[New release] Get more pro features with TRAKTOR PRO Plus



  • Distinctly Identical
    Distinctly Identical Member Posts: 18 Member

    I guess if you linked in one of the earlier versions when it still worked, it continues to work for you. But if you try to link on a new Windows PC in Traktor 3.6, it doesn't work. It either takes you to the Beatport login screen, but logging in does nothing, or just a blank page (tried all the browsers).

    It works fine on macOS.

  • d_j_m
    d_j_m Member Posts: 68 Helper

    Interesting. Are you on Windows 11?

    Mine works fine, but I had to uninstall the Windows 11 update in order to make it work - DESPITE Native Instruments claiming it's compatible and closing this conversation: https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/comment/27399#Comment_27399

  • Distinctly Identical
    Distinctly Identical Member Posts: 18 Member

    No, this is on Windows 10.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,093 Expert
    edited August 2022

    Fantastic….another subscription model…

    And I’m sure they will say “it’s only an option, you can still buy the whole thing to own it”…

    Well…give them time (not too much, maybe one year will be enough) and your “option” to buy things will be gone…

    At least half of my production is based on NI products (using ALL their software, 9 of their controllers, a couple of sound cards)…and I literally will CRY if I have to change them, because I love NI ecosystem so much…

    But…if you continue ignoring customers showing you they DON’T want a subscription, our road together is coming to an end

    I’m sure you’ll be interested only in the results: if 1000 customers paying you every month will make you earn more money than 10000 buying things once, you’ll go this road…

    But…take my 2cents: if AKAI is still selling a lot of their products, is because they have a legacy: the MPC is so famous because EVERY producer used it so EVERY new producer wanted it, not because a small amount of people accepted to pay MORE with a monthly subscription.

    And…another thing comes to my mind: I bought more than 9 of your controllers because I knew I was using Maschine, Traktor and Komplete EVERY DAY and for the next years coming…would I eventually have bought them if my idea was to own Maschine software only for a couple of months? Probably not.

    But I seriously start to think if you are interested at all in the controllers’ side of your business…

  • Franz Navas
    Franz Navas Member Posts: 3 Member

    I've subscribed and used it 2 nights in a row with a M1 MacBook Pro and an s5. Very sloppy and the overall performance is very bad. Took about 2 seconds for the browser to show on the s5 screens and it erased some remix set in the migration to the new collection. The ozone maximizer is good tho. The pattern player is fairly pointless and very poor compared to the Step sequencer on the s8 and the d2 (such a shame that it is not included in the s5). I still believe in Traktor but its very unfortunate that is a so slow development process.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    Hey @Ntaste,

    Please note that our community is in English only, as mentioned in our code of conduct sticked on top of the page where you create a new discussion.

    Feel free to create a new thread so we can help you with your issue.

    Thank you!

  • tkurgpold
    tkurgpold Member Posts: 5 Member

    I think if you guys are looking for ways to get more money out of us, you should atleast be transparent about it. I’d rather this wasn’t presented as a new exciting way for us to get more features, just be upfront and say you need the money, yknow? The subscription-based services and the constant releasing of play series instruments just leaves me feeling like the musicians don’t matter as much as they used to. Which, I mean, fair enough, the trap kid who just wants to throw money at someone to get easy to use sounds without having to try to learn anything new is a way more lucrative market, I just wish he didn’t get so much attention from the industry.

    Youll tell us that the people who own traktor won’t be left out, but I feel like there’s a good chance that in a year or two, all the good features are going to be for the subscription. Because this isn’t about helping users, this is about making the product line flashier for the people who don’t know better. I don’t get why everything at NI is so different now. I’m just, like… disappointed.

  • ruslan rodriguez
    ruslan rodriguez Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hello ,i got problem with beatport and beatsource streaming, after i paid annual traktor plus subscription, 3.6 . MacBook Pro, Monterey. It's says invalid link. Please any tips how yo fix it

  • electroRogue
    electroRogue Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited August 2022

    Absouloutly disgusted with this, one of the main reasons I invested in an s3 and traktor was the LACK of monthly outgoings. Trust ... gone forever with this company

  • Fatbat
    Fatbat Member Posts: 4 Member

    It sure would be nice if you prioritized the most requested features first - retina support and flexible beat grids - instead of stuff 90% of your customers are never going to use. I see they're on the roadmap tagged "in research", which sounds like delaying tactics to me. Fortunately, these are listed as base features of the product, so no subscription should be needed, but WHEN will we actually see these come to fruition?

  • Pippo91
    Pippo91 Member Posts: 12 Member

    I'm using Traktor since version 1.2.0, and now I am with the latest version of Traktor 2 on a Late 2011 MacBook Pro with a 2nd gen i7, 8gb and ssd. As I help people to config their Mac or PC with Traktor I have lost count of the people who come to me because their new Mac crashes without explanation, after they may have spent nearly $ 1000 on an NI controller and as much money on a Mac.

    With a base of 200 people I can tell you that today windows perform better than M1 Mac.

    Never happen in the history.

    And also today 2015-2020 Intel based Mac are better for music and NI products than new more powerful M1 Mac. Mojave work like a charm with Traktor and music in general.

    I feel the need to change my Mac but I'm waiting because my 11 years old Mac is more stable than the new ones.

    Where I want to go?

    Leaving out the subject of the subscription plan which I find totally useless, I think that even before implementing new functions, however useless or simply, as they say in my part, "heated soups", it would be useful to provide users with stable software from A to Z.

    I am an unknown DJ but I am lucky enough to make many people dance and even before I have a step sequencer what I need is a software that is stable and effective.

    So instead of this fantastic roadmap I wanted to read something like "hello users, finally the compatibility problems and the general stability of the software have been solved! enjoy your stable and trouble free software"

    here, this would have been the point from which to start again and not add features keeping the problems known for years. to close.

    I am one of those who think that Traktor is worth much more than what it costs. 99 € is too low compared to the rest of the market and no software does what Traktor do. virtual dj costs 350 €, Serato costs more than 200 € complete with all its packages. get Traktor Pro paid for its real value. € 299 lifetime would be a well-deserved price as long as the problems are solved. Understand well that those who pay that amount of money do not want problems. who buys non-top-of-the-range native controllers vouchers for the purchase of the pro version or maybe you can give it for free to sell more NI hardware. If I want to use Traktor, and it cost 299€, is better buy an S4 than a Pioneer controller and after buy Traktor apart.

    These gentlemen, is the native instruments that I met and that I would like to see again. Leader, because that is the position it deserves.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro
    edited August 2022

    why not make it even more fair? Say that the basic traktor pro 3 would include deck a and b, an internal mixer, filter, and effect rig A with maybe 4-5 effects of your choice included and possibility to use time coded vinyls/cds, same sound performance and settings and such, but you get full license and stability updates, all this for 35€.

    Then if you want more you could pay maybe 5€\feature. Deck C = 5€, deck D = 5€, remix deck = 5€, and every extra effect, 5€ and so on. No subscription, but a small fee for a permanent feature.

    pay for what you know you’ll need and use. 100% customizable experiences. There are so many unnecessary effects and functions I never use, could I pay less and get rid of those?

  • DJfrankietee
    DJfrankietee Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    No access to Beatport for me after 1 year sub

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert
    edited August 2022

    As per this reply: if you haven't received a code in a separate email, get in touch with NI's support team directly so they can give you the code: https://bit.ly/n1trakt

This discussion has been closed.
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