[New release] KONTAKT 7 is here



  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,651 mod
    edited September 2022

    Then it changed, it does not scale in a linear fixed way.

    This is quite offtopic but it's not technically only "the empty space", things like the spectrum analyser, meters etc become bigger but other elements remain the same size, like fonts, the upper module blocks, % circle parameters, etc... So those things sort just get more spaced out. Personally I kind of like this approach since Ozone is so modular, so it increases what matters most bit if it's a problem then OS scaling can fix it altho it will make everything for the user bigger.

  • romblood
    romblood Member Posts: 2 Member

    Will Komplete 14 replace kontakt 5 and 6 or it will keep the 3 Kontakt instances 5, 6 and 7?

    Thank you,

  • Ronny Bangsund
    Ronny Bangsund Member Posts: 71 Helper
  • fivepindin
    fivepindin Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited September 2022

    Does Kontakt 7 require an AVX processor as Massive X does? I'm on a 12-year-old Mac Pro on a bleeding edge version of 10.14.6 Mojave.

    It still hasn't shown up in my Native Access app as being available (I upgraded to full Collector's Edition).

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro
    edited September 2022

    Ok, I have updated to Native Access 2......Kontakt 7 still does not show up anywhere in there. Nor does Ozone 10.

    Any more ideas? Or is it time for me to fill out a support ticket?

    I am using a Mac with Mojave by the way....maybe those programs don't work with Mojave??


  • Tabletop RPG Music
    Tabletop RPG Music Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    How do we edit tags? Is there a way to edit tags for non-player libraries?

  • abnegative
    abnegative Member Posts: 61 Helper

    To be fair they only said the browser would be HiDPI, but I share your frustration. If they're honest they'll admit this is not deserving of a major version number update. This is Kontakt 6.8. I should really deduct a minor version point for removing the Quick-Load shortcut: Kontakt 6.6

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    All the previous version of Kontakt installed in your computer remain untouched so you can still open your older projects without recall issues.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro

    Thanks. Yeah I sent off a support ticket, and was told that Kontakt 7 and Ozone 10 will both require MacOS Catalina at the minimum.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,651 mod

    At 1st I thought some of the critical comments here were a bit exaggerated as I mostly use a 27" display but then I tried it on my 13" laptop and altho the font is now sharp and better overall it's still small, especially in the prefs where the size is quite ridiculous. At least having 2 font sizes to choose from as smartphones have would be nice.

    About it being half-baked - this is how NI has been doing things for quite a while... small steps. Just like VST3, 1st only some NI plugs, then a few others, eventually all from NI, then later all from 3rd parties. 🤷‍♂️

    Press the i (Info?) button, then tags and you can edit them... Only works for custom presets, as ussual.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    So you want an applause for this? More like an "Oh, OK. So that's it?"

    Hard to believe that many would think differently to yourself, and OK it's long overdue and none of us know just how much work had to be done to get thus far, but the constant failure to meet anything like what many would consider reasonable expectations is probably doing no-one any good

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 544 Guru

    Scaling the interface is not as easy as just designing a bigger interface, because the instruments will not scale. They're built on old technology, using grids, or specific resolutions, to a maximum of I think 1100px wide.

    As NI have said, small changes, and there are two libraries using a new GFX engine within Kontakt - you will see more of these that will likely scale, but K1-6 is based on non-vector assets - really not easy to scale without looking terrible.

    I think the Browser is a good start - it isn't perfect, but it's a step in the right direction for what is essentially the worlds most popular sampler. You cannot, and NI wouldn't cut off millions of users, and almost every library they've ever shipped 1st or 3rd party to create a new sampler interface that isn't compatible. Technical debt is a thing, and while I get frustrated with things like KK/Maschine not handling 3rd party VST3 (yet), NI has gotten much better at communicating of late, so perhaps we could cut them some slack, instead of the constant negativity?

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    NI has gotten much better at communicating of late, so perhaps we could cut them some slack, instead of the constant negativity?

    You may or may not be aware that the 'negativity' goes back many years of many let-downs, false promises, bad decisions by NI that have affected users who don't as yet really see any upturn. Not issuing Komplete on disc being another issue that will cause no small amount of consternation.

    Most of the users are not negative per se. They see and have seen huge potential in NI's product range and see that squandered through neglect and who knows...disinterest?...pass. I don't think many think it negative to want to see that potential realised.

    The audio world over the last few years has moved at quite a pace and I doubt many think that NI have kept up with it in any way, which given 'The Future Of Sound' tag line then shoots itself in the foot somewhat.

    The development teams, in theory, have a reasonable inkling of what developments may or may not be in the pipeline, but the users do not so all they can make judgements on is what is presented and past performance.

    In the case of say the two newest developments, NA2 and Kontakt 7, both come across as not fully resolved and to that extent cause perhaps more concern than would a delayed but more robust release. The disappointment shown by some should be at least understandable.

    If a statement was issued outlining where things were heading and why things have been taking so long, that might at least make users think they counted for something other than a funding source.

    I know that others have suggested more liaison between users and developers, but that appeared to not seem attractive to NI.

    I'm naive in that I think it's in everybody's interest to have a symbiotic relationship between companies and their users, but that cannot occur if any party doesn't want it.

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