away in most cases and switching to slim content tech that removes the need for installers. This will also allow you to update products by updating only the files affected. Ergo, we're not investing much more time on enhancing the experience with our existing installers right now, unfortunately.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,232 mod

    Maybe "reinstall" is the wrong phrase - I'm thinking the case where you already have all the content locally (on an external SSD maybe) and you want to install everything on a new/rebuilt computer.

    "Locate the product" - yep, that works for the Kontakt libraries. All of them. That you have to do individually. It doesn't work for Maschine expansions.

    What I can't understand is why I can't tell NA "This is where stuff is" and it does the locate automatically. It knows where every product is installed relative to the content folder, and (at least for the Kontakt libraries) there's a NICNT file that holds details of what the installed product version is. For other sample sets NA knows what's on the server and what's in the content folder so downloading just what's missing doesn't seem like a huge leap?

    Out of curiousity, what does "slim content tech" mean? Surely whatever tech you're using, you still need to download all the sample libraries to the user's machine? Unless only the content you use is downloaded on demand?

    -- Mike

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,247 Expert
    edited October 2023


    "Out of curiousity, what does "slim content tech" mean? Surely whatever tech you're using, you still need to download all the sample libraries to the user's machine? Unless only the content you use is downloaded on demand?"

    Slim tech means - if I purcharsed Kontakt 7 NEW - everything it needs to get set up will come down via NA - that very first time. But when when K 7.01 comes out - all NA has to do is snag the 6 files that have changed as part of 7.01 and leave the other 457 files alone (from the 7.00 install) making my update literally seconds rather than redownloading the entire 463 files all over again. Or a giant bloated installer just for 6 files all over again.

    I do disagree with Hayo on initial installs tho - we should be able to keep EVERY main installer for the very purpose of a reinstall. I do not see the point to using NA again for any initial install - especially if I already have a complete installed layout from a prior computer build.

    I am going to be rebuilding my main DAW here at year end and I am not looking forward to dealing with the hassle of redoing my NI stuff.


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 352 Pro

    I’m on 1.14.1 (r156)

    it always checks for an update and does it’s business

    still not remembering my password tho

    m2 Mac mini , Ventura 13.6

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,867 Expert

    I think that is the old version. For what ever reasons NI decided not to push out a notification that there is a "Native Access 2"

    Should look like this 👆

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 352 Pro
  • TapTapDoubleTap
    TapTapDoubleTap Member Posts: 14 Member

    Thanks to you and to @Hayo_NI -- I must have got the wrong end of the stick, because I thought they had been removed (but I didn't check) based on the comment I was replying to. Glad they're still there!

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 352 Pro
  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    Only tangentially related to NA but very applicable to installation. The decision to discontinue the various versions of Komplete on a drive seems incredibly churlish. Even on a medium fast line, that's one hell of a d/l when you get to Ultimate or Ultimate CE. I'm pretty sure that that was in no way a user requested 'feature'.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,247 Expert


    "The decision to discontinue the various versions of Komplete on a drive seems incredibly churlish."

    What does this mean exactly? No such thing as a "discontinued" version of Komplete. You should be able to install your stuff (that was part of your original Komplete package) at any time (within reason).

    Now - if you are really saying - "Why am I unable to install my Komplete 2 package here in 2023" - one must be reasonable and accept the fact that none of those app versions exist anymore and retrofitting NA to be able to handle every possible licensing scenario for the last 20 years is a tall (if not impossible) order.

    Would love to get an example of what you mean.


  • midilance
    midilance Member Posts: 24 Member

    This is just a product wish. I have KU14 and have a desire for you to add more instruments to Session Horns Pro. That would be clarinet, bass clarinet, 2 separate regular flutes, and 1 alto flute.

    Other than that I am a totally satisfied customer and appreciate your support helping me to reinstall Kontakt 7.6 in lieu of the buggy 7.6.1.

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 352 Pro
    edited October 2023
  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    What does this mean exactly? No such thing as a "discontinued" version of Komplete. You should be able to install your stuff (that was part of your original Komplete package) at any time (within reason).

    It means exactly what it says and not what you appear to read it as. Prior to Komplete 14, you were able to purchase Komplete on disc (i.e. on a hard drive), which made installation far easier.

    There are many parts of many countries that still have very basic internet connections, and downloading that amount of data is not fun, even on a relatively fast connection.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,247 Expert
    edited October 2023

    Ah - yes. My bad. Missed the "on a drive" part.

    And while I do understand the concern - especially where the Internet connections are compromised - that is really not on NI to sort out. A slow connection affects every vendor out there when it comes to selling large files.

    Fairly certain that this change was precipitated by the fact that no modern laptop or even workstation has a disc drive any longer and shipping HDDs around the world have their own unique challenges - like who is on the hook if your drive gets lost in the mail? Or fails when it gets there and so on and so forth. Not to mention the cost of purchasing/prepping/loading blank drives etc.

    Agree - it's a tough one to figure out but I suspect this service did not get used enough to justify keeping it around. It is what it is.


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