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  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor

    If I understand it correctly, the screens are not working due to the laptop you are using? 👀

    Anyway, “glad” to know it’s not a thing related to the mod, I was about to tell you that no other S4 MK3 users had reported issues with the screens…

    About the right FX Unit assigned to the FX Unit 1, this is something I believe I solved with the BETA 32 release… However, if you had previously plugged the S4 MK3, the incorrect setting had already been stored to Traktor’s settings, and the only way to overwrite it is by entering the FX Settings view through the controller.

    However, if you want to test if this has been solved for sure, you can:

    1. Close Traktor (if running)
    2. Navigate to the following folder: Documents>Native Instruments>Traktor Pro 3.X
    3. Make a backup of the Traktor Settings.tsi file
    4. Delete it from that folder
    5. Launch Traktor and plug your S4 MK3. Check that the FXs Units are properly assigned by default, now (and report the results here 😜)
    6. Close traktor
    7. Restore the backed Traktor Settings.tsi file to your Documents>Native Instruments>Traktor Pro 3.X folder

    And finally, about PadFXs getting mixed up when switching decks… I’m aware, it’s my top priority right now, since it’s particularly critical on the D2s. I wasn’t aware that it affected controllers too… 👀

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    I'll give it a try.

    Regarding PadFX

    • D2's have no trouble with it, even when switching decks.
    • As with all the instant FX on a single button, there is a solution to make them work instantly instead of when pressing a second time. Add the command 'store preset/save' to the button. You can try this manually by activating each PadFX and right after that (when it is active) save the FX settings (right mouse-click on FXUnit ->save snapshot). If you do you will see afterward the FX will fire on a single press. And better use different FX for different settings or it gets mixed up. For example i use Delay for Echo with Freeze and DelayT3 for Echo without Freeze.
  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,213 mod

    Hi Aleix,

    I wanted to hear your thoughts on D2 qml editing. This controller can access the Slot Pitch function for any Deck in Traktor.

    And since this command is not available in the Controller Manager I was wondering if there is a way to link and input/output specific channel and CC message from qml files?

    Ideally I would have the Default mapping for D2 installed.

    One midi mapping device would input from any midi controller and sending to D2.

    Second midi mapping device would input from D2 and sending to any midi controller.

    I have so much people asking for this feature and trying to find any possible way to do it. Thanks for any info on this.

  • Phil N
    Phil N Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi Aleix,

    I know this last version fixes some issues with Pad Effects. Since upgrading to the new version, PadFXs now work on single push (great!). However, the PadFXs now default to FX1 and FX2, not FX3 and FX4. I think this should have been fixed? I'm using an S5 and version 3.5+. I'm fairly new to Traktor, so apologies in advance if I'm missing something basic.

    Thanks, Phil

  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor

    Hi Stevan, this weekend I’ll send you a private message so that we can talk about this privately and see what can we do (if anything)

  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor
    edited June 2022

    No worries, ask any doubt you have about Traktor or the S5 and we will try to help you :)

    About PadFXs, this should have been fixed with the latest public release (3.0 BETA 33), has it not? Is it still routing to FX Units 1&2 instead of 3&4?

  • Phil N
    Phil N Member Posts: 7 Member

    Ok, that's what I thought too. I re-installed and everything is working. I didn't replace the Preferences.qml before, maybe that was the issue, or maybe something else, I'm not sure. But it's working. Thanks for all your work on this mod!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    After i discovered that to enter EditMode one has to press Shift+ScreenButton.2, i thought it might be best to keep the overlay calls close to the screen and placed the MixerFx trigger to Shift+ScreenButton.3 (giving KEY the !shift condition). It's very comfortable.

    Sofar everything else checks out perfectly after testing the S5 with the Mod the last 2 weeks, including PadFX.

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    Yep it’s a super cool mod. Completely changed the controller. I have Traktor default with cdj 3000 pane view. I only have 2 effects banks now as 3 and 4 are dedicated to pad fx. I have cue and play to blink and also advanced loop mode. Love the way is user customisable. Class ✌️

  • mg_1978
    mg_1978 Member Posts: 32 Helper

    hi! can you write here the script for have shift+button3 (display) the mixerfx popup and button3 (display) without shift the key section popup?

    thanks a lot

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod
    edited June 2022

    Make a copy of this file: "qml\CSI\Common\LegacyControllers\ScreenButtons.qml", and then replace it with this one:

    The file adds the Shift+Button3 (MixerFX).

    For Kontrol D2 only it also switches Button functions 2-3 (Left) + 6-7 (Right) to 6-7 (Right) + 2-3 (Left). If you don't use a Kontrol D2 this will not change anything for you. I found it more comfortable to have BPM/KEY controls right next to the Browse Knob.

    This file will not change any of the Side Overlay texts, only the button functions.

    It's a work in progress; if you find any mistakes, don't hold back.

    Edit: I just realized there are a few more mods inside the file than you may need or want. So, here is the code that needs to be changed in the original file (ScreenButtons.qml):

    Original Code:

    Wire { from: "%surface%.display.buttons.3"; to: TogglePropertyAdapter { path: screenOverlay.path; value: Overlay.key } enabled: hasTrackProperties }


    // Wire { from: "%surface%.display.buttons.3"; to: TogglePropertyAdapter { path: screenOverlay.path; value: Overlay.key } enabled: hasTrackProperties }
    Wire { from: "%surface%.display.buttons.3"; to: TogglePropertyAdapter { path: screenOverlay.path; value: Overlay.key } enabled: hasDeckProperties && (!shift || hasEditButton) }
    Wire { from: "%surface%.display.buttons.3"; to: TogglePropertyAdapter { path: screenOverlay.path; value: Overlay.mixerfx } enabled: hasDeckProperties && (shift || hasEditButton) }
  • Phil N
    Phil N Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi Aleix,

    I’m not sure where to find the most current info for this - have you done anything with loop recording so far, or is it still in future plans? I’m using an S5. If you’ve implemented it, is there a run-down of it somewhere? I’ve looked around, and am not sure if I’m just not finding it.

    Thanks, Phil

  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor

    Hey, I had plans for it, but for now, it’s not possible to do anything about the Loop Recorder since its App Properties aren’t accessible through QML…

  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor

    I still need to revise the Mixer FX implementation for the S5, but meanwhile this is a nice workaround 👍🏻

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    Hey man, what’s next in the pipeline for the beta?

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