Supreme Edition MOD



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    It can't do anything on touch, the browse knob is not touch sensitive.

    Did you change "%surface%.browse.mode" into "%surface%.browse.view" to have the VIEW button toggle browser mode?

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    Yeah thanks that solved that issue. I also noticed that deck selector doesn’t work either. I didn’t notice that before as I couldn’t get past the browser opening or closing. Thanks for your help btw.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    As far as i can see, S3 & S4 are both WiP, too much so for club work, so far.

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    Would you know how to add deck selector within the qml?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    Open this file: "...\Native Instruments\Traktor Pro 3\Resources64\qml\CSI\S3\S3Side.qml"

    line 113 looks like this:

       function deck(id) {
           switch (id) {
               case 1: return deckA
               case 2: return deckB
               case 3: return deckC
               case 4: return deckD

    copy and paste this code right beneath it:

       Wire { from: "%surface%.top_deck"; to: SetPropertyAdapter { path: propertiesPath + ".top_deck_focus"; value: true; color: topDeckId == 1 ? deckA.deckLEDColor : deckB.deckLEDColor } }
       Wire { from: "%surface%.bottom_deck"; to: SetPropertyAdapter { path: propertiesPath + ".top_deck_focus"; value: false; color: bottomDeckId == 3 ? deckC.deckLEDColor : deckD.deckLEDColor } }

    The end result will then look like this:

       function deck(id) {
           switch (id) {
               case 1: return deckA
               case 2: return deckB
               case 3: return deckC
               case 4: return deckD
       Wire { from: "%surface%.top_deck"; to: SetPropertyAdapter { path: propertiesPath + ".top_deck_focus"; value: true; color: topDeckId == 1 ? deckA.deckLEDColor : deckB.deckLEDColor } }
       Wire { from: "%surface%.bottom_deck"; to: SetPropertyAdapter { path: propertiesPath + ".top_deck_focus"; value: false; color: bottomDeckId == 3 ? deckC.deckLEDColor : deckD.deckLEDColor } }

    It worked with the S4MK3. I hope this will work with the S3 as well.

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    Yes mate, that worked lovely. Selector A and B blue is not as bright as b and d orange, but I can live with that. Lastly I think for now :) when I change settings to allow for shift cues (advanced loop) that works lovely but shift samples (I prefer pad effects) does nothing. I can copy a sample into a remix deck which is ace, but I really would like to be able to apply pad effects if I can. let me know if you have s4 settings set up for that and hopefully it will be the same.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    What happens with STEM or SHIFT+STEM?

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    shift cues lets me access pad fx but shift samples (s3) or shift stems (s4) does nothing. When I change in settings it still doesn't do anything. I can live with shift cues for pad fax as I don't really use advanced loop etc anyway.

    One more thing that is bugging me is how to change which deck to select for copying samples in the pads as at the moment the deck that is selected is only deck B. I would like to be able to change it so I can copy from deck A for example. Can you have it where on deck A this copies into deck C and deck B copies samples into deck D?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod
    edited July 2022

    The S3 BrowseEncoder is not yet fully developed, but the one from the S2 looks good. You could try to use it. I can't test it but this is how i would do it.

    Open the file "...\Native Instruments\Traktor Pro 3\Resources64\qml\CSI\S3\S3Deck.qml" (always use a good editor like notepad++ for this)

    In my SupremeMod version it looks like this in line 167:

       BrowserModule {
           name: "browse"
           surface: deck.surface
           deckId: deck.deckId
       S3BrowseEncoder {
           name: "browse"
           deckId: deck.deckId
           surface: deck.surface

    S3BrowseEncoder is inside /* */ and so inactive (as a comment)

    Turn it into this:

       BrowserModule {
           name: "browse"
           surface: deck.surface
           deckId: deck.deckId
       S2MK3BrowseEncoder {
           name: "browse"
           deckId: deck.deckId
           surface: deck.surface

    When this is done, holding SAMPLE and turning the BrowseKnob should now change the Capture_Source. Check, if any of the Browse section's buttons now do what they are supposed to do.

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    Browse play, I can add to preview player and browser scroll scrub through. Star and browser scroll go through favourites. Prep folder doesn’t seem to do anything from what I can see.

    when I copy and paste those settings Traktor for deck select for samples, Traktor doesn’t open. So conflict there.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    Too bad, i suppose we should be patient for Aleix to give it a once over then.

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    I agree. Thanks though for helping. I’ve got the mod pretty how I want it now.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    SupremeModEdit uploaded:

    Discussion Link

  • dpetkov
    dpetkov Member Posts: 9 Member

    @Aleix Jiménez would you add volume adjustable settings for each step to the step sequencer like midifighter twister do. My own S8 and D2's will really like it :p Thank you in advance!!!

  • dpetkov
    dpetkov Member Posts: 9 Member

    Also features what traktor F1 can do will be awesome to be supported. Like sample reverse, adjusting the starting and the length of the sample, changing the bpm of the sample * or / by 2,4... etc.

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